Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2 (7 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Ieri eseguito su CH0470805158 , mi sono unito al folto gruppo ;)
Oggi eseguito su CH0470806685 , segnalato da Leon , preso quasi alla pari, bel colpo di .... :)


Forumer storico
PARIS (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler said on Wednesday it was withdrawing its $35 billion (£28 billion) merger offer for Renault, calling off what would have been a landmark deal to create the world's third-biggest automaker.
A source close to the French carmaker's board said FCA took the decision after France sought to delay a decision on the deal.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' U.S. sales chief Reid Bigland sued the Italian-American automaker claiming the company opted to withhold 90% of his 2018 compensation because he has cooperated with a probe by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, court documents filed on Wednesday show.
The SEC has been investigating the company's sales reporting practices before the company changed them in July 2016, the automaker has said.
The suit said Bigland's candor with U.S. investigators and "unwillingness to act as a scapegoat for defendants' 30-year practice which predated him" resulted in the company retaliating "less than two months later by withholding his compensation."
Fiat Chrysler said in a statement Bigland's incentive pay was subject to a board committee determination and his "eligibility for his award remains subject to that determination and completion of a board-level evaluation of issues that are the subject to governmental investigations."
Ultima modifica:


It's time to play the game
PARIS (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler said on Wednesday it was withdrawing its $35 billion (£28 billion) merger offer for Renault, calling off what would have been a landmark deal to create the world's third-biggest automaker.
A source close to the French carmaker's board said FCA took the decision after France sought to delay a decision on the deal.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' U.S. sales chief Reid Bigland sued the Italian-American automaker claiming the company opted to withhold 90% of his 2018 compensation because he has cooperated with a probe by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, court documents filed on Wednesday show.
The SEC has been investigating the company's sales reporting practices before the company changed them in July 2016, the automaker has said.
The suit said Bigland's candor with U.S. investigators and "unwillingness to act as a scapegoat for defendants' 30-year practice which predated him" resulted in the company retaliating "less than two months later by withholding his compensation."
Fiat Chrysler said in a statement Bigland's incentive pay was subject to a board committee determination and his "eligibility for his award remains subject to that determination and completion of a board-level evaluation of issues that are the subject to governmental investigations."

Brutta giornata per i certificati long...


Forumer storico
Brutta giornata per i certificati long...
Certo pensavo: viene annunciata questa operazione gigantesca, un "tizio" vende una buona parte delle proprie azioni per "spese personali" subito dopo l annuncio; dopo pochi giorni "salta l affare". Non mi stupirei se venisse fuori che lo stesso "tizio" si sia messo short sul titolo!


It's time to play the game
In Germania gli ordini di fabbrica hanno segnato ad aprile un rialzo dello 0,3% rispetto al mese prima, quando erano saliti dello 0,8% (rivisto al rialzo dal precedente +0,6%). Gli analisti si aspettavano un aumento dello 0,1%.
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