Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Athens Stocks A Tad Higher

Greek market is edging higher on Monday, showing signs of consolidation.

“We remain cautious on ATHEX’s short term trend, believing that volatility will persist. Should foreign markets be supportive, the reiteration of the upward movement witnessed last week, should not be ruled out. Banks should once again monopolize investors’ interest,” Marfin Analysis says in its morning report.

“Profit taking should be considered the main reason behind Friday΄s abrupt negative trading, which became stronger as we moved towards its conclusion. Considering that aggressive sales are most likely to have slightly cooled off, we expect the Athens market to trade in the same levels today, even provide investors with a mere ascending reaction. In this context, we expect the GI to open towards the 1,535 units (pivot point), possibly aiming for the 1,545 units (1st resistance level) later during the day. Concluding, we note that should pressure continue to be asserted on banking equities, driving the GI towards the 1,510 units, we would consider increasing our positions,” Pegasus Securities notes.

Across the board, the General Index gains 0.84% at 1,542.81 on a total turnover of 22.82 mil. euro.

Per che segue l'AT, rammento che una discesa sotto i 750 pb dello spread/bund sul decennale, infrangerebbe una notevole linea di resistenza.
Greek CDS Spread Tightens as Default Fears Ease

By Art Patnaude

The Greek five-year credit-default-swap spread tightened to under seven percentage points for the first time since the end of May, as comments from the International Monetary Fund’s annual conference over the weekend decreased the chances of a default.

The five-year CDS spread on Greece was 0.25 percentage point tighter at 6.95 percentage points, according to data-provider Markit, meaning it now costs an average of $695,000 a year to insure $10 million of debt issued by the country. The spread last closed below seven percentage points on May 31, at 6.74 percentage points.

Over the weekend, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the body is prepared to prolong its loans to Greece should European institutions decide to do so first, making it less likely that Greece will default on its bonds.
CDS are tradable, over-the-counter derivatives that function like a default insurance contract for corporate debt. If a borrower defaults, the protection buyer is paid compensation by the protection seller. Swap buyers may be protecting investments they own or simply making bearish bets against countries.

Dal Blog del Wall Street Journal.
Germany Opposes Any Extension of Greek Repayment Schedule, Ministry Says

By Alan Crawford - Oct 11, 2010 11:38 AM GMT+0200 Mon Oct 11 09:38:51 GMT 2010

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government opposes any move to grant Greece more time to repay its loans, the German Finance Ministry said.
“We are not in favor of extending the repayments schedule” for Greece, German Finance Ministry spokesman Bertrand Benoit said by phone today. Any such move would be “premature,” he said.

“Greece must establish a track record of implementing the program, which they are doing so far,” he said. “The deficit- cutting program ‘‘is designed in such a way that if implemented fully, there shouldn’t be any need for extension of the repayment schedule.’’ From 2012, when the program expires, Greece should be able to refinance itself on the market, he said.

In addition, ‘‘it’s important there can be absolutely no doubt about the quality of the statistics’’ used by Greece, Benoit said.


dieci figure

:ciao: Quel cippo della 2019 6% preso l'8 settembre a 67,35 insieme a Ferdo, quota adesso (dopo un mese) 77,30: dieci figure tonde in più :). Ma il titolo è lo stesso e la situazione non è molto cambiata, ma adesso molti lo comprano, perchè? qualcuno me lo spieghi :rolleyes:.
Ciao, Giuseppe
:ciao: Quel cippo della 2019 6% preso l'8 settembre a 67,35 insieme a Ferdo, quota adesso (dopo un mese) 77,30: dieci figure tonde in più :). Ma il titolo è lo stesso e la situazione non è molto cambiata, ma adesso molti lo comprano, perchè? qualcuno me lo spieghi :rolleyes:.
Ciao, Giuseppe

Semplice, è cambiato il sentiment del mercato.
Più probabile che la speculazione stia ricaricando i cannoni, quiete prima della tempesta?

Occhio alla Spagna... :cool:
Germany Opposes Any Extension of Greek Repayment Schedule, Ministry Says


E' più che altro il titolo piuttosto del contenuto dell'articolo, in realtà l'amministratice del condominio tedesco sostiene che la Grecia dal 2012 si dovrebbe rifinanziare da sola tramite il mercato.
Personaggi comunque inquietanti i tedeschi....
E quindi? non è così semplice.

Semplice, è cambiato il sentiment del mercato.
Più probabile che la speculazione stia ricaricando i cannoni, quiete prima della tempesta?

Occhio alla Spagna... :cool:

Ciao, Grisù, e cosa vuol dire sentiment?? I fatti sono che i prezzi prima erano irragionevolmente bassi in relazione alla situazione oggettiva della Grecia. Solo che ci credevano in pochi! I sentiment cambiano senza apparente motivo. E io approfitto proprio del sentiment, che certe volte si chiama panico, panico, panico!
La mia è stata una domanda provocatoria, per aiutare a far riflettere, se mi posso permettere.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe
E' più che altro il titolo piuttosto del contenuto dell'articolo, in realtà l'amministratice del condominio tedesco sostiene che la Grecia dal 2012 si dovrebbe rifinanziare da sola tramite il mercato.
Personaggi comunque inquietanti i tedeschi....

Questa, più positiva, di 10 minuti fa dal "Wall Street Journal", comunque ... che palle stì tedeschi.

German MOF: Confident Greece Able To Comply With Rescue Plan Rules

BERLIN (Dow Jones)--Germany is confident that Greece will manage to comply with requirements set out under the rescue package for the debt-ridden country, finance ministry spokesman Michael Offer said Monday.

"Our opinion is that the existing set of rules, which was imposed on Greece from the European Central Bank, the European Commission and also the International Monetary Fund, is now being implemented step by step. This requires great efforts from Greece which we believe is getting done very well," Offer told reporters. "We are optimistic that Greece will be successful in complying with the requirements and in reducing the high debt."

The comments come after IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said the fund is prepared to give Greece more time to repay its loan to the IMF if European nations opt to do so first.
Under the rescue plan for Greece agreed earlier this year, euro-zone countries will provide up to EUR80 billion while the IMF will contribute up to EUR30 billion. Germany's contribution will be up to EUR8.4 billion this year, and up to a combined EUR14 billion in the second and third years.
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