Obbligazioni valute high yield CRISI RUSSIA/UCRAINA discussioni, notizie e operatività

  • Creatore Discussione Creatore Discussione Topgun1976
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Moscow will continue to insist on the incumbent Kiev authorities' respect for popular demands made in southeastern Ukraine, the launch of negotiations and the end to the military operation against the protesters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"We will seek tranquility and insist on the respect of Kiev leaders for the opinions and demands of the southeast and Ukrainian citizens who live there, as well as on negotiations aimed to de-escalate the situation rather than escalate it with the involvement of law enforcement authorities, moreover, the army, which is clearly prohibited by Ukrainian laws," Lavrov told a press conference in Hanoi on Wednesday following negotiations with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.
Geneva meeting so far remains on agenda - Russian FM Lavrov
Moscow will continue to insist on the incumbent Kiev authorities' respect for popular demands made in southeastern Ukraine, the launch of negotiations and the end to the military operation against the protesters, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
"We will seek tranquility and insist on the respect of Kiev leaders for the opinions and demands of the southeast and Ukrainian citizens who live there, as well as on negotiations aimed to de-escalate the situation rather than escalate it with the involvement of law enforcement authorities, moreover, the army, which is clearly prohibited by Ukrainian laws," Lavrov told a press conference in Hanoi on Wednesday following negotiations with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.
Ukraine needs well-balanced Constitution to preserve unity - Lavrov
Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, believes that the large-scale internal political crisis in Ukraine clearly showed deep-rooted discrepancies between the South-East and the West of the country as regards the choice of the vector of further development.
"This shows the instability of the previously selected model of government in Kiev. In fact, the unitary state has stopped working in Ukraine. Its foundations were shattered by a series of political disasters that were shaking the country for years. One of the main reasons of such situation is the absence of a balanced basic law in Ukraine, which adequately takes into account the interests of all ethnic and language groups and ensures the rights and interests of all the citizens of Ukraine," Lavrov said in an interview with the Arguments and Facts newspaper published on the Foreign Ministry website on Wednesday.
According to the Russian Minister, "it is impossible to consider the situation, when after each Presidential election the Constitution of the country fixing a particular form of government was changed depending on the desire of the victorious political forces, to be normal."
"Therefore, federalization is a way to ensure that each region feels comfortable and secured in his rights, traditions and traditional ways of life," Sergey Lavrov said. “All this should be reflected in the reformed Constitution, and the multi-ethnic Ukrainian society should treat it as a reliable foundation of the legal state meant for a long-term perspective. I am convinced that it will be difficult for Ukraine to preserve its unity and to solve urgent tasks aimed at overcoming the current severe crisis," he said.
"Of course, no one can dictate a scheme of organizing a state system to the Ukrainian side. But Ukrainians must start a dialogue and ensure its inclusive and comprehensive character. The idea is that all regions and political forces of Ukraine, without exceptions, should participate in it on an equal basis and have equal rights in solving essential issues," the Minister said.
Read more: Moscow insists on Kiev's respect for people's demands in southeastern Ukraine - Lavrov - News - Politics - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts
Amorgos, situazione da monitorare molto attentamente....:(

Mah da quello che si può capire il punto è se veramente questi filorussi sono Militari Russi travestiti da terroristi o sono solo terroristi filorussi..

La differenza è enorme,per il resto credo ci vorrà un bel pò di tempo,visto che l'ucraina mi pare molto lontana da trovare una stabilità,però siamo su un'emittente ottima e su un Bond oltre l'8% di cedola

A questo punto il problema è il governo ucraino. Putin ha dato chiari segnali che per lui la questione è chiusa con l'annessione della Crimea. Il governo provvisorio ucraino mi sembra invece la vera mina vagante. Se cominciano a fare casino contro i russi etnici, dubito che Putin potrà astenersi dall'intervenire. Gli USA e la Germania hanno già fatto un errore colossale a sostenere questi fascisti ucraini, che sono di fatto incontrollabili. Se adesso non gli danno un bello stop, rischiano davvero che la Russia sia costretta ad intervenire. Dio non voglia davvero!
Ma pensi davvero che il provvisorio si muova senza l' appoggio ed i soldi di Obama ? Dai ....
Il vero casino è che è l' America a voler far casino . Il vero perché lo sa soltanto lei.... .

Secondo me è partita così ma la situazione gli è sfuggita di mano. Il vero dramma di questi anni è Obama. Il peggior presidente americano dagli anni 20 del Novecento. La mia sensazione è che i fascisti ucraini siano fuori controllo.
Secondo me è partita così ma la situazione gli è sfuggita di mano. Il vero dramma di questi anni è Obama. Il peggior presidente americano dagli anni 20 del Novecento. La mia sensazione è che i fascisti ucraini siano fuori controllo.

Beh il casino lo stanno facendo dentro i loro confini,ma sti filorussi non si capisce se sono mandati da Putin o no..

Ieri dicevano pure che ci sono i reparti speciali Russi in Ucraina,che cappero sono li a fare?

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