Obbligazioni valute high yield CRISI RUSSIA/UCRAINA discussioni, notizie e operatività

  • Creatore Discussione Creatore Discussione Topgun1976
  • Data di Inizio Data di Inizio
PRAGUE, April 23. /ITAR-TASS/. The West and the United States provoked the Ukrainian crisis, former President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus said in an interview to Czech television (CT24).
“I think that not Russia is to blame for the outbreak in Kiev on the Maidan (Independence Square). Western Europe and the United States aggravated the situation,” he said.
“I had told them from the very beginning not to exert pressure on Ukraine, as it will only destroy and disintegrate it. Unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened,” Klaus said.
At present, in his view, the country is undergoing a difficult satge, and it is hard to “clearly say whether it wants to rely on the West or on Russia.” However, Ukraine should independently decide its own future.
“Let them determine their future for themselves - without any interference from outside,” the former Czech president said.

Questo ha capito todos..
Questa mattina bid/ask, a Berlino, piuttostro stretto su Gazprom 34: 112,30 - 112,60.
Intanto la tensione (nelle zone russofone) resta sempre piuttosto elevata, ma senza degenerazioni.
Ultima modifica:
Questa mattina bid/ask piuttostro stretto su Gazprom 34: 112,30 - 112,60.
Intanto la tensione resta sempre piuttosto elevata, ma senza degenerazioni.

Dai forse riesci a prenderla 110..:D
Ps.Con quel tipo a Capo del Governo Ucraino non si risolverà nulla,stallo sperando non degeneri in guerra civile,intanto sulla Gaz prendiamo i $ di Rateo
KIEV, April 23. / ITAR-TASS /. Active phase of military operation has been resumed in the eastern regions of Ukraine, parliament-appointed First Deputy Prime Minister Vitaliy Yarema told reporters. According to him, it was done "in accordance with the order" by the Verkhovna Rada appointed Acting President and Speaker of Parliament Oleksandr Turchynov. Yarema added that law enforcement bodies are "working towards the elimination of all armed groups" in Kramatorsk, Sloviansk and other cities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
He also claimed that law enforcement officers did not undertake any actions last night.
Turchynov April 22 demanded that the country's security agencies should resume a military operation in the east.
“I demand that security services carry out effective counter-terrorist activities aimed at defending Ukrainian citizens living in the country’s east from terrorists,” Turchynov stated.
Dai forse riesci a prenderla 110..:D
Ps.Con quel tipo a Capo del Governo Ucraino non si risolverà nulla,stallo sperando non degeneri in guerra civile,intanto sulla Gaz prendiamo i $ di Rateo

Un paio di punti in meno e ci starebbe un altro accumulo sia su Gaz che sui tds russi..
Per il resto stamattina provato su vari titoli otc un pò indietro, ce ne fosse uno di liquido :wall:
Tocca guardare le vicende ucraine...
Un paio di punti in meno e ci starebbe un altro accumulo sia su Gaz che sui tds russi..
Per il resto stamattina provato su vari titoli otc un pò indietro, ce ne fosse uno di liquido :wall:
Tocca guardare le vicende ucraine...

I settori più oltranzisti (da ambo le parti) cercheranno di prendere l'iniziativa... forti delle posizioni conquistate.
Bisogna vedere se da Kiev (e da Mosca) riusciranno a controllarli.
E già questa, sarà una prima indicazione.
ITAR-TASS: World - Turchynov demands to resume special raid in eastern Ukraine

Certo che se l'hanno messo li gli Usa hanno fatto veramente un buco nell'acqua..

Questa purtroppo e' la cosa peggiore. Obama e' il peggior presidente americano dagli anni 20 del novecento. Addirittura peggio di Carter.
Il problema peggiore e' che non sara' facile uscirne facilmente. Gli USA non possono accettare una restaurazione dei russi a Kiev senza perdere la faccia. Dal punto di vista politico l'unica soluzione e' la federalizzazione dell'Ucraina, ma prima deve cambiare il governo a Kiev visto che questi non ne vogliono sapere. In altri tempi la CIA avrebbe risolto tutto una bella operazione sporca. Ma i tempi sono cambiati e comunque Obama non ha le p.alle
KIEV, April 23. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine has forwarded proposals to European gas companies to set up a natural gas transportation consortium to help modernize and maintain the Ukrainian gas system, Yuriy Prodan, the parliament-appointed Minister of Energy and Coal Industry, said on Wednesday.
“Ukraine is already in talks concerning the mooted consortium. We forwarded relevant proposals to European gas companies,” Prodan told journalists. Moscow was ruled out of the talks since Russia had never sent proposals concerning the network's future development, he said.
Parliament-appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk told a news conference on Tuesday that Kiev was set “to discuss joint maintenance and modernization of Ukraine’s gas transportation system” with American and European investors.

Peskov: Russia has never threatened to switch off gas to Ukraine
Ukraine has been accustomed to heavy reliance on Russian supply. Earlier this month, Moscow announced that the price for its neighbor would rise to $485 for 1,000 cubic metres.
Russian supplier Gazprom's chief executive Alexei Miller told Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in early April that account taken for March delivery, Ukraine’s debt to Russia exceeded $2.2 billion. Gazprom was specifying a supply price returning to earlier contract agreements since Ukraine had failed to fulfil commitments under an agreement in December 2013. It obliged the country to pay on time for delivered volumes.
On April 2, President Vladimir Putin signed a law to renounce the Kharkiv Accords with Ukraine of 2010 that stipulated Russia’s lease of naval facilities in Crimea (then part of Ukraine) would be extended by 25 years beyond 2017, until 2042.
US Vice President Joe Biden talks with Arseniy Yatsenyuk
US to provide $50 million for Ukraine's political and economic reforms
The deals envisioned a discount of $100 for 1,000 cubic metres of supply to Ukraine. Now they have been renounced over Crimea’s merger with the Russian Federation, the discount is no longer applied, raising the supply price to $485.
From the second quarter of this year, Gazprom pays 10% more for Russian gas transit to European consumers via Ukraine. Gazprom has pledged to fulfil its commitments.

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