Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Oggi pomeriggio stiamo ritoccando, molto lentamente, i minimi del periodo degli spread sul bund decennale a 757 pb.
Anche i CDS sono in discesa di un'altra decina di punti. Secondo CMA alle ore 12,30 segnavano 701 punti.
Borsa di Atene sempre molto positiva con un + 1,58. Indice ASE a 1774 punti. Scambi a 103 Mln.
Borsa Atene: Ase +1,3%: Ppc +4,6%, Hellenic Telecoms +3,8%

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene chiude in crescita dell'1,3%, a quota 1769,9 punti. I titoli bancari riescono a consolidare i guadagni precedenti senza particolari prese di profitto.
"Sono convinto che agosto sara' un mese interessante per la Borsa di Atene, dato che si e' ripristinata la fiducia sull'economia locale e sullo scenario di M&A tuttavia i risultati corporate sulle trimestrali sono gia' stati assorbiti dai mercati", afferma Kostas Zouzoulas della Axia Ventures.
In territorio positivo Ppc, a +4,6%, Hellenic Telecoms, a +3,8%, Coca Cola Hellenic, a +3,7%, Opap in rialzo del 3,4% e National dell'1,2%. Alpha ed Eurobank cedono rispettivamente il 3% e il 2%.

Volumi a 128,5 mln.
European Central Bank sees pressure ease

LONDON - While Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke faces pressure to spur the U.S. recovery, European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet can take life a bit easier.
For the first time in what must seem like ages, Trichet's monthly press conference Thursday after the central bank's rate-setting meeting will not be engulfed by crisis talk and questions about possible government default.
Following months of procrastination and indecision, Europe's leaders and the ECB appear to have pulled their act together and doused the flames of a government debt crisis that threatened the fabric of the 16-country single currency zone.
The impending sense of doom that dominated for much of this year has largely gone, following a €110 billion euro bailout of Greece from the country's 15 partners in the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund, and a near $1 trillion rescue package for other potentially shaky countries. That won the EU breathing room, though the debt loads carried by European governments will remain a problem for years……….
The main impetus behind this divergence is that while the U.S. economy appears to be losing its steam, Europe's economy is showing mounting evidence of coming back to life. Its marked improvement in fortunes is most evident in the industrial sector as exporters reap the dividend of a pickup in global trade.
It's particularly difficult to ignore the strength of the recovery taking place in Germany, Europe's economic powerhouse. That is likely to be reflected in Trichet's comments after Thursday's meeting, where the bank is expected to keep its main interest rate unchanged at 1 percent.
"Newsflow has turned decisively positive for the euro area over the past month, and this is likely to be reflected in a slightly more optimistic tone in the ECB's introductory statement and question and answer session," said Frederik Ducrozet, eurozone economist at Credit Agricole.
Trichet's anticipated tone will stand in marked contrast to the rumblings at other central banks, most notably at the Fed.
In a speech Monday, Bernanke….
Challenges clearly remain in Europe. Most notably, governments will struggle to push through the austerity measures promised to cut debt and get the markets off their backs.
In particular, the clear possibility remains that Greece will have to restructure its debt. Recent budget data suggest that Greece is ahead of target. But many analysts think the debts are so large that the government will have to seek revised repayment terms, especially if voters balk at the sacrifices being asked of them.
The austerity measures, which include big tax hikes and spending cuts, will also hurt the eurozone's growth prospects.
Despite the recent run of strong economic data, most economists think the eurozone economy will continue only by a modest 1 and 2 percent over the coming couple of years. There are also concerns that recent rally in the euro may choke off the nascent recovery in the industrial sector as it makes Europe's high-value exports less competitive.
CNBC - The Associated Press
Chiudiamo la giornata con i CDS in ulteriore calo: secondo CMA alle 16,30 eravamo a 694 punti, intorno ai minimi del periodo toccati negli scorsi giorni.
Invece gli spread/bund sul decennale sono sempre inchiodati ai minimi, intorno a 766 pb.
La chiusura degli spread/bund sul decennale:

Grecia 761 pb. (763)
Portogallo 257 pb. (255)
Irlanda 239 pb. (235)
Spagna 152 pb. (149)
Italia 126 pb. (122)
Vima, Greece: Troika requires higher revenues collectability

04 August 2010 | 09:29 | FOCUS News Agency

Athens. Representatives of the Troika require Greece to take measures for higher revenues collectability, Greek Vima daily reports.
According to the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revenues collectability in H1 2010 is insufficient. The EU joint mission required the Greek government to take actions on the issue at the meeting with Greek Economy Minister George Papaconstantinou, since the planned EUR 1.4 billion revenues are not enough.
The final version of the report on Greece’s progress, worked out by the EC, the ECB and the IMF, will be officially passed on Wednesday.
Greece calls in Italian heavyweight

PM appoints Padoa-Schioppa as economic adviser; EU-ECB-IMF troika team ends visit to Athens

Prime Minister George Papandreou will appoint former Italian Finance Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa as an economic adviser in a move seen boosting the government’s know-how in its battle to get through the debt crisis.
The appointment was announced as officials from the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) wound up an inspection in Athens. They are reviewing austerity measures which Greece is enacting in order to get international rescue loans worth 110 billion euros over three years.
According to a government statement, 70-year-old Padoa-Schioppa will advise Papandreou on the economy, banks and debt management.
“He will offer advice to the prime minister on matters of political planning relating to the implementation of fiscal and structural policy as part of the European support mechanism,” Papandreou’s office said yesterday.
Padoa-Schioppa was a minister in Italy’s center-left government from 2006 to 2008 and a former policymaker at the ECB. He has served as director-general for economy and finance at the EU, vice director-general of the Bank of Italy, president of Italy’s bourse watchdog Consob and president of the IMF’s monetary and finance committee.
“This is a positive choice,” Gikas Hardouvelis, chief economist at Greek lender Eurobank EFG, told Reuters. “He has held senior positions and knows how macroeconomics and financial markets work.”
News of the appointment came as officials from the ECB, EU and IMF – dubbed by local press as the “troika” – met with Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou late yesterday.
In a report to be issued soon on Greece’s progress, the troika is expected to urge Greece to pick up its income collection efforts as budget revenues are trailing well behind annual targets due to the deepening recession.
The government has managed to slash the deficit by around 46 percent year-on-year in the January-June period, mainly due to a 4-billion-euro clampdown on government expenditure.
Sources said that the report is also likely to focus on the need for structural reforms, such as the opening up of closed professions.
The government yesterday got a vote of confidence from Luxembourg’s Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the eurozone’s finance ministers, who said that he is “very satisfied” with the deficit reductions Greece is making.
The cuts have been “beyond expectations,” he told reporters in Luxembourg. The eurozone nations “have further wishes as to structural reforms” to be undertaken by the Greek government, Juncker said.



Bè d'altronde gli stiamo mandando l'uomo che insieme a Prodi è riuscito ad aumentare l'irpef dal 23 al 27% nello scaglione che va dai 15000 ai 27000 euro dicendo che aumentava le tasse ai ricchi, a detassare banche e assicurazioni e a tentare di aumentare la tassazione delle rendite a quegli avidi speculatori che siamo noi che viviamo di rendita

Probabilmente l'avrà mandato goldman sachs per assicurarsi che le privatizzazioni statali vadano a finere nelle mani giuste a prezzo equo (x gs).
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