Obbligazioni societarie CIT Group, SLM, GMAC e le finanziarie USA che (forse) si salveranno diventando banche

Sono andati avanti in questi giorni e CIT ha annunciato di aver ingaggiato una law firm specializzata in default... Pare che FDIC sia contraria a garantire l'accesso alla liquidità di emergenza (TLGP).

Di mio non mi sembrerebbe strano... trovo strano invece che al TLGP abbiano ammesso GMAC, che senz'altro ha da portare in garanzia asset di qualità più scadente di CIT.

CIT Hires Bankruptcy Specialist Skadden as Bond Access Wanes

By Pierre Paulden and Caroline Salas

July 11 (Bloomberg) -- CIT Group Inc., the century-old lender to 950,000 businesses that has been unable to persuade the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to guarantee its debt sales, hired bankruptcy specialist Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP as an adviser amid a plunge in its stock and bonds

The FDIC is concerned that standing behind CIT debt would put taxpayer money at risk because the company’s credit quality is worsening, said people familiar with the regulator’s thinking who declined to be identified because the talks are private. The FDIC has backed $274 billion in bond sales under its Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program since Nov. 25

“Skadden is one of the principal law firms representing CIT,” Curt Ritter, a spokesman for New York-based CIT, said in an e-mail. “They represent the firm on a wide variety of corporate matters. CIT will not comment on any specific aspect of their engagement.

The Wall Street Journal, citing people it didn’t identify, said the hiring comes as CIT prepares for a possible bankruptcy filing. New York-based Skadden is known for its work in mergers and acquisitions and bankruptcies. The firm represented BHP Biliton Ltd., the world’s largest mining company, in its $150 billion proposed acquisition of Rio Tinto, and advised Circuit City Stores Inc. in its bankruptcy

Raising Capital

The federal agency, run by Chairman Sheila Bair, is in discussions with CIT about how the lender can strengthen its financial position to get approval, including raising capital, said one of the people. CIT’s measures to improve its credit quality, such as by transferring assets to its bank, have been insufficient, the person said.

CIT’s $500 million of floating-rate notes due in November 2010 fell 3.5 cents on the dollar yesterday to 70 cents, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

Credit-default swaps on CIT rose 2.5 percentage points to 37 percent upfront, and earlier reached 38 percent, according to broker Phoenix Partners Group. That’s in addition to 5 percent a year, meaning it would cost $3.7 million initially and $500,000 annually to protect $10 million of CIT debt for five years. The upfront cost reached the highest since Oct. 17, when it climbed to a record 41.5 percent, according to CMA DataVision prices

Maturing Debt

The stock fell 33 cents, or 17.7 percent, to $1.53 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday, after earlier falling to $1.13, the lowest in seven years. CIT’s stock plunged 59 percent this year through yesterday, underperforming the Russell 1000 Financial Services Index by 50 percentage points

CIT became a bank in December to qualify for a government bailout and received $2.33 billion in funds from the U.S. Treasury. The lender, which has reported more than $3 billion of losses in the past eight quarters, faces $10 billion of maturing debt through 2010 and hasn’t had access to the corporate bond market in more than a year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg

Without the TLGP, CIT may default as soon as April, when a $2.1 billion credit line matures, according to Fitch Ratings.

“CIT continues to be in active dialogue with the government,” the company said yesterday in a statement distributed by Business Wire. “There can be no assurance that CIT’s application will be approved by the FDIC, nor as to the timing or terms of any such determination.”

Credit Crisis

Ritter, the CIT spokesman, has declined to comment on the FDIC’s reasons for the delay. Andrew Gray, spokesman for the FDIC in Washington, declined to comment on CIT’s pending application.

The TLGP program opened a channel of funding for financial institutions unable to borrow in U.S. markets after the September collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. By paying the FDIC a fee to back their bonds, banks are able to sell debt with top credit ratings. The TLGP expires Oct. 31. Issuers must have applied by June 30

The FDIC has given competitors from Fairfield, Connecticut- based General Electric Co. to GMAC Inc. of Detroit access to the TLGP during the worst credit crisis since the Great Depression. GE is rated Aa2 by Moody’s Investors Service and AA+ by Standard & Poor’s, the third- and second-highest credit grades

Rating Lowered

A failure of CIT would be the biggest bank collapse since regulators seized Washington Mutual Inc. in September. CIT reported $75.7 billion in assets and $68.2 billion in liabilities, including $3 billion in deposits, at the end of the first quarter.

Fitch slashed CIT to speculative grade, or junk, in April, then lowered the lender’s rating again on June 1 to BB and cut it to B+ this week. Moody’s cut CIT three levels to Ba2 from Baa2 on April 24. S&P downgraded CIT three grades to BB- on June 12.

The lender, which says it was the first to offer credit to help consumers nationwide buy Studebaker cars, funds businesses from Dunkin’ Brands Inc. in Canton, Massachusetts, to Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc., the bankrupt clothing chain in Bellevue, Washington. CIT says it’s the third-largest U.S. railcar-leasing firm and the world’s third-biggest aircraft financier.
Ed ecco oggi l'articolo del WSJ che si pone una questione fondamentale, ossia: cosa farà Obama alla prova con queste finanziarie che forse non sono "too big to fail" (anche perché, dopo il collasso di Lehman, cosa sia "too big" lascia adito a molte considerazioni... :cool:) ma che tuttavia incidono non poco sul tessuto dell'economia USA ?

C'è tuttavia un'altra questione che si pone, IMHO, ed ha rilievo sistemico: all'epoca del collasso di Lehman, lo status di holding bancaria fu accordato a brokers, finanziarie ed altri soggetti "a rischio" sull'assunto che ciò ne stabilizzasse la situazione.

Dovesse defaultare CIT, si troverebbe in una situazione analoga a quella di Lehman, ma partendo dallo status di holding bancaria.

Vi sarebbe una holding bancaria defaultata ed una banca da essa controllata ed alla quale ha ceduto asset (con l'assenso della FED) in cambio di liquidità (a propria volta ottenuta tramite i repo alla FED NY i TARP e quant'altro), banca che verrebbe sottratta al default e continuerebbe ad operare...

Tuttavia, sarebbe chiaro che per Obama lo status di holding bancaria non implica di per sé onere di intervento pubblico ad evitarne il default, e si ripropone il problema: qual'è il criterio sulla scorta del quale si decide se intervenire a sostegno di una istituzione finanziaria in difficoltà o meno ? Questione non di poco conto, se si considera che sono holding bancarie anche Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, GMAC, SLM ecc. ecc.

  • JULY 13, 2009
CIT Group Scrambles to Survive, Avoid a Run


CIT Group Inc. officials spent the weekend trying to hash out a plan that would help calm markets and convince customers and investors that it can work its way out of a deepening liquidity crunch.

Over the weekend, CIT representatives held discussions with members of Congress, government officials and regulators as they became increasingly nervous hundreds of small and midsize business customers may rush to withdraw funds or try to draw down credit lines.

CIT executives were worried that customers would be rattled by reports over the weekend that it hired a prominent law firm to prepare for a possible bankruptcy filing after so far failing to get additional government assistance.

Company officials and its advisers scrambled to accelerate a plan to address the company's long-term funding needs. Part of that plan, which has been in the works for some time, involves transferring more assets to CIT's Salt Lake City bank and moving cash to the holding company.
In a statement late Sunday, CIT said it is in "active discussions with its principal regulators on a series of measures" to improve its "near-term liquidity position."

The options being discussed include solutions that don't involve access to the FDIC's Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, even though CIT's application to that program is still pending.

The company said it is trying to transfer more assets, such as its trade finance and vendor finance businesses, to its bank. If those near-term transfers are approved by regulators, they would help improve its liquidity position, CIT added.

CIT had hoped to get some sort of short-term emergency financing from the government. But it was unclear whether government officials would be willing to step up. They have long felt CIT is not a systemic risk to the financial system and other lenders could step in to provide loans and services to small and midsize businesses, a CIT specialty.

While not as well known as the big commercial banks, CIT is an important test case for the Obama administration. It gives indications of the government's willingness to get involved with financial institutions that aren't deemed as too big to fail, but that play a significant role in the economy.

CIT is a lender to nearly a million mostly small and midsize businesses and companies, and while its failure may not jolt financial markets in a large way, it could hurt the flow of credit to many businesses to whom banks traditionally won't lend.

The government gave the bank-holding company $2.3 billion under the Troubled Asset Relief Program last year but so far hasn't included CIT in a separate program that would allow it to issue debt at low interest rates.
While CIT has limped through the credit crisis, the lender is nearing crisis point, facing $2.7 billion in debt due from now till year end that investors worry it may not be able to make.

Credit-ratings firms have cut the lender's debt ratings deep into "junk" territory, and bond analysts last week began speculating the company may be forced to file for bankruptcy. CIT shares fell to their lowest level since the company's 2002 initial public offering.

About 700 companies have a total of $3.9 billion in undrawn revolvers from CIT, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Many are small businesses that obtained revolving facilities of about $10 million to $50 million in size. CIT is the sole or main lender to two-thirds of these companies, and a failure of the lender would leave many without access to funds.

The lines act like a credit card -- borrowers are able to run up debt and pay it off. If many companies tried to tap their CIT credit lines at the same time, it could put further financial strains on CIT.
Aggiornamento sul punto: nei suoi colloqui con esponenti del governo, CIT enfatizza il proprio preteso rilievo sistemico derivante dalla circostanza per cui essa svolgerebbe il ruolo di solo finanziatore di centinaia di migliaia di piccole e medie imprese.

Geithner da un lato cerca di rassicurare, dall'altro non ha detto ancora nulla di ultimativo circa l'intenzione di salvare oppure meno CIT evitandone il default...

Non mi stancherò di dire che tuttavia il problema resta quello di indicare un criterio univoco di intervento pubblico per le holding bancarie, in caso di futura necessità...

E CIT, comunque la si metta, rappresenta un precedente che vincolerà questa amministrazione, anche a voler pensare che su GMAC le decisioni in merito fossero retaggio delle scelte dell'amministrazione precedente...

Nel mentre i bond TV in $ a scadenza in agosto cadono a 80/100

CIT in ‘Active’ Talks for State Aid as Bonds Tumble (Update1)

By Pierre Paulden and Caroline Salas

July 14 (Bloomberg) -- CIT Group Inc., the century-old lender that’s been unable to persuade the government to back its debt sales, is in “active discussions” with regulators about a rescue before $1 billion of bonds mature next month

The company said in a July 12 statement that it was in talks with regulators on a “series of measures to improve the company’s near-term liquidity position.” Those discussions continued yesterday, Curt Ritter, a spokesman for the New York- based company, said. CIT rose 27 percent in Frankfurt trading

Bond investors stepped up bets that CIT won’t be able to come up with enough cash in time to honor its debts. CIT’s $1 billion of floating-rate notes maturing in August plummeted 14.375 cents to 80 cents on the dollar yesterday, their worst performance since the notes were issued three years ago, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

“They’re on life support right now,” said David Hendler, an analyst at debt research firm CreditSights Inc. in New York. The financial system is in a “once in a lifetime meltdown” and CIT “went into it in a weakened position,” he said

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is concerned that standing behind CIT’s debt would put taxpayer money at risk because the company’s credit quality is worsening, people familiar with the regulator’s thinking said last week. One of those people said yesterday the FDIC’s view hasn’t changed.

Funds Transfer

While Federal Reserve policy makers aren’t inclined to provide CIT with emergency financing, they are considering the company’s request to allow it to transfer funds from the parent firm into its banking unit, according to an official familiar with the matter. Fed spokeswoman Michelle Smith and FDIC spokesman Andrew Gray declined to comment

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said yesterday that the government has “the authority and the ability” to address CIT.

“We have a significant interest generally in trying to make sure the financial system gets through this, adjusts where it needs to adjust and emerges stronger,” he said at a press conference in London.
The Treasury, which has been reluctant to extend further money from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, had asked the central bank and FDIC to assess options for helping CIT, the official also said. Meg Reilly, a Treasury spokeswoman in Washington, said the agency declined to comment.

“CIT represents a difficult policy issue for Washington as there is sentiment to punish the fat cats and greed matched by what potential damage could be done against an economy struggling to regain momentum with all of its possible political fallout,” said Scott MacDonald, head of research at Stamford, Connecticut-based Aladdin Capital Management LLC.

Emergency Financing

Moody’s Investors Service slashed CIT’s credit rating four levels to B3 from Ba2 yesterday and said the ranking may be cut further because of the company’s “inadequate progress” toward improving its liquidity, according to a statement. Standard & Poor’s also lowered CIT’s rating four levels, to CCC+ from BB-, citing requests by CIT borrowers to draw down on credit lines provided by the company.

A collapse of the company, run by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Peek, would put 760 manufacturing clients at risk of failure and “precipitate a crisis” for as many as 300,000 retailers, CIT said in internal documents obtained by Bloomberg News.

It would also be the biggest bank failure since regulators seized Washington Mutual Inc. in September. CIT reported $75.7 billion in assets and $68.2 billion in liabilities, including $3 billion in deposits, at the end of the first quarter.

CIT rose 36 cents, or 27 percent, to $1.71 as of 10:24 a.m. in Frankfurt trading, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Small Business

CIT funds about 1 million businesses from Dunkin’ Brands Inc. in Canton, Massachusetts, to Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc., the bankrupt clothing chain in Bellevue, Washington. The company says it’s the third-largest U.S. railcar-leasing firm and the world’s third-biggest aircraft financier.

“Next year is mid-term elections and a CIT failure would complicate matters as it is likely to hurt small- and medium- sized businesses which does not help Democratic claims of helping the small people,” Aladdin’s MacDonald said.

CIT has $10 billion of debt maturing through 2010 and hasn’t sold bonds in more than a year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The firm became a bank in December to qualify for a government bailout and received $2.33 billion in funds from the U.S. Treasury

FDIC Talks

The FDIC, run by Chairman Sheila Bair, is in discussions with CIT about how the lender can strengthen its financial position to get approval, including raising capital, said the person familiar with the talks, who declined to be identified because the application process is private. The company’s efforts to transfer assets to its bank have been insufficient to improve its credit quality, the person said.

The FDIC has backed $274 billion in bond sales since Nov. 25 under its Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, designed to give creditworthy borrowers access to funds after debt markets seized up following the failure of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September.
CIT’s July 12 statement said the talks include CIT’s application for FDIC funds and measures such as the transfer of assets to CIT Bank.

Hiring Advisers

CIT, which reported more than $3 billion of losses in the past eight quarters, said it hired law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP as an adviser.

Jay Goffman, co-head of New York-based Skadden’s global corporate restructuring group, declined to comment on the firm’s work for CIT.
CIT’s internal report outlines the potential effects of a failure on customers to which it’s committed $3.9 billion of bank lines. A collapse would ripple across the “small- and medium-sized businesses who rely on CIT to operate -- to pay their vendors, ship goods to their customers and make their payroll,” according to the documents.

A “substantial portion” of clients “would not have easy access to additional revolving credit without CIT,” the company said in the presentation. “This could lead to business failure for those who lack additional liquidity.”
“For all of those companies dependent on CIT for credit there are no alternatives,” said Aladdin’s MacDonald. “At least where the economy stands now.”
Aggiornamento sul punto: nei suoi colloqui con esponenti del governo, CIT enfatizza il proprio preteso rilievo sistemico derivante dalla circostanza per cui essa svolgerebbe il ruolo di solo finanziatore di centinaia di migliaia di piccole e medie imprese.

Geithner da un lato cerca di rassicurare, dall'altro non ha detto ancora nulla di ultimativo circa l'intenzione di salvare oppure meno CIT evitandone il default...

Non mi stancherò di dire che tuttavia il problema resta quello di indicare un criterio univoco di intervento pubblico per le holding bancarie, in caso di futura necessità...

E CIT, comunque la si metta, rappresenta un precedente che vincolerà questa amministrazione, anche a voler pensare che su GMAC le decisioni in merito fossero retaggio delle scelte dell'amministrazione precedente...

Nel mentre i bond TV in $ a scadenza in agosto cadono a 80/100

CIT in ‘Active’ Talks for State Aid as Bonds Tumble (Update1)

By Pierre Paulden and Caroline Salas

July 14 (Bloomberg) -- CIT Group Inc., the century-old lender that’s been unable to persuade the government to back its debt sales, is in “active discussions” with regulators about a rescue before $1 billion of bonds mature next month

The company said in a July 12 statement that it was in talks with regulators on a “series of measures to improve the company’s near-term liquidity position.” Those discussions continued yesterday, Curt Ritter, a spokesman for the New York- based company, said. CIT rose 27 percent in Frankfurt trading

Bond investors stepped up bets that CIT won’t be able to come up with enough cash in time to honor its debts. CIT’s $1 billion of floating-rate notes maturing in August plummeted 14.375 cents to 80 cents on the dollar yesterday, their worst performance since the notes were issued three years ago, according to Trace, the bond-price reporting system of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

“They’re on life support right now,” said David Hendler, an analyst at debt research firm CreditSights Inc. in New York. The financial system is in a “once in a lifetime meltdown” and CIT “went into it in a weakened position,” he said

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is concerned that standing behind CIT’s debt would put taxpayer money at risk because the company’s credit quality is worsening, people familiar with the regulator’s thinking said last week. One of those people said yesterday the FDIC’s view hasn’t changed.

Funds Transfer

While Federal Reserve policy makers aren’t inclined to provide CIT with emergency financing, they are considering the company’s request to allow it to transfer funds from the parent firm into its banking unit, according to an official familiar with the matter. Fed spokeswoman Michelle Smith and FDIC spokesman Andrew Gray declined to comment

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said yesterday that the government has “the authority and the ability” to address CIT.

“We have a significant interest generally in trying to make sure the financial system gets through this, adjusts where it needs to adjust and emerges stronger,” he said at a press conference in London.
The Treasury, which has been reluctant to extend further money from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, had asked the central bank and FDIC to assess options for helping CIT, the official also said. Meg Reilly, a Treasury spokeswoman in Washington, said the agency declined to comment.

“CIT represents a difficult policy issue for Washington as there is sentiment to punish the fat cats and greed matched by what potential damage could be done against an economy struggling to regain momentum with all of its possible political fallout,” said Scott MacDonald, head of research at Stamford, Connecticut-based Aladdin Capital Management LLC.

Emergency Financing

Moody’s Investors Service slashed CIT’s credit rating four levels to B3 from Ba2 yesterday and said the ranking may be cut further because of the company’s “inadequate progress” toward improving its liquidity, according to a statement. Standard & Poor’s also lowered CIT’s rating four levels, to CCC+ from BB-, citing requests by CIT borrowers to draw down on credit lines provided by the company.

A collapse of the company, run by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Peek, would put 760 manufacturing clients at risk of failure and “precipitate a crisis” for as many as 300,000 retailers, CIT said in internal documents obtained by Bloomberg News.

It would also be the biggest bank failure since regulators seized Washington Mutual Inc. in September. CIT reported $75.7 billion in assets and $68.2 billion in liabilities, including $3 billion in deposits, at the end of the first quarter.

CIT rose 36 cents, or 27 percent, to $1.71 as of 10:24 a.m. in Frankfurt trading, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Small Business

CIT funds about 1 million businesses from Dunkin’ Brands Inc. in Canton, Massachusetts, to Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc., the bankrupt clothing chain in Bellevue, Washington. The company says it’s the third-largest U.S. railcar-leasing firm and the world’s third-biggest aircraft financier.

“Next year is mid-term elections and a CIT failure would complicate matters as it is likely to hurt small- and medium- sized businesses which does not help Democratic claims of helping the small people,” Aladdin’s MacDonald said.

CIT has $10 billion of debt maturing through 2010 and hasn’t sold bonds in more than a year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The firm became a bank in December to qualify for a government bailout and received $2.33 billion in funds from the U.S. Treasury

FDIC Talks

The FDIC, run by Chairman Sheila Bair, is in discussions with CIT about how the lender can strengthen its financial position to get approval, including raising capital, said the person familiar with the talks, who declined to be identified because the application process is private. The company’s efforts to transfer assets to its bank have been insufficient to improve its credit quality, the person said.

The FDIC has backed $274 billion in bond sales since Nov. 25 under its Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program, designed to give creditworthy borrowers access to funds after debt markets seized up following the failure of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September.
CIT’s July 12 statement said the talks include CIT’s application for FDIC funds and measures such as the transfer of assets to CIT Bank.

Hiring Advisers

CIT, which reported more than $3 billion of losses in the past eight quarters, said it hired law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP as an adviser.

Jay Goffman, co-head of New York-based Skadden’s global corporate restructuring group, declined to comment on the firm’s work for CIT.
CIT’s internal report outlines the potential effects of a failure on customers to which it’s committed $3.9 billion of bank lines. A collapse would ripple across the “small- and medium-sized businesses who rely on CIT to operate -- to pay their vendors, ship goods to their customers and make their payroll,” according to the documents.

A “substantial portion” of clients “would not have easy access to additional revolving credit without CIT,” the company said in the presentation. “This could lead to business failure for those who lack additional liquidity.”
“For all of those companies dependent on CIT for credit there are no alternatives,” said Aladdin’s MacDonald. “At least where the economy stands now.”

Situazione da far tremare i polsi:(, e ....non solo quelli.

Dovranno e probabilmente stanno escogitando un qualche trucco/stratagemma contabile ( sembrerebbe :pozione:travasi di fondi all'interno delle varie divisioni )

Panorama a dir poco plumbeo,
e se la FDIC lo riterrà opportuno potrebbe far chiudere seduta stante CIT.
( Ovviamente visti gli aiuti e gli attori in campo, cercheranno :-?altre vie di fuga )
Situazione da far tremare i polsi:(, e ....non solo quelli.

Dovranno e probabilmente stanno escogitando un qualche trucco/stratagemma contabile ( sembrerebbe :pozione:travasi di fondi all'interno delle varie divisioni )

Panorama a dir poco plumbeo,
e se la FDIC lo riterrà opportuno potrebbe far chiudere seduta stante CIT.
( Ovviamente visti gli aiuti e gli attori in campo, cercheranno :-?altre vie di fuga )

le vie sono due: i fondi del TLGP che - salvo cambiamenti di programma - si è capito che non glieli danno... resta la cessione di asset alla CIT Bank che a propria volta può darli alla FED come collaterale per farsi finanziare...

CIT Group cede asset a CIT Bank, che paga con il cash che serve a CIT Group per coprire le scadenze debitorie, ed usa questi titoli come collaterale per farsi prestare cash dalla FED...

O questa, oppure stavolta non ci sono santi... d'altronde, se guardi il primo post del 3D dedicato a CIT Group sul FOL, la loro sopravvivenza ad oggi, senza accesso al mercato dei capitali attraverso l'emissione di bond dura già da tanto tempo...
Cit, titolo balza a Wall Street in vista accordo su liquidità

NEW YORK, 14 luglio (Reuters) - Pioggia di acquisti sul titolo Cit (CIT.N: Quotazione), in rialzo di oltre 20% in apertura di seduta a Wall Street dopo la flessione di circa 12% della seduta precedente.
Il gruppo specializzato nel credito alle piccole e medie imprese ha annunciato ieri che proseguono le trattative con le autorità Usa mirate al miglioramento della posizione di liquidità nel breve termine.
Sempre ieri il segretario al Tesoro Tim Geithner si è detto fiducioso nella risoluzione delle difficoltà del gruppo.
Cala vistosamente di converso il costo sull'assicurazione dal rischio di insolvenza per l'istituto di credito: il contratto 'credit default swap' a cinque anni arretra a circa 38%, vale a dire che sono necessari 3,8 milioni di dollari per coprire 10 milioni di indebitamento a cinque anni.
Dai dati Phoenix Partners, il derivato quotava ieri sera circa 40,5%.

Merito del 3D aperto da IMark ;)
Cit, titolo balza a Wall Street in vista accordo su liquidità

NEW YORK, 14 luglio (Reuters) - Pioggia di acquisti sul titolo Cit (CIT.N: Quotazione), in rialzo di oltre 20% in apertura di seduta a Wall Street dopo la flessione di circa 12% della seduta precedente.
Il gruppo specializzato nel credito alle piccole e medie imprese ha annunciato ieri che proseguono le trattative con le autorità Usa mirate al miglioramento della posizione di liquidità nel breve termine.
Sempre ieri il segretario al Tesoro Tim Geithner si è detto fiducioso nella risoluzione delle difficoltà del gruppo.
Cala vistosamente di converso il costo sull'assicurazione dal rischio di insolvenza per l'istituto di credito: il contratto 'credit default swap' a cinque anni arretra a circa 38%, vale a dire che sono necessari 3,8 milioni di dollari per coprire 10 milioni di indebitamento a cinque anni.
Dai dati Phoenix Partners, il derivato quotava ieri sera circa 40,5%.

Merito del 3D aperto da IMark ;)

Ciao Cristiano, su questo titolo per l'equity se ne vedranno delle belle... Geithner ha detto che stanno valutando cosa e come fare per rilanciare la società... se la rilanciano alla maniera di GM, per obbligazionisti ed azionisti ci sarà ben poco di cui rallegrarsi...

Bond 5% 2014 in euro XS0192461837 sta 47,99 - 59,50 ... solo che è un terno al lotto... :lol: :lol:
Ciao Cristiano, su questo titolo per l'equity se ne vedranno delle belle... Geithner ha detto che stanno valutando cosa e come fare per rilanciare la società... se la rilanciano alla maniera di GM, per obbligazionisti ed azionisti ci sarà ben poco di cui rallegrarsi...

Bond 5% 2014 in euro XS0192461837 sta 47,99 - 59,50 ... solo che è un terno al lotto... :lol: :lol:

Ciao e buon pomeriggio Antonio. In effetti c'è da essere poco allegri se Geithner vorrà applicare le medesime condizioni valse per GM :eek:
Ciao Cristiano, su questo titolo per l'equity se ne vedranno delle belle... Geithner ha detto che stanno valutando cosa e come fare per rilanciare la società... se la rilanciano alla maniera di GM, per obbligazionisti ed azionisti ci sarà ben poco di cui rallegrarsi...

Bond 5% 2014 in euro XS0192461837 sta 47,99 - 59,50 ... solo che è un terno al lotto... :lol: :lol:

è degno del monitor samantah:lol::lol::lol:

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