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2019 6,5%

Perchè ritieni che il 2019 6,5% sia da cassetto?

Ciao Hedger, ho deciso di tenermi per adesso una buona quota di 2019 e non dedicarlo al trading, perchè credo che la UE non farà fallire la Grecia. Mi tengo per adesso in cassetto quello con cedola più alta, con pmc 78, dal quale mi attendo grosse soddisfazioni in futuro. Tutto qui.
Se mi riesce, cercherò di rientrare più basso nel 2019 6%, ma per adesso vedo che si è fermato al livello del mio stop loss (79).
Può darsi che risalga subito da 79, e allora pazienza, ma in AT le regole che uno si è dato volontariamente e preventivamente si rispettano in modo ferreo.
Ciao, Giuseppe

Written by Ray Clancy Friday, 15 October 2010 09:12

Greece and Spain lead the Standard & Poor’s Eurozone Government Bond Index returns in the third quarter of the year as the sector continues to see a varied performance.

Greek bonds were up 4.67% and Spain up 4.14%, according to the third quarter report from the Standard & Poor’s Eurozone Government Bond Index. But Greece is still down 15.02% on the year, with Spain barely in positive territory at 1.63%.

The worst performers in the third quarter of the year were Ireland, down 4.33%, Slovenia down 2.32% and Portugal down 2.07%, the index also shows.

The best year to date return is now Austria at 9.42%, followed by Germany at 8.98%. The Netherlands at 8.88%, Slovakia at 8.75% and France at 8.52%.

The S&P Eurozone Government Bond Index consists of European Government Bonds and seeks to measure the performance of the Developed European Government Bond market. All European Government Bonds with maturities over one year are included, with the exception of inflation indexed, floating rate, and zero coupon bonds. The bond must be issued by a country that is classified as a Developed Country by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in its international debt securities statistics, and within the Euro-zone. The Index is a rules based, market value weighted index.

‘We continue to see quite significant varying performance by the sovereign constituents of our Eurozone Government Bond Index, making it important to look at performance over both short and medium term and at the country weights within the Index, which obviously contribute to its overall performance,’ said JR Rieger, Vice President of Fixed Income Indices at Standard & Poor’s.

As a result of market performance and net new supply trends, the composition of the Index has continued to shift somewhat. France, Germany, Austria, the Benelux and Finland now represent over 60% of the Index, compared with 58.32% at the start of the year.

The weight of Portugal/Ireland/Greece/Spain debt combined is down to just 16.89% of the Index compared with 18.93% at the start of the year. Greek debt now accounts for just 3.42% of the Index, compared with 5.26% at the start of the year.

ECB Stark: Risky If Interest Rates Stay Very Low For Too Long

First Published Friday, 15 October 2010 10:13 am - © 2010 Need to Know News

BERLIN (MNI) - The European Central Bank's current monetary policy remains appropriate, and the central bank will continue to phase out its special measures gradually, ECB Executive Board member Juergen Stark said in remarks prepared for delivery on Friday.
While he acknowledged that the crisis in Europe is not yet over, the central banker also pointed to risks if interest rates stay very low for too long.

"Despite a string of positive signals in the recent past, the crisis in the Eurozone is not yet over," Stark said in his speech draft.
"The current monetary policy is still accommodative," the Executive Board member affirmed. "The orientation remains still appropriate from today's viewpoint," he said.
"We see over the medium term neither inflation nor deflation risks. Rather, price stability is assured over the medium term," Stark underlined.
Still, the ECB's chief economist made clear that "if this assessment should change, we would make adjustments." In that regard, the ECB's view is that "a monetary policy which is accommodative with very low interest rates over a time span that is 'too long' carries potential dangers," he cautioned.

Such dangers are, for example, negative incentives that can interfere with the proper functioning of money markets, the central banker said. Moreover, persistently low interest rates can also keep market participants from undertaking the necessary adjustment processes, he said. "Finally, one has to prevent the...formation of new bubbles in financial markets," he said.
Turning to the ECB's extraordinary measures, Stark reaffirmed that "the ECB will stick to its policy of gradually and gently phasing out the special measures according to the situation."

He stressed that "under no circumstances will the remaining measures be maintained longer than necessary to assure stable prices in the Eurozone in line with our definition of price stability."
Stark reminded that the ECB's asset purchase program is also of a temporary nature. He reiterated that the program has no impact on the central bank's monetary policy because the additional liquidity is completely reabsorbed.

Commenting on the Eurozone's sovereign debt crisis, Stark reckoned that "Greece is the right track from today's point of view." One needs to be patient now, he said. "Naturally, there still exists the need for substantial reforms in Greece," he noted.
Stark once again stressed that "the loans for Greece are by no means the start of a transfer union" in the Eurozone. "There will be no such thing if the Eurozone is to remain what it is: a stability union," he argued.
The fact that government bond yields are diverging in the Eurozone due to a reassessment of risks by investors "is in principle to be welcomed, as long as fundamental data of public finances are appropriately assessed and exaggerations are avoided," Stark said.
Ciao Hedger, ho deciso di tenermi per adesso una buona quota di 2019 e non dedicarlo al trading, perchè credo che la UE non farà fallire la Grecia. Mi tengo per adesso in cassetto quello con cedola più alta, con pmc 78, dal quale mi attendo grosse soddisfazioni in futuro. Tutto qui.
Avevo immaginato che la scelta fosse collegata alla cedola; pero, a questo punto, non ti saresti sentito ancor piu' tranquillo (ammesso che lo abbia mai acquistato) con il 2014 - 6,5% che è molto meno liquido e scade 5 anni prima del 2019?
Greek/German bond yield spread widens

LONDON | Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:57am EDT

LONDON Oct 15 (Reuters) - The premium investors demand to buy Greek government bonds rather than euro zone benchmark Bunds rose on Friday, with some investors booking profits after a strong rally this week.

"Earlier in the week there was a rally in Greek bonds but whoever was holding the bonds has decided to lock in some profit," a trader said.
"There's heavy domestic selling of Greece," a second trader said.

The Greek/German 10-year bond yield spread GR10YT=TWEB DE10YT=TWEB widened to 704 basis points versus 674 bps at Thursday's settlement close. The spread has tightened by almost two percentage points during October.
Euro Zone Trade Deficit Widens


LONDON—The euro zone posted a wider-than-expected trade deficit in August as exports fell more rapidly than imports.
The European Union's statistics agency Eurostat said Friday the 16 countries that use the euro had a combined deficit in their trade in goods with the rest of the word of €4.3 billion ($6.05 billion), having had a surplus of €6.2 billion in July, a figure that was revised down from the previous estimate of €6.7 billion.
The deficit came as a surprise, with economists surveyed by Dow Jones last week having estimated that imports were equal to exports.
In August 2009, the euro zone had a trade deficit of €2.8 billion. Exports in August fell to €120.4 billion from €137.6 billion in July, while imports fell less sharply, to €124.6 billion from €131.4 billion. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, exports rose by 1% from July, while imports rose by 1.8%.
Germany continued to have the largest trade surplus in the currency area. In the first seven months of this year, it exported €87.7 billion more than it imported, up from €72.4 billion in the same period of 2009.
Ireland had the second largest trade surplus, exporting €24.7 billion more than it imported, while the Netherlands exported €22.1 billion more than it imported.
However, most other euro-zone nations had trade deficits, particularly those members that have seen their cost of borrowing soar as investors grow concernedabout their ability to repay large debts.
Spain's deficit for the first seven months stood at €30.2 billion, up from €26.9 billion in the same period of 2009, while Greece had a deficit of €14.4 billion compared with €17.3 billion in the same period of 2009. Portugal's trade deficit for the first seven months rose to €11.4 billion from €10.5 billion, while Italy's deficit soared to €12.5 billion from €1.3 billion.
During the first seven months, the euro zone's trade surplus with the U.S. rose to €39.2 billion from €22.7 billion in the same period of 2009 as its exports increased by 13%. Imports from the U.S. were unchanged.
The euro zone's deficit with China widened, despite a 41% increase in exports. Indeed, the currency area's exports to a number of fast-growing developing economies have risen sharply, with sales to Brazil soaring by 57% and sales to Turkey rising by 38% from the first seven months of 2009.
However, its trade deficit with Russia increased, largely as a result of higher energy prices. The euro zone's deficit in energy products widened to €144 billion in the first seven months from €112.7 billion in the same period of 2009, offsetting a larger surplus in its trade in manufactured goods.

(The Wall Street journal)
Athens Stocks Flat In Choppy Trading

Greek market posts mixed signs on a narrow fluctuation range.

“Yesterday΄s strong negative course surely surpassed the levels of a profit-taking move, bringing the GI to close on the 30-days moving average. Our stance, however, has not altered, thus considering that the market΄s short-term momentum remains positive, even if the ascension proves out to be more volatile than initially regarded. In this context, we would consider increasing our position should the Athens market open on lower levels, the optimum intraday entry-point being the 1,520 units (1st support level), as we consider that the GI will most likely react during the day, possibly aiming for the 1,560 units (1st resistance level),” Pegasus Securities says in its morning report.

The market is likely to attempt to hold onto its ground today, also subject to the climate in the other European bourses, Eurobank Securities notes, with Kyprou adding that domestically, lack of any major newsflow sets the sideways move as a likely scenario.

Across the board, the General Index inches up 0.09% at 1,543.2 on a total turnover of 33.78 mil. euro.

Una sana ripresa dei corsi, deve essere segnata da intervalli di consolidamento.
In fase di consolidamento, i traders vendono ma la quotazione e' supportata dal denaro di chi entra in posizione con obbiettivi di medio-lungo periodo.
Le figure piu' interessanti che identificano il consolidamento sono le flags. Figure ritenute molto valide in analisi tecnica.
E' tornato un po' di denaro!

la tua pare più una speranza che una convinzione.. :) cmq come scrivevo ieri e senza intendermi di AT, col fine settimana alle porte è comprensibile che qualcuno voglia mettere al sicuro la risalita.. i volumi non sono neppure particolarmente massici, per il momento
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