Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Bene, anche questo "genio" sta iniziando a mettere la retro ... come i cds:
Greece 672.97

Gli spread/bund oscillano sempre intorno ai minimi verso i 664 pb.
La Borsa di Atene è tornata leggermente positiva con +0,53. Ma anch'essa veleggia stabile.
Rimaniamo in attesa dell'asta di domani e delle brutte notizie sul deficit/pil attese nel fine settimana.

Che dice il "Conte Oliver"? :lol::lol::lol:.
Ue, task force su patto prosegue, discussione aperta - Salgado

lunedì 18 ottobre 2010 15:46

LUSSEMBURGO, 18 ottobre (Reuters) - Proseguono i lavori mensili dei ministri finanziari europei, al momento riuniti secondo lo schema della 'task force' Van Rompy, la formula a ventisette in cui i responsabili dovranno esprimersi sulle proposte della Commissione per il rafforzamento delle regole sulla disciplina di bilancio previste dal patto di stabilità e crescita.

La discussione, avverte il ministro spagnolo Elena Salgado prima di lasciare i lavori e rientrare a Madrid per il voto sul bilancio, resta aperta, lasciando intendere che un accordo non è all'orizzonte. "Si sta adesso discutendo a ventisette, ne abbiamo già discusso a sedici. Siamo tutti concordi che ci possa essere una maggioranza qualificata inversa e in questo senso cambiare un po' le regole del voto per lasciare un ruolo anche al Consiglio" spiega.
"Questo significa che una maggioranza qualificata può bloccare il processo delle sanzioni, ma anche quest'ipotesi resta in fase di discussione" aggiunge.

Un vago accenno a un "significativo rafforzamento del patto" che potrebbe uscire dalla riunione odierna arriva intanto dal ministro francese Christine Lagarde, che ha anch'essa abbandonato - sembra temporaneamente - i lavori della task force Van Rompuy.
Il ministro francese invita però i giornalisti a una visione d'insieme, che sorvoli sui singoli dettagli.
Sono però proprio i dettagli che hanno finora impedito di arrivare a un testo finale da presentare al consiglio Ue di fine ottobre.

Una fonte diplomatica Ue concorda infine nel definire ancora lontana un'intesa, lasciando però trapelare che la posizione tedesca sembra "ammorbidita".
Si discute soprattutto sui criteri da adottare per valutare e garantire la correzione del debito - spiega - e chi dovrà adottare le sanzioni e con quale meccanismo di voto.
La Commissione, precisa la fonte, continua a sostenere la proposta di riduzione del debito eccessivo - oltre il 60% di Pil - al ritmo di almeno un ventesimo l'anno, con una correzione da applicare già dal prossimo.
Officials: Germany weakening on sanctions

Associated Press, 10.18.10, 10:00 AM EDT

LUXEMBOURG -- Officials at meeting of European Union finance ministers are saying that Germany is softening its insistance on strict budget rules for countries using the euro.

Diplomats say Germany, long a proponent of tough penalties for overspenders, appears to be "more open now" to other options.

They said Berlin was yielding to French pressure for more leniency at Monday's meeting.
The diplomats requested anonymity because the meeting was still under way.
Too much spending took Greece to the edge of bankruptcy earlier this year and shook Europe's currency union.
Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +0,4% in seduta contrastata

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene chiude a +0,4% a 1.557,2 punti in una seduta contrastata, con i titoli blue chip non finanziari che controbilanciano le perdite del settore bancario.
"Prevedo una particolare pressione sul comparto bancario con la nuova emissione azionaria di National", commenta un trader.
Ppc termina a +2%, Coca Cola Hellenic a +1,4% ed Hellenic Telecoms guadagna l'1,2%.
In territorio negativo Eurobank a -1,2% e Alpha a -1,1%. National termina invariato a 8,10 euro in una seduta dai volumi solidi.
Droutsas in Israel

Jerusalem (ANA-MPA / Chr. Poulidou) -- Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas met here on Monday with the state leadership of Israel.
In the meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu they agreed on a joint ministerial, the composition of which will depend on the bilateral cooperation under discussion.
In the contacts he had with PM Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Defence Minister Ehud Barak and opposition leader Tzipi Livni (leader of Kadima party) they discussed the Middle East issue and the prospects of the peace process.

The talks with his counterpart focused on the upgrading of bilateral relations and the Middle East issue. They also signed an agreement that opens the charter flight market from and to Israel and Greece.
They agreed to promote journalist exchange missions and diplomatic academy cooperation.

As regards the Middle East issue, Droutsas stated that "we are not here to impose a solution on anyone" and discussed with his counterpart the web of relations that is being woven between Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Israel and Turkey.
He also briefed the Israeli foreign minister on the fYRoM name issue and discussed the problem of illegal migration with which both Greece and Israel are faced.
Greece to facilitate Burgas–Alexandroupoli pipeline construction

Oct 18, 2010 20:16 Moscow Time
Greece will adopt a law facilitating the construction of Burgas-Alexandroupoli pipeline, the country's Ministry of Energy reported on Monday. A draft law in this respect will be considered by the parliament.

Russia, Bulgaria and Greece agreed on the construction in 2007. The pipeline with a capacity of 35 mln tons a year is to pass through Bulgaria's Burgas Black Sea port to the Greek Alexandroupoli.

(The Voice of Russia)
IVO: il no al prestito alla Grecia potrebbe ritorcersi contro la Slovacchia


Il rifiuto di prestare i soldi alla Grecia potrebbe ritorcersi contro la Slovacchia, pensa il sociologo e presidente onorario dell’Istituto Affari Pubblici (IVO) Martin Butora.
La Slovacchia potrebbe affrontare una ripercussione, ad esempio, durante il processo decisionale sul bilancio europeo, il lancio di nuovi progetti, o sul sostegno per i candidati slovacchi in corsa per vari incarichi europei (...)


IVO: il no al prestito alla Grecia potrebbe ritorcersi contro la Slovacchia


Il rifiuto di prestare i soldi alla Grecia potrebbe ritorcersi contro la Slovacchia, pensa il sociologo e presidente onorario dell’Istituto Affari Pubblici (IVO) Martin Butora.
La Slovacchia potrebbe affrontare una ripercussione, ad esempio, durante il processo decisionale sul bilancio europeo, il lancio di nuovi progetti, o sul sostegno per i candidati slovacchi in corsa per vari incarichi europei (...)


La Slovacchia mi è un po' antipatica, dopo che ci ha eliminato dai mondiali!:lol::lol::lol:
Ciao, Giuseppe
Wind Hellas Says Bondholder Group Preferred Bidder

October 18, 2010, 12:24 PM EDT

By Kate Haywood and John Glover
(Adds bondholder offer starting in second paragraph.)

Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Wind Hellas Telecommunications SA’s senior bondholders were picked as preferred bidders for the Greek mobile phone operator in the second time the cash-strapped company has been sold in a year.
Wind Hellas’s senior secured floating-rate noteholders, owed about 1.2 billion euros ($1.67 billion), will inject 420 million euros and write off debt in exchange for Greece’s third- largest mobile phone operator, according to Wind’s parent Weather Finance III Sarl, the holding company of Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris.

Sawiris, who is selling some of his other telecoms assets to Russia’s Vimpelcom Ltd., bought Wind Hellas out of bankruptcy about a year ago. The company, under the control of creditors, put itself up for sale a second time after deferring a 17.5 million-euro interest payment on a revolving credit in June and missing a 23 million-euro payment on its floating-rate notes.
Under the bondholders’ proposal, Wind Hellas’s 250 million- euro revolver will be repaid in full, while the company’s senior secured notes and 355 million euros of subordinated bonds will be written off, according to the statement.

The bondholder group includes Mount Kellett Capital Partners (Ireland) Ltd., Taconic Capital Advisers UK LLP, Providence Equity Capital Markets LLC, Anchorage Capital Group LLC, Angelo Gordon & Co and Eton Park International LLP, according to the statement.
Sawiris didn’t immediately respond to a call for comment. Louise Tingstrom, an external spokeswoman for Wind Hellas in London, declined to comment further on the statement.


Il caso Wind Hellas, mi sembra che qualcuno lo seguiva ...
Provopoulos: Success Of Greece's Consolidation Not Yet Assured

First Published Monday, 18 October 2010 06:42 pm -

ATHENS (MNI) - The success of Greece's fiscal consolidation program is not yet guaranteed and will depend on the strict adoption of austerity measures, improving competitiveness and the launch of an ambitious growth plan, ECB Governing Council member George Provopoulos said Monday.
The Greek economy is in the midst of a big, unprecedented effort, which could mark a new course toward stronger growth, the governor of the Bank of Greece said at a tourism conference here.

However, this goal is not yet assured, Provopoulos cautioned. "Everything will depend on the consistency and continuity of economic policy and the participation of all productive groups in the fiscal effort.
Three conditions must be fulfilled, he said: First is the detailed application of fiscal and structural reform targets. Without them, there cannot be growth and progress. Second is the expansion of the countrys growth potential via a complete growth plan. Third is the mobilization of business groups which must now look beyond the crisis and undertake bold initiatives.

After over a year in power, the Socialist government has yet to launch the much awaited growth plan. The European Commission, the ECB and the IMF, which agreed a E110 billion loan for Greece last May, have been pushing for the announcement of the plan.
A cabinet reshuffle last month, which resulted in the substitution of the development and growth minister, has delayed plans.

The central banker said that the crisis revealed the failure of a growth model which led to large government and current account deficits and major structural problems. Since joining EMU, the current account deficit has soared and competitiveness has eroded by 20-25%, he noted.
Greece must emerge from the crisis in a global environment with complex challenges, he said, since global growth "will slow down in 2011 in both developed and developing countries.

Greeces biggest bet is to improve competitiveness, he argued.
Provopoulos indirectly hinted that Greece might need to revise the terms of the loan facility accorded by the EU and the IMF and seek new paths.
Within this uncertain global environment, we are called on to decide collectively what we want to achieve in the next years, to measure our capabilities, to choose ways that will lead us to the target," he said. "And most of all, to learn from our mistakes that led us into an extremely difficult position.

After the Greek finance minister admitted last week that there are unofficial talks for a grace period for the loan repayment, the local press has been publishing leaks daily, quoting unnamed government, European and IMF officials that the issue is under serious discussion.
Officially, both the Commission and the government have denied the reports. But the finance minister underlined that the talks cannot take official form, since this would undermine the fiscal efforts currently under way.
Nevertheless, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has stated that he is in favour of a grace period if accepted by the EU, which has financed the bulk of the loan.

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