Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Le chiusure degli spread/bund sul decennale. Situazione sempre stazionaria, in tenuta il restringimento avviato in settimana.
Fonte: Thomson-Reuters

Grecia 763 pb. (765)
Portogallo 243 pb. (233)
Irlanda N.D (228)
Spagna 155 pb. (151)
Italia 124 pb. (126)

ATENE - I camionisti greci hanno rifiutato l'ingiunzione del governo di tornare al lavoro e hanno deciso di proseguire lo sciopero in corso da lunedì. I 33 mila autisti di mezzi pesanti protestano contro la liberalizzazione del settore richiesta dall'Unione europea e dal Fondo monetario internazionale nel quadro di aiuti concessi alla Grecia.
Il governo teme che lo sciopero prolungato provochi una penuria di viveri, carburante e medicinali e minaccia il ritiro delle licenze di condurre a chi non dovesse tornare al lavoro. I camionisti non hanno però seguito l'ingiunzione.
Lo sciopero - iniziato in piena stagione turistica - incide pesantemente sull'approvvigionamento di carburanti, causando la formazione di lunghe colonne ai distributori.

(Corriere del Ticino.ch)
Greece closes down consulates due to economic crisis​

2010-07-29 23:02:56

ATHENS, July 29 (Xinhua) - Greece announced Thursday the closure of almost a dozen consulates in Europe and South Africa due to the economic crisis that has hit the country hard this year.
To reduce expenses and readjust services, the Greek government has decided to suspend the operation of consulates general in Hanover, Cologne, Leipzig, Naples and consulates in Nice and Durban, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Gregory Delavekouras
Meanwhile, consulates general in London, Paris and Brussels will be closed and consular offices moved to Greek embassies in the same cities.
The decision was taken as part of government efforts to slash the state budget deficit, currently reaching 13.6 percent of the GDP, to less than three percent by 2014 and restore the national economy.
Greece picks advisers on bank stake sales

July 29, 2010

Greece will hire Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley as advisers on the offer it has received from Piraeus Bank <BOPr.AT> to buy government stakes in ATEbank <AGBr.AT> and Hellenic Postbank <GPSr.AT>, Greek daily To Vima said on Thursday.

The finance ministry would not confirm or deny the banks would be involved and said it was still in the process of choosing advisers.

"The process is ongoing and the decision on the advisers will be finalised by the privatisations committee when it is completed," a ministry official, who declined to be named, said.

Piraeus Bank, Greece's fourth-largest lender, has offered 701 million euros in cash ($916 million) to buy 77.3 percent in ATEbank and 33 percent in Hellenic Postbank (TT).

The offer, announced on July 15, sparked a rally in the banking sector, battered by the country's debt crisis. The government has said it will seriously assess the bid.

Greek banks face a tough economic environment, with non-performing loans on the rise due to the recession at home. Their access to wholesale funding in the interbank market has been shut as a result of Greece's debt crisis.

ATEbank failed the European stress test last week while Piraeus barely passed.

Piraeus Bank <BOPr.AT> has said it will spell out in due course how it will raise capital to fund the acquisition of the stakes. [ID:nLDE66P1KN].

There have been press reports that it is looking to raise at least 1 billion euros for the purpose.

(Financial Mirror.com)

Greece's GDP is expected to grow by 13.2 percent on back of new law, according to an IOBE study

- 30.07.2010

Reflection: Representatives from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund are seen chatting at the Interior Ministry in Athens yesterday. The IMF, EU and ECB representatives reportedly left the ministry satisfied with its performance.

The government will table a bill this fall for the liberalization of closed-shop professions, which is set to include all regulations provided for by the memorandum Greece has signed with its creditors, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.
This is the decision that Economy Minister Louka Katseli and Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou made at yesterday’s meeting with the IMF’s Poul Thomsen, the European Commission’s Servaas Deroose and the European Central Bank’s Klaus Masuch.


Ta Nea: 800,000 employers in Greece have 2 months to settle their debts to state

30 July 2010 | 10:10 | FOCUS News Agency

Athens. Greek Minister for Employment and Social Security Andreas Loverdos has given 800,000 employers – natural persons, firms and state-run companies – two months to pay off their debts to the social security funds, the Greek Ta Nea daily writes.
If the firms do not repay their debts of EUR 12 billion by the beginning of October, they will be closed down, even if they are managed by the state. Loverdos noted that the government facilitated the debtors, reducing the default fines by 80%.
“Amid a crisis and 12% jobless rate you have to be, on the one hand, tough with those who refuse to comply with the rules, and careful, on the other, not to shut down firms that can continue operating and produce good results,” the minister said.

Una visione molto simile alla mia, anche se la granparte del mio portafoglio rimarrà sui bond dedivcando all'azionario per ora un 12% e arriverò ad un massimo del 15%, per contro si riuscirà ada attenuare l'ondata inflattiva con i btpi 2021 che hanno una grossa fetta del mio patrimonio econ altri strumenti legati al tasso irs 10anni vedi le italy 2020 legati al :

e con altri strumenti legati all'euribor e ai tassi molti se non tutti con floor
infine pur sbagliando una buona fetta del mio capitale è impegnato nel tasso fisso tds italiani danno rendimenti apprezzabili e penso che in caso di ripresa economica siano soggetti ad una debacle molto inferiore ai tsd di stati considerati come rifugio...........

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