Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Ue-16: ordini industria, +5,3% agosto

Boom 11,3% Italia, bene Danimarca e Grecia, fiacca Germania

(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 25 OTT - Balzo degli ordini dell'industria in agosto nei Paesi della zona euro: l'aumento - secondo i dati di Eurostat - e' stato del 5,3% rispetto a luglio, quando si era registrato un calo dell'1,8%. Nell'Ue-27 l'incremento e' stato del 3,6%, dopo una riduzione dell'1,6% in luglio. Il buon risultato e' dovuto soprattutto alle performance di Danimarca (+21%), Italia (+11,3%) e Grecia (+11,1%). Piu' fiacca la ripresa degli ordini in Germania (+3,4%), mentre si registra un calo in Francia (-0,4%).

Prosegue il buon andamento dell'industria ellenica.
Peccato incida poco sul PIL ...
Greek Market Advances, NBG In The Spotlight

Athens stocks move higher on Monday, with NBG shares in the spotlight.

“Once again the focus should be in the banking sector in general and NBG in particular on the back of latter’s new shares deriving from the conversion notes that will commence trading as of today. Coca Cola will kick off 3Q10 reporting season on 27/10. The market will most probably accumulate at current price levels,” Marfin Analysis says in its morning report.

“With volatility expected to be the market΄s main characteristic today, courtesy of the introduction of NBG΄s 227m new ordinary shares, we expect the Athens market to retain its short-term upward momentum, gradually aiming for the levels of the previous peak (1,690 units). While the absense of significant newswire has not assisted the GI in providing the market with a positive catalyst, we consider that the market΄s ascending trend is obvious, as more FTSE20 nonbanking equities are gradually starting to gain some of the ground lost. In this context, we expect the GI to move in the region of the 1,615 - 1,625 units today, which consist today΄s 1st and 2nd resistance levels respectively, with the Index΄s support being in the region of the 1,590 units,” Pegasus Securities notes.

Across the board, the General Index adds 1.25% at 1,625.91 on a total turnover of 46.31 mil. euro.


Oscillazioni minime intorno allo spread/bund che si attesta attualmente intorno ai 698 pb. sulle posizioni della chiusura di venerdì scorso.
Contrariamente alla Borsa, quindi, sui TdS niente da segnalare.
Salvo il protrarsi di una lateralità sospinta verso una lieve tendenza all'allargamento.
Greece: 100 million euro loan in support of school facilities from EIB

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&as_qdr=h&as_drrb=q&cf=all&tt=0

EIB Press - 25.10.2010

The European Investment Bank provides a loan of EUR 100 million in support of school facilities throughout Greece. This is the first part of a total EUR 200 million facility.

EIB Vice-President Plutarchos Sakellaris signed the agreement today in Athens with Mr. Herakles Droulias, CEO of the School Buildings Organisation S.A.

At the signature ceremony, Mr. Sakellaris commented: “This loan is in support of the knowledge economy in Greece. The purpose of the project is to construct, renovate, modernize and better equip schools across the country. It will help enhance the educational aspirations and the learning outcomes of students and improve the working environment for teachers and boost community morale. Such investments enable the creation of new jobs and contribute to the country’s economic recovery”

The loan aims at eliminating double shift schooling through the construction of new and the upgrading of existing schooling facilities throughout Greece over the next three years. It concerns the construction and renovation of 84 schools and 31 multi-purpose school halls and sports facilities, as well as equipment for some 14,000 public schools, following an environmentally friendly and energy efficient approach to the building process and an awareness of seismic hazards. Increasing physical capacity and improving the quality of the school estate are key aims of the Greek education policy.

This loan is a follow up move of EIB support for upgrading schooling facilities in Greece. A first loan of EUR 400 million was signed with the SBO in 2001 for investments located mainly in Attica and aimed at phasing out double-shift schooling. A second one for EUR 200 million was signed in 2006 for investments throughout the country.

The SBO, which will be implementing the project, has been largely responsible for the development of school facilities in Greece since 1962. . The SBO is experienced and well regarded, having attracted favourable publicity in the Journal of the OECD Programme on Educational Buildings for its ability to contribute to the protection of Greece’s cultural heritage with its design and construction of new school buildings.

EIB Press Release 25/10/2010

Sostegno al settore scolastico da parte della BEI.

:ciao: per adesso i ns. titoli semplicemente tengono :).
Però è meglio avere un po' di liquidità per eventuali cedimenti improvvisi, o anche lenti ritracciamenti (la Grecia ci ha abituato a questi movimenti). Il 2019 è appena sotto 79 (prezzo della mia uscita in trailing stop), vediamo da che parte decide di andare nei prossimi giorni...:rolleyes:
Buona giornata agli amici della Grecia.
Cyprus Central Bank Governor says gov't payroll cuts needed now to shrink fiscal deficit

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - The governor of Cyprus' Central Bank said on Monday that bigger cuts to the government payroll are needed now to curb a growing fiscal deficit, warning that further delays could entail painful wage and pension rollbacks like those in crisis-hit Greece and Ireland.
Athanasios Orphanides says the 2011 budget fails to adequately slash the state wage bill, which represents around 30 percent of all government spending and is estimated to grow to 15 percent of gross domestic product this year.

The official said Central Bank projections suggest that the budget deficit for 2010 may "noticeably" exceed a government forecast of six percent of GDP.
He said the 2011 budget wrongly put the emphasis on a five percent reduction in infrastructure spending instead of tackling the state wage bill which is estimated to grow by about two percent.
"Fiscal policy of this nature neither corresponds with nor contributes to the sustainable economic development of this country," Orphanides told a parliamentary finance and budgetary affairs committee.

He warned that the Cypriot economy's rebound from a 1.7 percent contraction in 2009 to growth of 0.4 percent this year and 1.8 percent in 2011 won't be enough to fix the island's fiscal problems.
He also said new taxes may be needed to boost government revenue and expressed concern over high inflation.
Cyprus' Finance Minister Charilaos Stavrakis last month appealed for broad political support on additional austerity measures to bring the fiscal deficit down to 4.5 percent of gross domestic product in 2011, in line with a pledge to the EU.

Stavrakis said that without the additional savings, Cyprus would miss the mark by about 1 percentage point.
The east Mediterranean country is a European Union member and began using the euro currency at the beginning of 2008.

Qualche problema anche tra i greco-ciprioti...
Belgian Post Lines Up For Greek Government Postal Stake -Source

By Nick Skrekas

ATHENS (Dow Jones)-The Greek government has already received initial expressions of interest from the Belgian Post Group and several other international firms for its planned sale of a stake in the Hellenic Postal Service, a senior person with direct knowledge said Monday.
Hellenic Postal Service is 90% state-owned and provides postal service throughout the cash-strapped Mediterranean country.

The government has previously said it wants to reduce its holding in the organization as part of its privatization program under the EUR110 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.
"There are several international companies that are interested, and the keenest interest has been observed from the Belgian Post Group, when Greece's decides to sell a significant stake next year," the senior person told Dow Jones.

Under the Ministry of Finance stability and growth program issued in January, the value of the state's holding in Hellenic Postal Service is assessed at EUR90 million.
Hellenic Postal Service said that to date they haven't received any formal expression of interest.
Russia, Greece Will Hold Talks On Burgas-Alexandroupolis

Russia and Greece will hold talks to come up with a joint position on the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project before the end of the year, Russia΄s Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said on Monday, Ria Novosti news agency reports.

"We have decided to set up a working group, which will discuss a joint position on the Burgas-Alexandroupolis project at its first meeting," Shmatko said, noting that Moscow respected the position of Bulgaria, which wanted an environmental impact assessment of the project.

Grecia: treni fermi per sciopero contro privatizzazione ferrovie

ultimo aggiornamento: 25 ottobre, ore 11:30

Atene, 25 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - I dipendenti delle ferrovie in Grecia sono scesi in sciopero per tre giorni a partire da oggi per contestare il progetto di ristrutturazione e privatizzazione delle ferrovie, paralizzando il traffico all'interno del paese e da e per la Bulgaria. Il piano del governo prevede di creare due enti separati e di ridurre drasticamente il numero dei posti di lavoro, da 6.500 a 2.300. La Grecia si trova impegnata a realizzare un programma di austerita' varato per ottenere il prestito da 110 miliardi di Euro in prestiti e finanziamenti Ue e Fmi.
4th Greece-Turkey Interministerial

Ankara (ANA-MPA/A. Ambatzis) -- The 4th meeting of the Greece-Turkey Interministerial Committee opened in Ankara on Monday with deputy foreign minister Spyros Kouvelis representing Greece and minister without portfolio Egemen Bagis, who heads Turkey's delegation at the accession negotiations with the EU, representing Turkey.
Kouvelis and Bagis had a private meeting before being joined by their respective delegations.

Speaking to the press afterwards, Kouvelis noted Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Athens last week for the Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative (MCCI) conference hosted by Greek premier George Papandreou -- and sideline talks between the two prime ministers -- saying "that shows who closely we are working".
"Today," he added," we are here for the further development of our economic relations and, at the same time, also observe growth in our diplomatic relations as well."

Kouvelis refused to comment on press speculation of an imminent agreement between Greece and Turkey on the Aegean, stressing: "We do not comment on informal statements on such issues. What the prime ministers, ministers and officials of the two countries are doing at this stage is as follows: Resolution of the issue of the Aegean and other problems in the best and permanent way, and increase in contacts. In that direction, very serious steps are being made in the recent period. We are here for that very same reason, in the context of the meeting of the Joint Inter-Ministerial Committee. Together with Egemen Bagis, we will examine ways to enhance our relations, how to move further ahead".

No new cuts in Greece

20:25, October 25, 2010

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou promised Sundaythat the revival of the country's ailing economy would require no new pay cuts and tax hikes after bringing in deeply unpopular austerity measures.

"Whatever happens, there will be no additional burdens on salary earners and pensioners, and no rise in tax rates beyond what we have pledged," Papandreou wrote in an article in To Vima daily.

"Everybody, both inside and outside Greece, must understand that the sacrifices made by the Greek people are unprecedented," the premier wrote.

(Il Quotidiano del Popolo - Cina)
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