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Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 3
perche' se tu pensi che chi invocava short nasdaq dal 2015-2016 senza mai una pausa fino ad oggi, ancora ha audience........ beh cio' ti "racconta" tutto
I primi che pensano che il vaccino sia una ciofeca, sono gli stessi giornalisti. Per non parlare di Draghi che col green pass da vaccino di chi entra a palazzo Chigi si pulisce il...!
Se ascolti i loro conduttori, da Lilli Gruber e Myrta Merlino su La7 a Giuseppe Brindisi e compagnia su Mediaset, ad ogni mezzobusto Rai, nulla &egrav...
The Biden administration on Wednesday outlined its plan to vaccinate millions of U.S. children ages 5 to 11 as soon as the COVID-19 shot is authorized for them, readying doses and preparing locations ahead of the busy holiday season.
The structural problem around the current global energy crisis – which is why it isn’t going away anytime soon – is that politicians have decarbonized supply faster than they can decarbonize demand. In order for prices to fall, demand needs to be destroyed, which leads to a growth problem well before anyone gets a chance to raise rates.
It should go without saying that demand destruction means less use by those least able to afford it. So, it will be the poorer countries and citizens that go without. Inflation, in general, disproportionately affects those with the lowest incomes. The unpleasant truth is that often the goals of ESG run counter to the goals of reducing or eliminating poverty and wealth inequality.
Data Synthesis Twenty-three seroprevalence surveys representing 14 countries were included. Across all countries, the median IFR in community-dwelling elderly and elderly overall was 2.4% (range 0.3%-7.2%) and 5.5% (range 0.3%-12.1%). IFR was higher with larger proportions of people >85 years. Younger age strata had low IFR values (median 0.0027%, 0.014%, 0.031%, 0.082%, 0.27%, and 0.59%, at 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60-69 years).
Background The infection fatality rate (IFR) of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) varies widely according to age and residence status. Purpose Estimate the IFR of COVID-19 in community-dwelling elderly populations and other age groups from seroprevalence studies. Study protocol...
L’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (Oms) definisce la malaria umana una malattia seria, prevenibile e curabile se diagnosticata tempestivamente e trattata con farmaci adeguati.