Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (5 lettori)

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Listino e panino
scusa no..
le azioni sono 100, ne hanno vendute 130 c'è qualcosa che non va.
Ti faccio una domanda assurda.
Tu mi vendi 10 azioni di Pluto, che non hai.. Maurizio mi vende 10 azioni di Pluto che non ha.
Io mi presento all'assemblea e voto con 20 azioni che non esistono, perchè fanno parte del 30% in eccesso (e non credo che il proprietario dell'azienda sia short, per cui sale la %)
E' normale?
Se vai in assemblea e voti con 20 azioni short, il tuo voto dovrebbe essere con il segno - davanti :d:


Forumer storico
  • Hours after saying there was "no liquidity problem," Robinhood (RBNHD) drew on credit lines of $500M-$600M to meet lending requirements and separately raised $1B in emergency funding to avoid having to place further limits on trades, NYT reports. It's a significant amount of money for a firm that was valued at about $12B just a few months ago. "We pulled those credit lines so that we could maximize within reason the funds we have to deposit at the clearing houses," CEO Vlad Tenev declared, saying it will allow limited buys of previously halted plays like GameStop (NYSE:GME) and AMC (NYSE:AMC) on Friday, but will "continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed."
  • "As a brokerage firm, we have many financial requirements, including SEC net capital obligations and clearinghouse deposits," Robinhood continued in a blog post. "Some of these requirements fluctuate based on volatility in the markets and can be substantial in the current environment. These requirements exist to protect investors and the markets and we take our responsibilities to comply with them seriously, including through the measures we have taken today."
  • Other brokerages appear to be giving similar reasons for the Thursday halt, attributing growing financial pressure as opposed to the shadowy motivations claimed by the retail bros. "This has to do with settlement mechanics of the market," Webull CEO Anthony Denier told Yahoo Finance. "It wasn't our choice. Our clearing firm gave us a call and said we're going to have to stop allowing you from opening positions due to high volatility. It takes two whole days for brokerages to fund trades with central clearing houses, and because of the volatility of these stocks, the clearing houses have made the cost of collateral for the holding period extremely expensive. We also cannot use customer funds to front that cost due to regulation." (SA)
Robinhood è uno tra i broker usati dagli utenti di Reddit.


  • Hours after saying there was "no liquidity problem," Robinhood (RBNHD) drew on credit lines of $500M-$600M to meet lending requirements and separately raised $1B in emergency funding to avoid having to place further limits on trades, NYT reports. It's a significant amount of money for a firm that was valued at about $12B just a few months ago. "We pulled those credit lines so that we could maximize within reason the funds we have to deposit at the clearing houses," CEO Vlad Tenev declared, saying it will allow limited buys of previously halted plays like GameStop (NYSE:GME) and AMC (NYSE:AMC) on Friday, but will "continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed."
  • "As a brokerage firm, we have many financial requirements, including SEC net capital obligations and clearinghouse deposits," Robinhood continued in a blog post. "Some of these requirements fluctuate based on volatility in the markets and can be substantial in the current environment. These requirements exist to protect investors and the markets and we take our responsibilities to comply with them seriously, including through the measures we have taken today."
  • Other brokerages appear to be giving similar reasons for the Thursday halt, attributing growing financial pressure as opposed to the shadowy motivations claimed by the retail bros. "This has to do with settlement mechanics of the market," Webull CEO Anthony Denier told Yahoo Finance. "It wasn't our choice. Our clearing firm gave us a call and said we're going to have to stop allowing you from opening positions due to high volatility. It takes two whole days for brokerages to fund trades with central clearing houses, and because of the volatility of these stocks, the clearing houses have made the cost of collateral for the holding period extremely expensive. We also cannot use customer funds to front that cost due to regulation." (SA)
Robinhood è uno tra i broker usati dagli utenti di Reddit.



Ecco cosa ha ottenuto Robihood, che ora i brokers guadagnano pure di più, ma come dicevo ieri sera la volatilità è un investimento ad alto rischio sia per il creditore che per il debitore.


Se poi vogliamo discutere sull'inopportunità di poter arrivare al 130% di short su un titolo sono d'accordo, la SEC avrebbe dovuto intervenire prima.

Qual'è il limite di uno schema di Ponzi? Più allunghi la catena più la faccenda diventa rischiosa, ma è sempre un discorso di solvibilità, se c'è solvibilità la catena può anche estendersi a discrezione.
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