Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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diciamo allora che è una sosta per una sorsata di acqua, stamattina c'era ancora stato sprint a salire, ed ora si è tornati ai valori medi di ieri (parlo 2019 6%, 2014 5,5%, 2025) però vedo che il denaro è cmq tonico.

Con le chiusure di ieri sera la curva rendimento è molto piatta tra 2014 e 2026, con rendimenti compresi tra il 7,5% e l'8% netto, ad eccezione del 2019 5% che era mezzo punto più alto.

oggi e domani è lecito aspettarsi giornate di realizzo, ovvero da chi al fine settimana vuole contabilizzare dopo la generosa risalita dei corsi.. mi ripromettevo di alleggerire ma ancora non l'ho fatto, sperando non si riveli l'ennesimo errore sulla grecia..
oggi e domani è lecito aspettarsi giornate di realizzo, ovvero da chi al fine settimana vuole contabilizzare dopo la generosa risalita dei corsi.. mi ripromettevo di alleggerire ma ancora non l'ho fatto, sperando non si riveli l'ennesimo errore sulla grecia..

io ho venduto quasi tutta la 2014 che avevo e le ho messe sulla 2019 5% (che è salita un pochetto) - stesso nominale, prezzo inferiore, rendimento maggiore (va bè pure scadenza maggiore)
... per pochi attimi (quello dei click di sopra) non ho alleggerito la 2019
cmq imho è solo un assestamento ... in caso contrario, siamo nati per soffrire e temprarci :sad:
io ho venduto quasi tutta la 2014 che avevo e le ho messe sulla 2019 5% (che è salita un pochetto) - stesso nominale, prezzo inferiore, rendimento maggiore (va bè pure scadenza maggiore)
... per pochi attimi (quello dei click di sopra) non ho alleggerito la 2019
cmq imho è solo un assestamento ... in caso contrario, siamo nati per soffrire e temprarci :sad:

Credo anch'io.
L'obiettivo degli stessi greci è tornare ad emettere un bot/greek a 12 mesi sotto il tasso pagato alla troika.
Si prevede che questo sarà fatto entro i primi mesi del 2011.
L'attesa è quindi per rendimenti ancora inferiori agli attuali.
Weber Says Emergency Aid for Nations Must Be Tied to `Painful' Conditions

By Simone Meier and Rainer Buergin - Oct 14, 2010 1:21 PM GMT+0200 Thu Oct 14 11:21:12 GMT 2010

European Central Bank Governing Council member Axel Weber said future emergency support to euro- region member states must be tied to “strict and painful” conditions to encourage governments to stick to budget rules.
“A temporary financial support for member states should remain an option at best used only if there’s a clear, considerable contagion risk for the rest of the currency union and if, secondly, the use is tied to strict and painful conditions,” Weber said at an event in Berlin today. Funds should be raised by individual member nations rather than through a joint measure such as Eurobonds, he said.

European leaders are seeking ways to tighten budget-deficit rules after Greece’s debt crisis forced countries in May to pledge an unprecedented rescue package to prevent the crisis from spreading across the 16-member region. While governments from Ireland to Portugal have since stepped up spending cuts, investors remain concerned about countries’ ability to fund themselves.

“Measures for crisis management need to be tailored in a way that entails as little as possible distortion of incentives” for member states, Weber said. “That’s why it’s indispensable to credibly anchor the no-bailout principle.”
The extra yield that investors demand to hold Irish and Portuguese 10-year bonds over German bunds climbed to records as recently as Sept. 28. The Irish spread was at 397 basis points today, Spain’s at 170 points and Portugal’s at 385 points. Greece’s premium was at 656 points.

Deficit Sanctions

Weber, who is also head of Germany’s Bundesbank, called for a system of “automatic sanctions” for countries breaching the region’s budget rules. It’s important not only to monitor countries’ shortfalls but also their debt, he said. His Luxembourg colleague Yves Mersch said in London today that he would favor “more automaticity” for sanctions and that governments’ capacity to plead “exceptional circumstances” to avoid penalties should be curtailed.

Weber’s comments come two days after he said the ECB’s purchases of government bonds “should now be phased out permanently” and that the risk of exiting too late is greater than the danger of withdrawing measures too early. The ECB started buying bonds in May to help restore confidence.
“In the current situation, which is marked by uncertainty, a credible consolidation can serve as an anchor,” Weber said today. “A continuous expansive financial policy for countries with massive household problems is” no longer an option.

Gov't determined to combat bureaucracy

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Thursday reiterated his determination to combat bureaucracy, excessive legislation and outdated perceptions that have transformed public services into fief, operating as the source of corruption. Addressing an open discussion meeting between Regional Development and Competitiveness Minister Mihalis Chryssohoidis and Greek exporters.

The Premier made a surprise visit to the meeting and in his address he noted that exporters -despite bureaucracy hurdles- have managed to become what Greek enterpreunship should be -creative, bold and efficient- offering multiple benefits to the Greek economy and society.

"We are determined to establish clear and simple rules in the relation between businessmen and the state because we know that excessive legislation and complex framework are the source of corruption," Papandreou said. He asked for the help of the business world to change perceptions throughout all levels of the society and pledged that the government will take action for a fair tax framework. "We respect the operation of each one of you and we believe that inspections should be transparent," he noted.

Exporters asked the Prime Minister to take action to supporting young people in their business activities.
Earlier, Regional Development and Competitiveness Minister Mihalis Chryssohoidis had presented the four priorities of his policy towards boosting export activity, supporting innovation, liquidity and market inspection.

He said that a new development law would be put for consultation in the next two weeks and noted that a new law would include special measures to support export businesses, young businessmen and innovation. Chryssohoidis said he was determined to create a young businessmen movement in Greece. He announced that a draft legislation aimed at transforming TEMPME -a fund to supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises- into a Hellenic Business and Development Fund with the addition of 2.0 billion euros in capital from a Fourth Community Support Framework, was at its last stage of preparations and noted that the fund was expected to mobilize bank capital worth 3.0 billion euros.

Chryssohoidis said Greek banks were expected to offer written commitments to boost liquidity in domestic markets by using 30 pct of state guarantees offered by the state. He repeated his call to multinational enterprises operating in Greece to cut their prices, saying that there evidence that products were overprices by up to 30 pt in Greece compared with other European countries.

Greek, Irish, Portugal Bonds Still Unattractive, Spain Better, HSBC Says

By Anchalee Worrachate - Oct 14, 2010 1:03 PM GMT+0200 Thu Oct 14 11:03:11 GMT 2010

Greek, Irish and Portuguese bond yields will remain at “wide” premiums to German debt because the nations’ fiscal problems will persist, HSBC Holdings Inc. said.
Spain and Italy, also seen as high-deficit countries, are “relatively well-placed” by comparison, Steve Major, global head of fixed-income research at HSBC in London, said in an e- mailed note. He cited the bank’s so-called sovereign scorecard, which uses data such as ratios of interest payments to revenue and deficit to gross domestic product.

The scorecard put Greece, Ireland and Portugal in HSBC’s so-called third tier, the lowest group of countries, with Spain and Italy in the second tier. Greece applied for an International Monetary Fund and European Union rescue this year, while Ireland has canceled its planned debt issuance for the remainder of the year.

“Greece, Ireland and Portugal remain unattractive according to this analysis,” wrote Major. “This tier-3 group currently has limited or no access to public markets.”
Other measures used in HSBC’s scorecard include nations’ contingent liabilities and the amount of debt due in 12 months as a proportion of outstanding debt.

The yield difference between 10-year Greek notes and German bunds has narrowed to 651.5 basis points from a euro-era record of 973 basis points on May 7. That spread remains the widest in the euro region. Investors demand a yield premium of 411 basis points to lend to Ireland for 10 years rather than Germany.

The Spanish 10-year yield spread was little changed at 174 basis points. Ten-year Italian bonds yielded 147 basis points more than the benchmark German debt of the same maturity.


Mi chiedevano un giudizio su questo titolo ... ma non saltatemi addosso ...

Uno dei titoli più scambiati sul MOT è il GGBei 25, titolo particolarmente apprezzato dai trader nostrani e un pò meno dagli istituzionali.
Tra gli indicizzati presenti sul mercato euro è quello che potrebbe avere nel futuro performance migliori: prezzo basso ma indicizzazione maturata alta.
Il titolo è stato uno dei primi a subire le vendite massicce nel corso della prima fase della crisi a dicembre 2009.
Un auspicabile innalzamento del rating da parte di Moody's e S&P a BBB potrebbe far ritornare i fondi su questo titolo da cui ne sono usciti anzitempo.

Ti riferisci a questo: GR0338001531 ??
Ciao, Giuseppe
io ho venduto quasi tutta la 2014 che avevo e le ho messe sulla 2019 5% (che è salita un pochetto) - stesso nominale, prezzo inferiore, rendimento maggiore (va bè pure scadenza maggiore)
... per pochi attimi (quello dei click di sopra) non ho alleggerito la 2019
cmq imho è solo un assestamento ... in caso contrario, siamo nati per soffrire e temprarci :sad:

pensavo anche io di switchare ma dalla 19 6% non dalla 14. poi la 19 ha ceduto e ho lasciato stare, ma lo switch ci stava tutto. vediamo se a questi livelli si trova una stabilizzazione, punto più o punto meno
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