Banker Works for Free as Euro Founding Father Rescuing Greeks
By Elisa Martinuzzi and Maria Petrakis - Aug 20, 2010 1:00 AM GMT+0200 Thu Aug 19 23:00:01 GMT 2010
The euro is so important to
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, one of the common currency’s founding fathers, that he’s willing to work for free to safeguard its future.
Greek Prime Minister
George Papandreou this month asked Padoa-Schioppa, whose previous roles include Italian finance minister, central banker, economist and international banking supervisor, to advise the country on its debt management.
As former finance minister of a country with continuous budget problems, Padoa-Schioppa can convey important experiences,”
Otmar Issing, a former Bundesbank chief economist and a fellow founder member of the European Central Bank’s executive board, said by e-mail.
The Italian national helped Italy, regarded for years as the weakest euro member by investors, curb its
deficit. Those skills will aid Greece, which only avoided default after the European Union and the International Monetary Fund forged a bailout worth 110 billion euros ($141 billion). The nation still pays four times more than Germany does to borrow for 10 years.
“Tommaso is there to ensure the program does not derail,” said
Renato Filosa, a former member of the IMF’s executive board. “His determination will be key to implementing the agreements Greece reached with EU and IMF.”
Padoa-Schioppa, 70, says he’ll gauge his success by whether Greece’s economy grows and its crisis eases. “I’m a user of economics more than an economist,” he said in an interview in Milan. “I am used to searching the middle ground between economic abstract reasoning and its application to concrete cases.”
Unpaid Assignment
Padoa-Schioppa’s pro bono assignment adds Greece to a curriculum spanning 37 years of public service, beginning at the Bank of Italy in Rome in 1968 and including stints running the bank’s money-market and economic research divisions before becoming deputy director general for 13 years from 1984. “I am independent, I don’t have conflicts of interest and I won’t get paid for what I do,” he said about his new position.
The son of an insurance chief, he recalls the economic crises of the 1970s and 1980s that meant Italy couldn’t sell long-dated bonds and faced weekly concerns about whether investors would buy T-bills needed to refinance borrowings. Papandreou has said he wants Greece, currently reliant on bailout funds, to resume selling bonds next year.
“Papandreou has made a very good choice,” said
Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and a former European Union Trade Commissioner. “Greece can draw on Tommaso’s wealth of experience and wisdom in the finance and banking field.”
Bond Woes
Investors demand a yield of about 10.6 percent to buy Greek 10-year government debt, 8.25 percentage points more than they charge Germany, Europe’s most creditworthy nation. Greece’s borrowing costs have more than doubled in the past year after the nation admitted its deficit had never met the 3 percent of gross domestic product target demanded of euro members.
“Greece is on the road to orderly default,” said
Simon Johnson, a former chief economist for the IMF and now professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management. “Padoa-Schioppa will help.”
bailout package from the EU and IMF has bought Greece time, though some economists say it won’t solve the problem. Four-year Greek bonds yield about 11.9 percent, up from as low as 3.2 percent less than a year ago. The yield peaked at almost 18 percent in May as investors fretted the nation wouldn’t be able to pay its debts.
‘Fixing Greece’
“By the time they are done fixing Greece in 2013, its debt burden will have risen to 340 billion euros,”
Carl Weinberg, the chief economist of High Frequency Economics in Valhalla, New York, wrote in a note to clients this week. “No one should believe that Greece will be any better able to service and repay 340 billion euros worth of fixed-income debt than it was able to manage 270 billion euros.”
Padoa-Schioppa was present at the euro’s birth as an adviser to France’s
Jacques Delors, who crafted the EU’s plans for a single market and common currency while commission president, as joint secretary to the Delors committee from 1988 to 1989.
“He proved to be pro-European,” said Filosa, the former manager of monetary and economic affairs at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, who first met Padoa-Schioppa at MIT, where Padoa-Schioppa obtained a master in economics in 1970. “His absolute creed and will is to build a solid Europe.”
Euro Threat
That European solidity has been threatened by Greece’s economic woes, which drove the euro down by six percent against the dollar in the first quarter of this year and by a further 10 percent in the second three months of the year.
Papandreou aims to cut Greece’s deficit to 8.1 percent of gross domestic product this year from 13.6 percent in 2009. As Italy’s finance minister from 2006 through 2008, Padoa-Schioppa trimmed the country’s shortfall to a seven-year low of 1.5 percent of GDP in 2007.
Padoa-Schioppa’s roles as chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision from 1993 to 1997, and his current salaried job as European chairman of Promontory Financial Group LLC, a Washington-based company that advises banks on regulation, have kept him in contact with the world’s top financial professionals.
“He can help communicate to the European partners of Greece and to the finance community the structure of the economic policy the government follows and what it achieves, as well as the commitment of the government to fiscal responsibility,” Herakles Polemarchakis, director of the economics office of Greece’s prime minister, said in an e-mail.
To contact the reporters on this story:
Elisa Martinuzzi in Milan at
[email protected] Maria Petrakis in Athens at
[email protected]