Grains : corn, wheat, oats,soybeans, soybean meal&oil

... il presentimento venerdì c'era ... ed infatti detto fatto ecco il wheat a 10$. :eek: :eek: :eek:


... e siccome al peggio non vi è mai fine il calendar spread WN8-WK8 si apre ancora ed ora stà a 215. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :sad: :down: :specchio: :rolleyes:
max sul K/N a 227 , anche oggi vola pazzesca , un piccolo short da quota 1000 non me lo sarei perso per niente al mondo, come shortare Tiscali a 1200 :lol: , anyway la cosa più saggia da fare era picchiare da fabbri sopra gli 800 del new crop :wall:
la soya nonostante i max storici invece ha una vola da mortorio e scala piano quasi per non volersi fare troppo notare, il mio calendar N/X è a metà strada, lo aspetto lì dove è già arrivato :cool: :love: :look:

Mid-Session Wheat Market Report for 12/17/2007

March wheat opened 19 1/2 cents higher on the day session at 999 and established an early range of 969 to 1009 1/2. This was an historic day in wheat as prices surpassed the ten dollar mark for the first time. Sharply higher wheat prices early in the session ran counter to corn and the soybean complex as global wheat prices are said to have jumped a total of 3% today. Wheat came off its highs not long after the open. Deferred contracts moved sharply lower based on the improved prospects for all winter wheat crops in the US and old crop contracts eventually moved lower as well. There is generally a lack of news in all markets, but the up trend in old crop wheat has not been a news-driven event. It has been based on short covering by traders, users and importers. Export inspections today were 19.445 million bushels, a bit below trade expectations of 20-25 million. This compares to 27.680 million bushels last week and 17.361 needed each week to reach the USDA projection. Snowy weather moved east to Indiana, Ohio and the northeastern US by this morning, leaving the rest of the Midwest and all of the Great Plains clear. This should generate a slight increase in farmer selling of soft red wheat. Traders are expecting Russia to institute exports caps again after the first of the year. A European analyst said today that wheat will be planted on the bulk of the former set aside acres that are just coming back into production due to the exceptionally high prices in Europe for wheat.

Qualcuno mi aiuta ..? .. grazie ... grazie ...

Non sono sicuro se calcolo bene ..le .. DIMENSIONI del contratto del CORN ( es. CH8) ...

IWBank mi dice ..""Centesimi di dollaro ed 1/4 di cent per ogni bushel"" ... siccome il

valore del contratto è .. 5.000 bushel ..

La ..DIMENSIONE del contratto in $ quant' è ... ?

( Ma perchè ci aggiungono quel -.... 1/4 .. e non fanno le cose più semplici ... ? ? )

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Goldman Predicts 20 Years of Agricultural Commodity Inflation, Um, Appreciation

Goldman Sachs and Jim Rogers seem to be on the same page as far as commodities, or at least agricultural commodities, are concerned. Both foresee a protracted bull market in foodstuff due to improve diets in the third world and supply strains.

From Bloomberg:

Selling soybeans at their highest prices in three decades and corn while it flirts with the 1996 peak is a money-losing trade, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG.

Corn at $4.55 a bushel is ``cheap,'' Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank says. Goldman Sachs in New York expects soybeans to rise 29 percent in 2008, the best investment in commodities. Investors who followed the banks' advice and bought raw materials last year profited as the Standard & Poor's GSCI Index advanced 33 percent, beating the 3.5 percent gain in the S&P 500 Index and the 9.1 percent return from U.S. Treasuries, according to data compiled by Merrill Lynch & Co.

Rising wealth from Shanghai to Sao Paulo is leading to better diets and straining corn and soybean supplies just as record energy prices boost sales of biofuels. Even after rising 17 percent in 2007, corn costs about $2 a bushel after adjusting for inflation, compared with a $7.80 high in 1974.

``We are in the early stages of a rally that could last 20 years'' in agriculture, said Christopher Wyke, product manager at London-based Schroders Plc, which manages $3.5 billion in commodities and is buying more corn and soybean contracts while reducing energy holdings. ``Prices are historically cheap.''

Not since the Soviet Union harvest failures of the 1970s have food prices risen so quickly. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said Dec. 19 that the region faced a ``more protracted'' period of elevated inflation than expected because of food and oil prices.

World soybean inventories will plunge 23 percent in the 2007-2008 marketing season to 47.3 million tons from a record 61.1 million the previous year, the U.S. Agriculture Department estimates....

Rallies in agricultural markets historically last about two years, boosting prices by 135 percent, according to Michael Lewis, the London-based global head of commodities research at Deutsche Bank. Prices may climb as much as 250 percent during three to four years in this cycle, he said. The rally in agriculture markets started in the fourth quarter of 2006.

Farmers are planting more acres to take advantage of the price rise, which could damp gains. The U.S. national corn yield has more than doubled to 153 bushels an acre in 2007 from 71.9 in 1974, while the soybean average has jumped 74 percent to 41.3 bushels from 23.7 in 1974, government statistics show.

Droughts from Ukraine to Australia have cut crop yields, sending prices for wheat to a record in December and soybeans to a 34-year high. Corn rose to $4.62 a bushel in Chicago trading today, the highest since 1996. Farmers are planting more wheat at the expense of corn, soybeans and cotton.

Wheat farmers worldwide may increase plantings by 4 percent, the London-based International Grains Council said in November. In the U.S., the world's largest wheat exporter, growers will sow 64 million acres (26 million hectares) in the year ending May 31, up 6 percent, the Agriculture Department said in October.

``We'll continue to see a battle for land between the grains,'' said Matthew Sena, an analyst at New York-based Castlestone Management LLC, which oversees $800 million. ``The run-up in wheat prices will prevent a dramatic supply response for soybeans and corn.''....

``The severity of these factors means that there's a better chance of this being the longest and biggest agricultural rally ever,'' said Colin Waugh, portfolio manager at New York-based Galtere International Fund, which manages $1.3 billion in commodities and related investments.

The biggest winners from the U.S. energy bill signed by President George W. Bush on Dec. 20 may be companies including Archer Daniels Midland Co. of Decatur, Illinois, and Sacramento- based Pacific Ethanol Inc. The legislation requires biofuels production to increase to 36 billion gallons in 2022 from 7.5 billion in 2012....

The rise in crop prices is creating the ``risk of social unrest,'' said Roland Jansen, whose $129 million Mother Earth Resources fund in Liechtenstein gained 28 percent in 2006, more than double the returns of commodity indexes. ``We've already seen it happen, like in Mexico. China will probably release stocks to pacify the population. There's a real danger of unrest there.''
impazzimento totale sui prezzi delle granaglie, una soia new crop lontana dal periodo cruciale del raccolto sospesa due volte di seguito in limit up non l'avevo mai vista :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: sul N-X8 quotazione che scontano un future sintetico del X sospeso 20 punti oltre il lim up :eek: follia , preso qualcuno a 57,5 in ottica trading intradays
si ballerà parecchio oggi pomeriggio :V

tra parentesi oggi tutti i grains son passati a tradare sul Globex del CME
vedremo se le sim nostrane se ne accorgeranno o faranno finta di niente come successo sui futures del NYMEX per farsi continuare a pagare le fees sui dati del fu CBOT :specchio:

Scusate . . secondo voi il Cotone H 08 . . ha abbastanza forza per continuare

l' up-trend in corso . . ?


... ed anche oggi il wheat di Minneapolis fà la superstar !!!

... e siamo quasi a 1300 :eek: :eek: :eek:


.... figuriamoci in queste condizioni come possa cedere il wheat del CBOT :rolleyes: .... francamente mi vien la ca.c.c.arella a shortarlo ora; dovesse riallinearsi con l'MGE Wheat c'è da farsi molto male !!! :rolleyes: :specchio:

Secondo voi ..le carni .. FC ..e.... LC .... proseguiranno nella fase .. short ..

... inizieranno una nuova fase ...long .... ?


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