Analisi Intermarket era il 62%..e tre x rim....

come Rosemberg parla dell 'EUROPA

I think the dramatic fiscal tightening we are seeing in Ireland and others is insane and I wonder how a new government in early 2011 is going to react. Spanish bond spreads are behaving like Ireland did precisely six-months ago when Greece was getting bailed out (it’s not really a bailout — the stringent strings attached are like a hangman’s rope).(non è proprio un salvataggio - le corde stringenti allegate sono come la corda di un boia).

Everybody seems to believe the euro is sacrosanct but this was also the view around the Argentina currency board nearly a decade ago, the country ultimately devalued in order to reflate its economy and pay off its debts in debased currency. After the 10-year currency convertibility plan was abandoned in early 2002, the Argentinean peso depreciated 80%, which in turn paved the way for massive trade surpluses, and from 2003 to 2007, real GDP expanded at a 9% annual rate, and real wages rose by nearly 5% per year. Growth ensued. Memories faded.
Se la sorte ci è amica si va forse un po piu su dei precedenti movimenti.. ma al momento non bisogna ancora illudersi...


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Attualmente stesso movimento di venerdì scorso. Coperte a chiudere per il fine settimana.

Non ancora vero e pronto.

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