Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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stop loss e minimi di giornata

imho solo perchè c'è stato un momento in cui l'unico denaro era a 79 poi parecchi tick sotto delle macchinette, quindi nel momento più buio molti hanno scaricato temendo il peggio;
anche le altre scadenze hanno avuto flessioni nello stesso momento;
cmq la prox volta ti chiedo in pvt così evitiamo dubbi

Probabilmente è stato solo un caso, come dice Tommy. Certo che sono rimasto sorpreso vedendo che il mio stop loss fissato due giorni fa è stato il minimo di giornata, almeno fino adesso.
Per sicurezza, come dici tu, la prossima volta queste comunicazione è meglio farle in posta privata.
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe
Le aeronautiche militari di Grecia e Israele concludono un'esercitazione congiunta

Atene, Grecia - Le manovre non sono condotte né verso la Turchia né verso altri Paesi

(WAPA) - Le aeronautiche militari di Israele e di Grecia hanno concluso oggi una serie di esercitazioni congiunte nella parte meridionale dello spazio aereo del Paese europeo, così come riferito direttamente dallo stato maggiore ellenico.

In particolare, hanno partecipato alle manovre 6 aerei e 3 elicotteri di Atene insieme a 8 elicotteri da combattimento di Gerusalemme con l'obiettivo di perfezionare gli interventi di salvataggio in caso di guerra. Le operazioni sono iniziate giovedì e si stanno concludendo in queste ore.

Una delegazione del ministero della difesa israeliano si trova attualmente in visita nella capitale greca per firmare un programma di cooperazione militare valido per il 2011 e rafforzato in questo periodo proprio alla luce dell'inasprimento delle tensioni tra lo Stato ebraico e Turchia: tra questi due Paesi, le relazioni diplomatiche si sono fortemente raffreddate in seguito alla cattura, da parte di militari israeliani, dell'equipaggio della nave che alcuni mesi portava aiuti a Gaza e che era costata la vita a 9 cittadini turchi.

L'evento aveva portato anche a un gelo tra Atene e Gerusalemme, dato che alcuni cittadini ellenici si trovavano a bordo quella nave. Ma tutto si era risolto nel giro di poco tempo.

I due Paesi hanno tenuto a sottolineare che le esercitazioni congiunte degli ultimi giorni non sono rivolte né contro la Turchia né contro qualunque altro Paese. (Avionews)

Già postato in inglese.
Qui in italiano.

13:08 15 OTT 2010

(AGI) Atene - I 33 minatori cileni tratti in salvo dopo 69 giorni sono stati invitati in Grecia per l'estate prossima.
L'invito e' partito dai loro colleghi ellenici della miniera di bauxite Elmin. "L'esempio cileno ci ha riempito di speranza che non tutto e' perduto in caso di incidente", ha riferito l'amministratore delegato, Liberis Polijronopulos.
Olli Rehn: EU growth partly based on illusion

Commissioner says EU countries need tighter common economic policy

Olli Rehn, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, says that the Greek debt crisis revealed that part of the rapid growth and improved employment in the European Union was based on unsustainable indebtedness that built up during the first ten years of Monetary Union.
Rehn was speaking at the annual meeting of the National Defence Course Association in Helsinki.

“The boom, which was based on low interest rates and rapid indebtedness in the periphery of the euro zone, created an erroneous image of the power of the euro zone”, Rehn said.

When the Greek economy collapsed in May, the countries of the euro zone and the International Monetary Fund ended up extending loan guarantees worth EUR 500 million to Greece.

In his speech Rehn wanted to emphasise that when setting up the rescue package, the aim was not to rescue one “Greek prodigal son”, but rather to bear responsibility for all of Europe.
“At the end of the chain reaction there would have been the same kind of heavy economic collapse and rise in unemployment that happened in connection with the bankruptcy of Lehman. When the European economy was, and is still vulnerable in the aftermath of the slump, a new similar shock would have been devastating”, Rehn said.

In his speech Rehn also mentioned the intense debate that has been going on about how wasteful countries such as Greece can be brought back under control in the future.
For example Speaker of Parliament Sauli Niinistö (Nat. Coalition Party) has been concerned that the EU countries could end up taking collective responsibility for the sloppy economic management of one of them.

The European Commission recently proposed a number of punishments that could be imposed as a way of preventing future crises such as the Greek debt crisis.
The scheme would involve incremental mandatory deposits and fines if a country’s economic discipline showed excessive imbalance.
Rehn said that if the proposals are implemented, they would constitute a real change to European decision-making.
“In matters where the decisions of one country have a significant impact on other member states, decisions will be made together more than before”, Rehn said.
As Rehn sees it, something good ultimately did come out of the Greek crisis: it clarified the need for economic policy that is jointly agreed upon. “At the same time, political readiness was established for changing rules of the game.

During questions and answers, Rehn’s former teacher, Professor Raimo Väyrynen and MEP Esko Seppänen both asked if the new economic discipline and the growth in the power of the Commission might bring the EU closer to being a federation.
“Certainly not toward a federation. The EU will continue to be a unique political being in the future as well”, Rehn answered, insisting that the member states will continue to have the final word. “The power of the Commission is increasing, but decisions of the Commission can be overturned by a qualified majority.”

(Helsingin Sanomat)
Deutsche Bank Lowers NBG TP

Deutsche Bank cut its target price for National bank of Greece at E8.10/share from previous E11.80/share reflecting money raised, new number of shares and our adjustment for AFS write-downs that have been recorded so far in the year, a report dated October 14th said.

“We maintain our Hold rating as visibility on operations remains low in line with the sovereign’s attempt to address fiscal woes,”

In that front recent newsflow and action has been supportive of Greece’s efforts, the firm notes including fixed income yields coming down (10-year bond yield fell below the 10% mark) and spreads tightening.

DB notes that key downside risks for National Bank of Greece include: 1) a potential sovereign debt restructuring that would affect the Greek sovereign exposure of the of the bank (Q2 10: E20bn or 3x its tangible equity post equity raising), 2) worse-than-expected asset quality conditions, 3) worse-than-expected loan and deposit growth (credit expansion), 4) deterioration of deposit margins on the back of fierce competition in deposit pricing and 5) emerging market exposure (Turkey, SEE) which entails currency volatility and political instability, jeopardizing our earnings estimates and growth expectations. The inverse would represent upside risks, it says.

Greek T-Bill Auction Expected To See Further Drop in Yields

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--Greece's Treasury bill auction Oct. 19 is expected to again see yields falling due to rising demand as risk appetite remains high, with expectations that the final amount raised will be EUR1.44 billion, bond analysts said.
The Public Debt Management Agency plans to auction EUR900 million in 13-week T-Bills Oct. 19. The previous 13-week T-Bill produced a yield of 3.98%.

"I think the yield is likely to come in at close to levels of 3.4%," said Ciaran O'Hagan, fixed-income strategist at Societe Generale SA. "The T-bill issue will go extremely well because there is currently strong demand for riskier sovereigns."

But local analysts are less optimistic in their predictions. "I expect the yield will come in slightly lower [compared with] the previous auction at about 3.85%. There will be very strong demand from local banks so the issue should be oversubscribed about 5 times," said a senior local bond analyst, speaking on condition of anonymity.
"With the non-competitive bids the PDMA is likely to raise a total of EUR1.44 billion," he added.

In September, Greece returned to monthly T-Bill auctions from its previous quarterly issues. But it has refrained from issuing 52-week bills, fearing that the yield could be above 5%--the higher rate at which it borrows from the EUR110 billion bailout package from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.
The debt-laden Mediterranean country hopes to resume issuing bonds, which are longer-term paper, in 2011; that will be a clearer test of market appetite and confidence.
Greece will have to return to borrowing from international markets because the bailout facility finishes in early 2012.

Greek air force gets F-16 engines

by : Administrator
Published : Friday, October 15 2010 07:52

EAST HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 15 (UPI) -- Pratt & Whitney of Connecticut will deliver additional spare F100 engines to Greece to support the country's F-16 aircraft, the company announced.

The $33.9 million contract in support of the Greek air force's F-16 fleet includes four F100-PW-229 Engine Enhancement Package engines and 16 engine modules.

The first F100-PW-229 EEP engine delivery is scheduled for December.

"Pratt & Whitney's F100 team continues to work closely with the Hellenic Air Force to ensure its fleet remains safe and supportable throughout the life cycle of its operation," said Bill Begert, vice president of Military Engines Business Development and Aftermarket Services for Pratt & Whitney. "Pratt & Whitney F100 engines have powered the Hellenic Air Force's Block 52+ F-16 fleet since 2002.

"We are pleased the Hellenic Air Force has demonstrated its continued high confidence in the F100 engine and we are excited about extending the benefits of lower total cost of ownership in the form of the EEP engine."

Pratt & Whitney said the F100-PW-229 EEP engines will provide the Greek air force a lower total cost of ownership. Incorporating the latest technologies, the F100-PW-229 EEP is the latest evolution of the F100 family of fighter aircraft engines and increases the engine depot inspection interval from seven to 10 years, providing up to a 30 percent life cycle cost reduction over the life the engine.


Quanto mi costano questi F.16 ...
La Grecia è sempre impegnata verso un restringimento degli spread/bund: ora intorno a 665 pb.
D'altra parte si devono presentare bene all'asta di martedì 19 ...

L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene è sempre stabile a 1546 punti segnando un + 0,33. Volumi a 106 MLN.
Sì, purtroppo, però, i CDS si sono riportati a ridosso di quota 700 (694,60), dopo essere costantemente calati per tutta la settimana.
Potrebbero essere ricoperture per il weekend.....
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