Grains : corn, wheat, oats,soybeans, soybean meal&oil

Pre-Open and Open information

All markets will enter Pre-Open at 11:00 A.M. Chicago time. The Financial Opening will begin at 11:30 A.M., followed by Equities and Metals at 11:35 A.M and Agriculturals at 11:37 A.M. Chicago time. Implieds have been turned off for all Agricultural and Metal markets, Fed Fund implied markets will remain on.
sei tornato leo? :D
no ora elettronico tornato a funzionare , aveva fatto un bel minimo a 725 ma poi ha avuto la forza di rimbalzare di 15 punti in in nanosecondo , immarcescibile :eek: , cmq qualcosa almeno nell'intraday lo doveva mollare per forza e continuamo il faticoso lavoro ai fianchi della bestia
oggi le immancabili notizie bullish sono sul raccolto canadese

Mid-Session Wheat Market Report for 8/23/2007

December wheat opened 12 1/4 cents higher on the session at 744 and established an early range of 754 to 736. The market posted new contract highs and nearby futures moved to the highest level in 11 years. For December futures only, this is a new all-time high. Solid export news and bullish supply news from Canada helped support the strong gains early in the session. Stats Canada pegged the wheat crop at just 20.32 million tonnes as compared with trade expectations at 20.8 to 22.7 million tonnes and compared with 21.5 million posted in the last USDA report. Production is expected to be down 19.6% from last year. The International Grain Council reduced their world wheat production forecast to 607 million tonnes, down 7 million from last month. Weekly US export sales for wheat came in at 1.05 million metric tonnes as compared to trade expectations between 700,000-1.3 million. Cumulative sales have reached 52.4% of the USDA forecast for the entire season as compared to 34.7% on average over the last five years. India is tendering for wheat with no amount posted yet. Fund buying slowed into the mid-session which sparked the steep correction off of the highs.
Fleursdumal ha scritto:
sei tornato leo? :D
no ora elettronico tornato a funzionare , aveva fatto un bel minimo a 725 ma poi ha avuto la forza di rimbalzare di 15 punti in in nanosecondo , immarcescibile :eek: , cmq qualcosa almeno nell'intraday lo doveva mollare per forza e continuamo il faticoso lavoro ai fianchi della bestia
oggi le immancabili notizie bullish sono sul raccolto canadese

Mid-Session Wheat Market Report for 8/23/2007

December wheat opened 12 1/4 cents higher on the session at 744 and established an early range of 754 to 736. The market posted new contract highs and nearby futures moved to the highest level in 11 years. For December futures only, this is a new all-time high. Solid export news and bullish supply news from Canada helped support the strong gains early in the session. Stats Canada pegged the wheat crop at just 20.32 million tonnes as compared with trade expectations at 20.8 to 22.7 million tonnes and compared with 21.5 million posted in the last USDA report. Production is expected to be down 19.6% from last year. The International Grain Council reduced their world wheat production forecast to 607 million tonnes, down 7 million from last month. Weekly US export sales for wheat came in at 1.05 million metric tonnes as compared to trade expectations between 700,000-1.3 million. Cumulative sales have reached 52.4% of the USDA forecast for the entire season as compared to 34.7% on average over the last five years. India is tendering for wheat with no amount posted yet. Fund buying slowed into the mid-session which sparked the steep correction off of the highs.

si rientrato e poi ripartito
sno in internet cafe di una innominabile localita
e leggendovi volevo shortare questo wheat
ma sono inkazzatissimo
ho un ordine a 740 pivot qua davanti ma iwbank non esegue e non riesco a contattare il servizio clienti da qua
forse meglio, non so
ma come si fa? non mi modifica neanche l'ordine e non me lo fa cancellare
stoppato long su gas a 5,81 e 1/4 della posizione su wheat a 736 per gestire meglio il rischio.
Non ero per niente tranquillo e troppo carico per i soldi che restavano in portafoglio ... adesso il recupero si fa più duro, ma siamo ancora quà. :rolleyes:
sono via chat con imi
non capisco vedo adesso il mio ordine a 736 e il prezzo lo ha ampiamente toccato ma non esegue
li cito per danni? :down:

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