Chinese Banks Agree to Extend $267.8 Million of Loans to 3 Greek Shippers
By Paul Tugwell - Oct 4, 2010 2:06 PM GMT+0200 Mon Oct 04 12:06:09 GMT 2010
Chinese state-run banks agreed to $267.8 million in loans to three Greek shippers during a weekend visit to Athens by Chinese Premier
Wen Jiabao, marking the first time such transactions have been exclusively financed by Chinese lenders, the Greek Prime Minister’s office said.
A $5 billion shipping fund will be set up to tighten relations between China’s and Greece’s maritime industries and facilitate the sale of Chinese-built vessels to Greek owners, Wen said two days earlier.
Diana Shipping Inc., Angelicoussis Shipping Group, and Cardiff Marine Inc., the private shipping arm of ship owner George Economou, received loans.
Diana, which owns bulk carriers, obtained an $82.6 million loan from the Export-Import Bank of China, according to a statement e-mailed late yesterday from Prime Minister
George Papandreou’s office.
DnB NOR ASA, Norway’s largest bank, acted as agent for the 10-year loan, which will be used to part finance $118 million for two new bulk ships, each of which has a carrying capacity of 206,000 deadweight tons, that have been ordered from China Shipbuilding Trading Co. and Jiangnan-Changxing Shipbuilding Co. Delivery is scheduled for the second and third quarters 2012, Athens-based Diana said today in an e-mailed statement.
Angelicoussis, based in Athens, obtained a $111 million loan from the Export-Import Bank, with DnB NOR acting as agent, and Cardiff Marine obtained a $74.2 million loan from China Development Bank Corp.
Cardiff Marine company also signed a cooperation agreement with the China Classification Society, which assesses the classes of vessels. The Greek shipper will use the loan to pay for a very large crude oil tanker, Hellenic Shipping News reported earlier today. China’s Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industry Group Co. announced an order on Aug. 24 for two VLCCs from Cardiff Marine.