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Greek bank Emporiki posts 535-million-euro first half loss

Greece's Emporiki Bank, owned by French group Credit Agricole, on Friday announced a net first-half net loss of 535.2 million euros (699 million dollars), a 49.1-percent widening in last year's shortfall.
The bank, Greece's fifth largest, had posted a net loss of 359 million in the first half of 2009.
Emporiki attributed the result to "additional high provisions and increased one-off costs related to the bank's accelerated transformation."
It noted that it had sustained additional group losses of 325.9 million euros in the second quarter of 2010.
The bank said its first-half net banking income had increased by 7.4 percent to 368.4 million euros while gross operating income jumped by 71 percent to 39.9 million euros.
"In the second quarter of 2010 Emporiki further improved its operating performance, as a result of an effective commercial policy and the successful cost control measures that have been implemented," the bank's vice-chairman and CEO Alain Strub said a statement.
Acquired by France's Credit Agricole in 2006, Emporiki has 340 branches in Greece and subsidiaries in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and Germany.

Le chiusure di ieri degli spread/bund sul decennale secondo Thomson-Reuters.
Sempre stazionaria la Grecia che dopo aver oscillato parecchio intorno agli 800 pb sul range massimo di oscillazione (760/800 pb) è ritornata sui minimi da un pò di giorni. Una rottura significativa sotto questi livelli indicherà un primo movimento ad un ulteriore restringimento.
Anche gli altri appartenenti al Club Med resistono sulle posizioni acquisite nelle scorse giornate, pur in presenza di un qualche cedimento. E' nell'aria il downgrade di Moodys sulla Spagna.
Tra parentesi la chiusura precedente:

Grecia 764 pb. (763)
Portogallo 264 pb. (243)
Irlanda 241 pb. ( 228 rilevazione di mercoledì)
Spagna 159 pb. (155)
Italia 130 pb. (124)

18:20 30 LUG 2010

(AGI) Atene - E' degenerata la protesta dei camionisti a Salonicco, dove si registrano scontri con la polizia. I manifestanti hanno respinto l'ordine del governo di tornare a lavororare. La tv di stato greca ha mostrato le immagini dei tafferugli, con gli agenti in assetto antisommosssa. La protesta, che dura da cinque giorni, sta creando problemi in tutto il paese all'approvvigionamento di carburante.

Nonostante la crisi economica e finanziaria in corso, gli analisti continuano a evidenziare come il settore ellenico delle infrastrutture resti uno dei più attrattivi d´Europa, e la combinazione di grandi progetti e il trend positivo assunto dalle partnership pubblico - privato sembrano confermare tale visione. Si tratta certo di uno scenario sul quale continuano a pesare gravi incognite, specie riguardo ai dati macroeconomici, tuttavia la prossima ondata di privatizzazioni, messa in cantiere proprio per risollevare l´economia e ridurre deficit e debito pubblico offrirà rilevanti e per certi versi irripetibili opportunità per gli investitori, in un panorama che negli ultimi due anni è rimasto sostanzialmente fermo.
Gli ultimi dati contribuiscono a rafforzare tali convinzioni: in giugno il Governo ha annunciato l´imminente disinvestimento delle quote statali in una serie di asset infrastrutturali, nell´ambito di un più ampio programma che punta a raccogliere circa 3 miliardi di euro. Ferrovie, porti, aeroporti e utilities rientrano tra le prossime privatizzazioni. Gli investitori non si sono certo lasciati attendere: particolarmente attiva è la Cina, che ad esempio con la China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) ha espresso un possibile interesse nel hub Container / Logistico Thriasio.
Abu Dhabi ha invece rivolto la propria attenzione alla creazione di un complesso industriale - marittimo nelle zone di Drapetsona e Keratsini. Col Qatar la Grecia ha firmato un memorandum di intesa che ha aperto la strada ha investimenti per 6,6 miliardi di dollari nel settore energetico, prevedendo tra gli altri progetti la costruzione di un nuovo terminale per il gas naturale liquefatto presso Astakos.
Nuove concessioni saranno offerte per aeroporti, autostrade e ferrovie. La rinnovata attività del settore contribuirà alla ripresa anche delle PMI, reduci da un periodo drammatico, in particolare nel settore dell´edilizia, dove a salvarsi sono stati in pratica solo i tre ´colossi´ (GEK Terna, Ellaktor , J&P Avax ), grazie alle attività nei Balcani e in Medio Oriente.

Marcello Berlich

(Il Portalino.it)

Athens, Greece (CNN) -- The Greek government ordered the country's armed forces to help deliver fuel as truck drivers voted to continue a contentious strike, state media reported.
Officials said Friday that military vehicles would be used to ensure the supply of fuel to airports, power plants and hospitals, and navy boats could help carry tanker trucks to islands, according to official news agency ANA.
Greece's 33,000 licensed truck drivers went on strike this week to protest government plans to open up their industry and issue new licenses.
The government is required to make the changes under the terms of loan packages from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.
Gas stations on several Greek islands have been dry for days, and shortages of fruits and vegetables have begun, according to the news agency.
Talks between truck drivers and government officials ended in deadlock, the news agency said.
The strike has sparked tension in the Greek capital, where striking workers threw rocks and plastic bottles at the gates of the transport ministry Thursday, and police used tear gas to disperse the angry crowd.
The government issued a rare emergency order to the owners and drivers of the trucks to return to work Thursday, saying they face severe penalties -- including having their licenses revoked -- if they don't.
On Friday, the government said the truckers' refusal to comply with the order was "a grievous insult to law and order that harms society as a whole," the news agency reported.
But truckers' union president Georgios Tzortzatos has said that truck owners, who marched in the center of Athens after Friday's meeting, were not prepared to give up their licences and were determined to defend their rights.
Athens likely to pass troika test

Representatives from the IMF, EU and the ECB likely to issue a favorable report next week

The head of the International Monetary Fund’s mission to Greece, Poul Thomsen, is seen heading to the Finance Ministry yesterday afternoon for a meeting with Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou along with the representatives of the European Commission and the European Central Bank. The group of officials from the IMF, the EC and the ECB are observing the implementation of a memorandum signed earlier this year in order for Greece to receive a bailout package of loans. Their positive feedback is expected to lead to the second installment of loans to Greece, set for September 13 and amounting to 9 billion euros.
Greece seems to be getting good marks from its creditors’ representatives, who have completed their first week of inspections and meetings in Athens and are set to issue a positive report that will allow the release of another 9 billion euros in September.
Envoys from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, unoffially known as the “troika,” had another meeting with Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou yesterday afternoon in a positive atmosphere upon completing their work here monitoring the progress of the Greek economy. The next inspection by the three international organizations is expected at the end of October.
Their next steps now will be drafting and delivering a preliminary report to Papaconstantinou on Monday, while at the middle of next week they are due to issue a progress report that will go to to their respective institutions in Washington (IMF), Brussels (EU) and Frankfurt (ECB).
Based on this report and its conclusions, the second installment of funds to Greece will be released by the IMF and the European Commission. This is expected to take place on September 13 and will total up to 9 billion euros.
A top ministry official said after yesterday’s meeting that the troika had been informed that the state budget is being properly implemented and that the risks that exist have been acknowledged.
The same official added that the next moves would concern the streamlining of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), the Kallikratis scheme, which provides for a radical reorganization of local authorities, and the opening up of so-called closed-shop professions. Regarding the latter, a sweeping bill is expected to be submitted by the end of the year that will provide for their liberalization.
The official also stressed that more details will be announced regarding the implementation of the agreement signed between Athens and its creditors, with an update on Greece’s commitments.
Finance Ministry sources added that the content of the foreign representatives’ report is certain to be positive, as all commitments undertaken by Greece during the first half of 2010 have either been fulfilled or are at an advanced stage of implementation.
On the other hand, the experts’ report is likely to include the fiscal danger zones, mostly concerning revenues that are lagging considerably compared to the annual target. There will also be a demand for the acceleration of certain policies, such as tackling inflation, appointing certified accountants to public companies and hospitals, reducing tax and social security contribution evasion and bolstering transparency in state procurements.


New, stricter, stress test

Bank of Greece will reportedly put all local commercial banks to a new and stricter stress test this fall, in association with Greece’s international creditors. After five out of six Greek lenders passed the European Central Bank’s stress test last week, BoG is about to prepare a new one that will be tailor-made for each local bank, for instance taking into consideration the composition of its loan portfolio or its geographical exposure. The test is likely to take place at the end of September, sources suggest.

Shop owners report large drop in sales

Retailers are reporting disappointing revenues two weeks after the start of the summer sales, with the president of the Hellenic Retail Business Association (SELPE), Theodoros Vardas, suggesting an annual decline of 20 percent.
Although sales at apparel and home products stores are offering discounts of up to 70 percent, the decline in household spending in general and the inability of shopkeepers to reduce prices further mean that the market has been in constant decline since 2008, with total losses adding up to 30 percent. Vardas added that he did not expect any sign of a rebound in retail before the second half of 2011.
The negative market picture is also evident in data provided by the Hellenic Statistical Authority for May, which show turnover in the apparel sector posting an 8.5 percent decline from the previous month and a 17.7 percent drop from May 2009.
Turnover at department stores in May posted a 10.9 percent drop from last year, while sales volume contracted by 11.2 percent from May 2009. There was, however, a monthly increase of 6 percent in turnover.
In this context, new investments appear particularly notable. In September, Notos Com will open its new Notos Galleries department store in Thessaloniki.


ATHEX July gains come to 17.27 pct

The decline posted in the month’s last bourse session yesterday was not enough to wipe out the gains registered in previous days.
The Athens Exchange (ATHEX) general index ended at 1,681.98 points, shrinking 1.55 percent from Thursday’s close at 1,708.38 points. The blue chip FTSE/ATHEX 20 index contracted 2.32 percent to end up at 826.85 points. Mid-caps, however, had another day of growth with their FTSE/ATHEX 40 index climbing 0.27 percent.
The week closed with gains of 5.75 percent. Monthly gains of a considerable 17.27 percent were registered for July.
Motor Oil outperformed other blue chips with a rise of 2.44 percent, followed by Marfin Investment Group (1.71 percent) and Ellaktor (1.18 percent). Eurobank EFG led the losers (down 4.22 percent), while Bank of Cyprus declined by 3.96 percent. Marfin Popular Bank went down 3.72 percent.
A total of 76 stocks moved up, led by Klonatex preferred shares, which rose by 17.32 percent, 94 went down, as Maritime of Lesvos contracted by 12.50 percent, and 42 remained unchanged.
Turnover came to just 90.2 million euros, down from 129.9 million in the previous session.

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