Greek Economy Contrcts 3,7% In Q2
Greece’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreased by 3,7% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009 and by 1,8% in comparison with the
previous quarter, provisional data from the national statistical authority said.
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) decreased by 18,6% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009. By asset, GFCF in dwellings decreased by 19,3%, in other machinery and equipment by 10,6%, in other construction by 27,0% and in transport equipment by 20,9%.
Total final consumption expenditure, recorded a decrease of 5,1% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009. General government consumption decreased by 8,4%, while private consumption recorded a decrease of 4,2%.
The external trade deficit, decreased by 28,1% contributing positively to the GDP percent change.
Imports decreased by 13,5% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009.
Imports of goods decreased by 21,1% while imports of services increased by 11,4%.
Exports decreased by 5,0% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009. Exports of goods decreased by 2,3% while exports of services by 7,0%
As regards the production approach of GDP, total gross value added decreased by 6,3% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009 and by 3,9% in comparison with the previous quarter.
Increase in gross value added was recorded only in agriculture, forestry and fishing industry by 1,9%.
On the other hand, the gross value added decreased in the other industries: manufacturing, mining, electricity, gas and water supply industry by 6,6%, construction industry by 24,7%, trade, hotels-restaurants, transport and communication industry by 10,8%, financial, real estate, renting and business activities industry by 2,7% and in other service activities industry by 1,2%.
Compensation of employees, at current prices, decreased by 3,9% in comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2009.
Rivisto al ribasso il Pil della Grecia
(Teleborsa) - Roma, 8 set - Non si allenta la tensione sull'economia della Grecia. Stamane l'ufficio di statistica nazionale ha rivisto al ribasso il prodotto interno lordo relativo al 2° trimestre, con una contrazione che passa all'1,8% dall'1,5% indicata in precedenza.
Su base annua il Pil registra una flessione del 3,7% dal 3,5% della lettura precedente.
La voce spese ha evidenziato un decremento del 5,1%, con quelle pubbliche in calo dell'8,4% e quelle private del 4,2%. Si è ridotto del 28,1% il deficit della bilancia commerciale, con le importazioni in flessione del 13,5% e le importazioni del 5%.