dopo tutta la scandinavia che ha bloccato mrna <30 anni
l'islanda lo blocca per tutti
nn so se trattasi di politica atta a favorire pfe...
ma la motivazione dovrebbe ancora una volta far riflettere chi si è vacinato e chi debba ancora farlo...
Reykjavik, Iceland:
Iceland on Friday suspended the Moderna anti-Covid vaccine, citing the slight increased risks of cardiac inflammation, going further than its Nordic neighbours which simply limited use of the jabs.
la miocardite e la pericardite sono patologie serie...nei giovani possono condizionarne la vita futura...nn sono graffi sono patologie che possono indurre al trapianto o al decesso 1 su 5
che vuol dire
vuol dire che nn sono state fatte sufficienti trials...
la sperimentazione è stata incompleta
e il solo fatto che pfe abbia aggiornato il bugiardino che prima nn prevedeva tali infiammazioni cardiache(cosa???) vi dovrebbe far capire una volta per tutte che...
1) chi si è vaccinato lo ha fatto da soggetto che accetta una sperimentazione
2) chi si vaccinerà lo farà da soggetto che accetta una sperimentazione
3) chi decide di non accettare di non far parte di una sperimentazione nn puo' essere punito, discriminato, rejetto per questo
ve ne parlai subito quando lessi la famosa "autorizzazione" della fda...e vi dissi "leggete bene..fda nn ha autorizzato nulla che nn sia dovuto all'emergenza"
anzi male
No FDA-Approved COVID-19 Shots Available
Oct 8, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. – There are currently no fully FDA-approved licensed COVID shots available. All COVID shots remain under federal Emergency Use Authorization, meaning individuals have the “option to accept or refuse” the product.
On September 22, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a follow-up
letter to the original approval to Pfizer pharmaceutical company that stated, “having concluded that revising this EUA is appropriate to protect the public health or safety under section 564(g)(2) of the Act, FDA is reissuing the August 23, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to authorize for emergency use the administration of a single booster dose of COMIRNATY.”
On page 6, footnote 12 of that letter the FDA clearly states, “Although COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older,
there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA. Additionally, there are no products that are approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals age 12 through 15, or to provide: an additional dose to the immunocompromised population, or a booster dose to the authorized population described in this EUA” (emphasis added).
On August 23, 2021, the FDA sent an approval
letter to Pfizer regarding the BioNTech injection, Comirnaty. The letter states: “Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA, which is indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
The FDA did a bait and switch by
announcing it approved its “first COVID-19 vaccine” in order to push the “vaccine” mandates and protect the Pfizer pharmaceutical company from legal liability.
The Pfizer injection, on the other hand, is still considered experimental under U.S. law.
There is a legal difference between products approved under
authorization of emergency use (EUA) compared with those the FDA has fully licensed.
The FDA issued another letter for the existing Pfizer shots which confirms they are still under EUA, are not fully approved, and has a liability shield
per i meno pratici EUA è l'acronimo di authorization of emergency use
autorizzazione per uso EMERGENZIALE!!!