Macroeconomia Crisi finanziaria e sviluppi (3 lettori)


si tira avanti a stimoli e dati falsi come al solito ... finchè dura ... è tutta una tremenda montagna di balle
per il periodo basta ricordare che hanno speso oltre 700 miliardi per far crescere il pil di una fischiata
la gente continuerà a perdere il lavoro e se la gente sarà senza soldi per fare acquisti l'economia di sicuro avrà qualche problema


questi blogger son tremendi :D
c'è chi confronta il Treasury Bulletin con il Federal Reserve Board of Governors Flow of Funds ... e scopre che anche gli organi ufficiali raccontano balle clamorose ... per dirla con Bill Gross gli USA sono una "ponzi style economy" e comunica che sta vendendo Treasuries ...

absolute must read :)

'So to answer the question - who is the Household Sector? They are a PHANTOM. They don’t exist. They merely serve to balance the ledger in the
Federal Reserve’s Flow of Funds report.'
'We must admit that we were surprised to discover that "Households" had bought so many Treasuries in 2009. They bought 35 times more government debt than they did in 2008. Given the financial condition of the average household in 2009, this makes little sense to us. With unemployment and foreclosures skyrocketing, who could afford to increase treasury investments to such a large degree?'

'the United States increased the public debt by $1.885 trillion dollars in fiscal 2009' .... e il cds nel periodo corrispondente è CALATO


Morgan Stanley: in crescita le previsioni sul Pil Usa

Il Sole 24 Ore - 24.12.2009

Morgan Stanley vede una accelerazione dell'economia americana nel quarto trimestre e alza di un punto percentuale la propria stima sul Pil portandola al 5,1%.
Gli economisti dell'istituto statunitense - scrive l'agenzia Bloomberg - hanno rivisto in meglio le previsioni sul tasso di crescita dell'economia Usa nell'ultimo scorcio dell'anno alla luce della ripresa degli ordinativi di beni durevoli: a novembre, l'indice ha registrato un rialzo del 2% al netto dei trasporti, vale a dire un incremento quasi il doppio rispetto alla stima di un +1,1%.



Usa: richieste sussidi -28.000

Ordini beni durevoli a novembre +0,2%


  • (ANSA) - ROMA, 24 DIC - Le richieste di sussidio di disoccupazione negli Stati Uniti sono calate di 28.000 unita' la settimana scorsa, a quota 452.000 unita'. Il dato e' decisamente migliore delle stime degli analisti, che prevedevano un calo di diecimila unita'.
  • Gli ordinativi di beni durevoli hanno segnato a novembre un aumento mensile dello 0,2%, inferiore alla stima di un +0,5%. Al netto del settore Trasporti, si e' avuto un rialzo del 2%, ampiamente al di sopra della previsione di +1,1%.


Forumer attivo
Morgan Stanley: in crescita le previsioni sul Pil Usa

Il Sole 24 Ore - 24.12.2009

Morgan Stanley vede una accelerazione dell'economia americana nel quarto trimestre e alza di un punto percentuale la propria stima sul Pil portandola al 5,1%.
Gli economisti dell'istituto statunitense - scrive l'agenzia Bloomberg - hanno rivisto in meglio le previsioni sul tasso di crescita dell'economia Usa nell'ultimo scorcio dell'anno alla luce della ripresa degli ordinativi di beni durevoli: a novembre, l'indice ha registrato un rialzo del 2% al netto dei trasporti, vale a dire un incremento quasi il doppio rispetto alla stima di un +1,1%.


accetto scommesse sul fatto il 4° quarter a consuntivo non chiuderà sopra il 3%.
Auguri a tutti

The Beast

Rating? No grazie!

L'indice è composto dalla sommatoria dei deficit di bilancio e dal tasso di disoccupazione previsti per il 2010 dall'agenzia di rating.


Usa: vendite Natale in recupero

Quelle al dettaglio sono aumentate del 3,6%

28 dicembre, 16:09
  • 409816762c501b7e4c1c066b974d84fc.jpg

(ANSA) - NEW YORK, 28 DIC - I consumatori americani tornano ad aprire i portafogli. O almeno lo hanno fatto un po' piu' dell'anno passato. In base ai dati SpendingPulse, divisione di Mastercard, da novembre al 24 dicembre le vendite al dettaglio - escluse quelle di automobili e di benzina - sono aumentate del 3,6%. Fra i settori che hanno messo a segno i maggiori incrementi delle vendite, quello elettronico (+5,9%) e quello della gioielleria (+5,6%).


Government Housing Support Update

[SIZE=-1]by CalculatedRisk on 12/27/2009 05:52:00 PM[/SIZE]

Note: Scroll down or click for Last Week Summary and a Look Ahead

As everyone knows there has been a massive government effort to support house prices. Some of this has been aimed at limiting supply (modification programs, various foreclosure moratoria), and some has been aimed at increasing demand (tax credit, lower mortgage rates, loose lending standards).

Here is a quote from Secretary Geithner from a recent Newsweek interview by Daniel Gross:
"We were very careful from the beginning ... to say that we are going to focus the bulk of the financial force on bringing interest rates and mortgage rates down to cushion the fall in housing prices and help stabilize home values, which will feed into people's basic sense of financial stability."​
To help keep this straight, here is a list of the status of a number of programs:

Housing Tax Credit: Buyer must sign a contract by April 30th and close by June 30, 2010 to qualify. The supporters have promised no extension, from the LA Times: No more extensions of tax credit for first-time home buyers
Proponents of the $8,000 credit for first-time buyers and the $6,500 credit for move-up buyers made it clear during the debate on Capitol Hill that the benefits would not be renewed when they expire. And a lobbyist for the National Assn. of Realtors confirmed that at the group's annual convention last month.

Lawmakers "made us promise practically in blood that we would not come back" for another extension, Linda Goold, the Realtor group's director of tax policy, told her members.

During the debate, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), a former real estate broker and a longtime proponent of the tax credit, promised his colleagues, "This is the last extension."​
Federal Reserve MBS Purchase Program: This is scheduled to end March 31, 2010, from the Fed:
[T]he Federal Reserve is in the process of purchasing $1.25 trillion of agency mortgage-backed securities and about $175 billion of agency debt. In order to promote a smooth transition in markets, the Committee is gradually slowing the pace of these purchases, and it anticipates that these transactions will be executed by the end of the first quarter of 2010.​
Treasury MBS Purchase Program: This program will end Dec 31, 2009, from the Treasury:
The program that Treasury established under HERA to support the mortgage market by purchasing Government-Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) -guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBS) will end on December 31, 2009. By the conclusion of its MBS purchase program, Treasury anticipates that it will have purchased approximately $220 billion of securities across a range of maturities.​
HAMP Trial Programs Extended: The Treasury has extended any expiring trial modification program until at least Jan 31, 2010, from the Treasury:
In order to provide servicers an opportunity to remain focused on converting eligible borrowers to permanent HAMP modifications, effective today and lasting through January 31, 2010, Treasury is implementing a review period for all active HAMP trial modifications scheduled to expire on or before January 31, 2010. Active HAMP trial modifications include trial modifications that have been submitted to the Treasury system of record that have not been cancelled by the servicer.

During this review period, servicers should continue to convert eligible borrowers in active HAMP trial modifications to permanent HAMP modifications as quickly as possible in accordance with existing program guidance. Servicers may not cancel an active HAMP trial modification during this period for any reason other than failure to meet the HAMP property eligibility requirements.​
Support for Fannie and Freddie: Treasury has uncapped the support for Fannie and Freddie for the next three years. From Treasury:
Treasury is now amending the [Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements (PSPAs)] to allow the cap on Treasury's funding commitment under these agreements to increase as necessary to accommodate any cumulative reduction in net worth over the next three years. At the conclusion of the three year period, the remaining commitment will then be fully available to be drawn per the terms of the agreements.​
Fannie / Freddie Low-Cost Refinancing program. This is the program that allows homeowners with Fannie and Freddie mortgages to refinance loans up to 125 percent LTV. I believe this program expires June 10, 2010.

FHA Loose Lending Standards: In his Dec 2nd testimony to Congress, HUD Secretary Donovan said the FHA would propose tighter lending standards by the end of January 2010. This included:
•Focus on enforcement and lender accountability
•Reduce the maximum seller concession from 6% to 3%.
•Raise the minimum FICO score.
•Increase the up-front cash for borrower (it isn't clear if this is an increase in the downpayment, currently a minimum of 3.5%, or requiring the borrower to pay more fees).
•Increase FHA insurance premiums.​
Various Holiday Foreclosure Moratoria: Fannie, Freddie and most of the large banks routinely suspend foreclosure activity over the holidays. This has been true this year too. Fannie and Freddie's holiday moratoria ends Jan 3, 2010, and Citi's holiday moratoria ends Jan 17th. The other banks programs end in early January too.

There is probably more ...
Posted by CalculatedRisk on 12/27/2009 05:52:00 PM


come integrazione del post precedente

Here's The Secret Reason We Eliminated The Bailout Caps On Fannie And Freddie

Joe Weisenthal

On Christmas Eve, when the news was assured of getting no coverage whatsoever, The White House announced that it had eliminated the maximum bailout cap for Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie (FRE). As some observers have pointed out, all the move really did was formalize what everyone has figured for decades, that the two zombie GSEs were truly organs of the federal government, and that their debts would be backed up ad infinitum.
So, why the move, and why then?
Credit analyst Edwart Pinto shares his theories.
What the Treasury’s lifting of the bailout caps on Fannie and Freddie might portend for 2010

Might Treasury be taking these steps in anticipation of the following?

1. Revisions to the flagging Homeowner Affordable Housing Program (HAMP). Any changes will likely increase near term bailout costs to Fannie and Freddie if HAMP’s current reliance on interest reduction is replaced in part by principal reduction. The losses associated with a modification of a loan using an interest rate reduction are spread out over time while a modification using principal reduction results in taking a more immediate loss.

2. Fannie and Freddie taking on a greater role in the near term to support their own mortgage backed securities (MBS). Now that the Treasury’s and the Federal Reserve’s own support programs are in the process of winding down, the administration’s actions may be preparing Fannie and Freddie as the vehicles for continuing this support. The Treasury’s December 24, 2009 announcement raises the portfolio limits to $900 billion each, thereby providing Fannie and Freddie with the ability on a combined basis to increase their portfolios by a total of $275 billion. At the current rate of the Fed’s MBS purchases, this new capacity would last about 4-5 months.

3. Fannie and Freddie growing their portfolios on a long term basis to provide continued support to the MBS market. Given the recent uptick in mortgage rates due to increasing Treasury rates, the lifting of the bailout caps may be designed to reassure investors in an effort to keep MBS spreads from widening relative to Treasury rates. By providing a more open ended capital commitment, along with the greater portfolio capacity now, Fannie and Freddie are in a position to grow their portfolios early in 2010. If the market accepts their purchases without wider spreads, then even higher portfolio dollar limits can be created with the stroke of a pen;

4. The administration’s announcement in February regarding the future role of Fannie and Freddie. In a separate press release also issued on December 24, 2009 it was revealed that the executive pay packages at Fannie and Freddie do not include a common stock component. This fact, along with the lifting of the bailout caps and the expanded portfolio capacity, may well indicate an intention to formalize Fannie and Freddie’s continued status as government agencies. If this were to happen, Fannie and Freddie’s outstanding common stock likely becomes worthless, making it of no use as an employee incentive. . This action would be justified by stating that Fannie and Freddie are just too important to the economic recovery to re-privatize.

5. Increasing the demand for Fannie and Freddie’s MBS by reducing the multiplier for bank risk based capital requirements from 20% to 10%. This action would help serve to keep spreads to treasuries narrow. Banks would only need 0.8% risk based capital to support their holdings of Fannie Freddie MBS versus the 1.6% needed today. The earlier noted lifting of Treasury’s capital support caps could provide the justification for this reduction in capital requirements, since it signals an increase in the government’s commitment to Fannie and Freddie..

The above actions would preserve and strengthen the government’s involvement and control over the country’s housing finance system and make it harder to reintroduce substantial private sector involvement later on. They would also continue distortions in the marketplace leading to who knows what unintended consequences. Finally these steps would do nothing to deleverage the housing finance system, a key step in returning it to any degree of normality.


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eccolo che parte...

Petrolio: chiude a 78,70 dollari ma che dico i buoni (benefattori) arabi faranno di tutto per mantenerlo sui 70 dollari:-o:-o:-o:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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