Obbligazioni a tasso fisso CRISI UCRAINA, Bond Russia, Ucraina, Gazprom e altro

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Russia's Gazprombank has decided to cease operating in Switzerland after "a strategic review of various options", it said on Monday.
The bank had been one of the last remaining channels for financing trade flows between Russia and Switzerland because other major Russian banks are subject to sanctions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The Zurich-based bank, which was mainly involved in trade and export finance, decided to discontinue its operations in Switzerland after launching a review of its business in July, including a possible sale.
"The decision is the result of an in-depth strategy analysis and is being taken in close consultation with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority," Gazprombank's board chairman, Ivan Dun, said in a statement. RTRS
Mi sorprende che tanta gente che frequenta questo forum, preferisca stare al freddo, andare in recessione, pagare bollette astronomiche, rovinare l'economia, (sperando non arrivi un altro 29) avere la gente in cassa integrazione, pur di favorire a tutti i costi i casini americani.

molti non l'hanno ancora capito, credo sia questa la ragione.
Credono che soa una cosa temporanea, che si risolverà e non li riguarderà più di tanto.

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