Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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La Cina è un principale partner commerciale della Grecia.
L'Italia fa lauti affari con la Libia, a maggior ragione si potrebbe inserire anche la Grecia, dato i buoni rapporti con il mondo arabo (non ottomano).
Oltre i paesi europei (che hanno già dato) anche Putin potrebbe fare qualche sforzo in più ... sono pur sempre fratelli nella Fede.
Ma finora i Russi hanno elargito solo buoni consigli. Un pò poco ... :nero:
Che ragione ce' di esporsi ? se li compra la BCE ?

Non so se l'avete già postata... sono 4 mld euro i bond cortissimi che la Grecia vorrebbe rollare ad inizio luglio...

  • JUNE 8, 2010, 8:21 A.M. ET
Greece To Issue EUR4 Billion In T-Bills In July-Source

By Nick Skrekas and Alkman Granitsas

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--Greece plans to issue about EUR4 billion in Treasury bills early next month to rollover existing short-term debt maturing at that time, a market participant said Tuesday.

"Greece will rollover about 4 billion euros in T-bills in early July, more or less," said the market participant, who has close knowledge of the matter.
"Another reason for issuing T-bills is that it is used as benchmark for pricing other instruments in the debt market. Greece needs to be present in the debt market," he added.

After months of turmoil in the financial markets, Greece was effectively shut out of the international debt markets when its cost of borrowing soared to all-time record highs. The spread between Greek government bonds and their benchmark German counterparts--a measure of credit risk--rose earlier this year to more than 500 basis points and the yield to well over 8%.

As a result, last month the Greek government agreed to a EUR110 billion loan package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.
That loan is enough to cover Greece's borrowing needs for the next two years, while spreads on Greek bonds continue to hover around 550 basis points.

In mid-May, Greece received a first, EUR20 billion tranche from the EU and IMF, allowing the government to redeem EUR8.5 billion in maturing 10-year Greek government bonds on May 19.

Recently, Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said Greece would like to resume borrowing from debt markets by next year and as soon as possible.
La Cina è un principale partner commerciale della Grecia.
L'Italia fa lauti affari con la Libia, a maggior ragione si potrebbe inserire anche la Grecia, dato i buoni rapporti con il mondo arabo (non ottomano).
Oltre i paesi europei (che hanno già dato) anche Putin potrebbe fare qualche sforzo in più ... sono pur sempre fratelli nella Fede.
Ma finora i Russi hanno elargito solo buoni consigli. Un pò poco ... :nero:

Se volessero aiutare gente con le pezze al sedere, ne hanno così tanta in casa loro... ;)
Che ragione ce' di esporsi ? se li compra la BCE ?

Questi sono i "famosi" corti che non rientrano negli accordi tra BCE/FMI.
La Grecia ha facoltà di emetterli.
Probabilmente si tratta di una prova di forza voluta da Papaconstantinou: se la Grecia riuscirà a piazzarli con spread ridotti rispetto alle precedenti emissioni dei mesi scorsi sarà più credibile sul mercato, con vantaggio reciproco.
Forza PapaC , speriamo trovi qualche Squalone in buona.

Se riuscissero a piazzarli ad un rendimento decoroso, riuscirebbero a fare abbassare la curva dei rendimenti quantomeno sulle scadenze corte... altrimenti, restano nella condizione in cui sono... tutto sommato direi che hanno anche poco da perdere... ;)

Questi sono i "famosi" corti che non rientrano negli accordi tra BCE/FMI.
La Grecia ha facoltà di emetterli.
Probabilmente si tratta di una prova di forza voluta da Papaconstantinou: se la Grecia riuscirà a piazzarli con spread ridotti rispetto alle precedenti emissioni dei mesi scorsi sarà più credibile sul mercato, con vantaggio reciproco.
Greece not due to return to drachma or restructure debt: minister

  • Source: Xinhua
  • [08:31 June 10 2010]
  • Comments
Greece will not return to drachma and will not restructure its national debt this weekend, Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said on Wednesday, strongly denying rumors that the country is on the brink of default or exit from the Eurozone.
"These scenarios of an imminent catastrophe should stop. They are absurd," said Papaconstantinou, noting that such rumors are obviously part of speculative games that targeted Greece earlier this year.
Greece faces a serious debt crisis since late 2009 and the government attributed it up to a point to an attack against the country and the European common currency by speculators.
With the activation of a financial safety net by the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this spring, Greece avoided a bankruptcy, but doubts on the implementation of the terms of the deal and the whole plan to exit the crisis remain.
Mostly foreign media reproduced over the past few days reports that Greece has not escaped the danger and is due to default and exit the Eurozone during this summer or autumn.
The Greek government categorically denounced these scenarios.
"We are on the right track to recovery," said Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Tuesday and Papaconstantinou repeated on Wednesday during a briefing of Greek media.
Asked whether the sale of Greek state bonds to the European Central Bank amounts to a restructure of the Greek debt and delays in payments to foreign lenders, the Greek finance minister said that this is not true.
Papaconstantinou stressed that the agreement between Athens and EU and IMF is properly implemented, Greece is consistent to its pledges and the next installment of financial aid will be given to Athens in September.
Greece has already received 20 billion euros ($24.02 billion) out of a total 110 billion euros ($132.11 billion) secured over a three year period. And according to the timetable of the deal, Greece will get another 9 billion euros ($10. 809 billion) this September, if everything runs smoothly.
On June 14 a new group of EU-IMF auditors will arrive in Athens to follow closely the implementation of measures agreed to cut the country's budget deficit from the current 13.6 percent of GDP to less than three percent by 2014.
The Greek GDP will be revised again next year in collaboration of the restructured Greek National Statistics Agency with the Eurostat, Papaconstantinou underlined.
The figures released by the Greek agency on the budget deficit and other indexes created a storm in the past few months. Before the general elections in Greece last October, the previous government stated that the deficit stood at six percent of GDP. In late 2009 the new government announced that it was actually double, accusing officials of hiding the truth from Greek people and European partners.
Papaconstantinou said that he is optimistic on the implementation of the fiscal measures and the whole Stability and Growth Program to exit the crisis. By June this year, state revenues increased by eight percent on an annual basis, expenses declined by 10 percent and deficit dropped by 40 percent, he stressed.
L'apertura mattutina degli spread/bund (tra parentesi l'apertura precedente):

Grecia 600 pb. (606)
Portogallo 284 pb. (288)
Spagna 209 pb. (215)
Italia 162 pb. (181)
Belgio 99 pb. (104)
UK 98 pb. (94)
Usa 65 pb. (66)
L'apertura mattutina degli spread/bund (tra parentesi l'apertura precedente):

Grecia 600 pb. (606)
Portogallo 284 pb. (288)
Spagna 209 pb. (215)
Italia 162 pb. (181)
Belgio 99 pb. (104)
UK 98 pb. (94)
Usa 65 pb. (66)

Ormai posso anche non leggere più il giornale :lol:
Grazie come sempre delle informazioni Tommy :up:
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