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Vima, Greece: Troika requires higher revenues collectability
04 August 2010 | 09:29 | FOCUS News Agency
Athens. Representatives of the Troika require Greece to take measures for higher revenues collectability, Greek Vima daily reports.
According to the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revenues collectability in H1 2010 is insufficient. The EU joint mission required the Greek government to take actions on the issue at the meeting with Greek Economy Minister George Papaconstantinou, since the planned EUR 1.4 billion revenues are not enough.
The final version of the report on Greece’s progress, worked out by the EC, the ECB and the IMF, will be officially passed on Wednesday.
Ma tagliare di 1 milardo e mezzo le spese militari sarebbe troppo facile?
Immagino che l'ex ministro italiano sia stato chiamato a dargli una mano anche in tal senso. Circa mezzo punto di PIL che sarebbe meglio recuperare senza inasprire la tassazione sul popolo greco.
Stiamo a vedere, i consigli dell'IMF generalmente sono delle fesserie quindi mi auguro che non gli diano ascolto.