Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +0,7% su annuncio privatizzazioni governo
MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della borsa di Atene chiude in rialzo dello 0,7% a quota 1.537,82 punti con un volume di scambi di 101,1 mln euro, leggermente inferiore alla media. Il rialzo e' stato determinato dall'annuncio del governo, che intende raccogliere 3 mld euro nei prossimi tre anni tramite operazioni di privatizzazione.
"Le notizie relative alle privatizzazioni aiutano nel breve termine, tuttavia gli investitori sono poco fiduciosi sull'attuazione delle misure", commenta Anthony Christofidis di Ate Securities.
Opap chiude in rialzo dell'1,6%, Hellenic Telecoms dell'1,5%, Titan dell'1,3%, National dell'1,1% e Piraeus aumenta dell'1%.
Posto l'articolo apparso su Ekathimerini di oggi riguardante le privatizzazioni, tra le tante aziende a partecipazione statale interessate, il governo sembra intenzionato a non vendere la propria quota in OTE.
Sell-off plan targets 1 bln euros by offloading state’s loss-making assets
Railway company, water utilities at top of list; state to hold onto stakes in PPC, OTE telecom
The government’s decision is to step up privatization procedures... in order to extract value from major state assets,” Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou told a press conference.
Under the planned sell-off, Greece will sell a 49 percent stake in TRAINOSE, a subsidiary of railway company OSE, and concede management control. It will also reform OSE, which has accumulated debts of some 10 billion euros and is running up daily losses of close to 3 million euros, by scrapping routes causing the greatest financial harm.
“Clearly this situation with the railways cannot be allowed to continue,” Infrastructure Minister Dimitris Reppas said.
He said the government would re-evaluate railway workers’ skills, keep those who are needed and transfer others to different public sector jobs – as Greek law forbids the sacking of civil servants.
The government will also sell a 10 percent stake in Athens water utility (EYDAP) and a 23 percent stake in the Thessaloniki water company (EYATH).
Papaconstantinou said the state would sell 39 percent of loss-making Hellenic Post. The government also intends to catalog and evaluate its extensive real estate assets, with a view to development.
“The Greek state owns huge real estate assets, whose precise value has never been calculated,” Papaconstantinou said.
Additionally, the state will extend the concession of Athens International Airport, the country’s biggest airport which is managed by German construction company Hochtief AG. Companies will be created to manage ports, shares in which may be made available to the public. The Greek state would retain a stake of at least 51 percent in such companies.
Papaconstantinou added that Greece will maintain its holdings in Public Power Corporation and OTE telecom, holding onto stakes of 51 percent and 20 percent respectively.