Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Ieri piccola scivolata dello Spread/Bund sui nostri ellenici, coronando una serie di sedute costantemente volte verso una tendenza all'allargamento.
Motivi reali non se ne vedono, probabilmente solo un movimento speculativo sulla base delle parole di El Erian di Pimco e di Papandreou su supposte elezioni politiche generali.

Sul fronte macro nessuna novità di rilievo: un rapporto della Banca Centrale Greca indica le possibili fasi di fuoriuscita dalla crisi mentre un rapporto dell'ente che si occupa dell'informatizzazione dell'amministrazione pubblica, indica in 5 MLD i possibili risparmi derivanti dall'adozione di fibre ottiche e dalla modernizzazione degli uffici. Non è poco.

Gli altri iscritti al Club Med riducono il divario rispetto al Bund ma si tratta di un guadagno relativo quando è tutto il comparto obbligazionario che perde posizioni.
Sull'Irlanda, in particolare, arrivano brutte notizie per i bondholder di subordinate Anglo-Irish: un campanello di allarme per i detentori delle varie LT ... di altri istituti irlandesi. Fanno eco da Bruxelles i moniti verso il sistema bancario belga.

Il Portogallo riduce il divario insieme a Spagna e Italia, in una correlazione unica che accompagna spesso tutti i periferici.

Grecia 724 pb. (698)
Irlanda 397 pb. (407)
Portogallo 318 pb. (329)
Spagna 157 pb. (162)
Italia 129 pb. (132)
Athens Int'l Airport and COSCO promote "sea-air" transport services

  • Source: Global Times
  • [13:09 October 27 2010
Athens' 'Eleftherios Venizelos' International Airport (AIA) and COSCO will promote a combined sea-air transport service through simplified procedures to attract more transit cargos, taking advantage of the country's significant geographical position.

The partnership agreement between AIA and Piraeus Cargo Terminal, managed by Cosco for a period of 35 years, was signed during the recent visit by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Athens, and has already entered the implementation phase.

The deal aims to cover the wider Middle East region, initially, and North America and Canada at a later stage. The main products will be textiles, machinery, electronics and vulnerable products.

Alexis Sioris, the airport's cargo development manager, said that Athens Airport is the only airport in Europe to develop combined sea-air transport. The deal with COSCO will further enhance AIA's transport services and positively affect the commercial business.

Captain Fu, chief executive of Piraeus Cargo Terminal, said, "We are here in Greece to invest. If we unite Greek intelligence with Chinese mentality we will be able to achieve our main goal, which is offering better services to customers."

Press & Communication Office, Embassy of Greece in Beijing
Grecia: bloccato il traffico ferroviario verso la Fyrom

Notizie dai Balcani » Agenzia Balcani

Atene/Grecia-Balcani - A causa dello sciopero generale della Lega Ferroviaria Panhelene, che ha avuto inizio oggi e durerà fino al 29 ottobre, sarà interrotto il traffico ferroviario in Grecia.
A causa di questo sciopero sara paralizzato anche il traffico ferroviario dalla Macedonia alla Grecia. (...)

(Osservatorio Italiano)
Interbank rates continue rise - signs the interbank market re-opening to Greece

William James LONDON - 27.10.2010

[FONT=&quot]Euro zone money markets showed little sign of major stress on Tuesday ahead of a 3-month tender seen as a key test of efforts to wean them off central bank support, although short-term rates continued to inch higher.
Ahead of the first European Central Bank tender since April to not simply issue money at a flat rate, banks declined to raise their short-term borrowing from the ECB -- a measure of how reliant banks are on its support.
But caution over the amount of liquidity likely to remain in the system, or be added to it, lingered ahead of Wednesday's longer-term tender and the overnight rate crept up 1 basis point to 0.859 percent, just below levels seen last week.
Banks opted to renew almost all the expiring 184 billion euros of ECB loans at the central bank's weekly refinancing operation, keeping liquidity conditions steady.
A Reuters poll found traders expected a 33 billion euro take up in the three-month operation, with ECB loans worth 23 billion euros maturing.
"If we had a strong extension of liquidity, first reaction would be signs of some stress in the market," said Patrick Jacq, rate strategist at BNP Paribas. "But, at the same time... we would have a decline in rates at the front end because excess liquidity would have increased." Banks halting of lending to each other on money markets was at the heart of the 2008 crisis and a large increase in the amount and duration of liquidity would be seen as a setback as the ECB seeks to phase out its extraordinary support measures.
A prolonged rise in Eonia rates, along with the ECB's hawkish stance on tightening monetary policy, has hit bond markets, driving yields higher on short-dated German debt.
Benchmark Euribor hit a 15-month high, rising to 1.037 percent from 1.032 percent. Equivalent euro Libor also climbed and the two-year Schatz yield hit its highest since March at 1.04 percent.


[FONT=&quot]Banks from the euro zone's higher-yielding countries found themselves locked out of interbank markets earlier this year when fears grew that peripheral sovereigns could default.
The number of banks bidding at the one-week tender rose to 190 from 151 last week.
Giuseppe Maraffino, strategist at Barclays Capital in London said, however, that this reflects a more flexible interbank market rather than tension as more banks depend on ECB funds.
"The average allotment has decreased, and I interpret this not as a negative sign, but a sign that banks are again using the MRO as a tool for funding ... and a sign of normalisation in the market." In a further indicator of easing tension, Greek central bank governor George Provopoulos told Reuters on Monday that there were signs the interbank market was re-opening to Greece.
Last week, Greek lender EFG Eurobank said it had borrowed 300 million euros using Greek government bonds as collateral Greece was at the heart of the crisis until the European Union and International Monetary Fund launched a landmark bailout package in early May. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Source Reuters - Balkans.com[/FONT]

European leaders meet in Brussels at the end of the week for a summit expected to focus partly on whether the EU’s financial institutions and regulations are fit for purpose.
Ahead of the meeting, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has been talking to Euronews to give his views on the current financial turmoil.
“The different interest rates, are in our opinion only temporary,” said EC President Herman Van Rompuy.
“Once confidence is restored the differential spread of rates will narrow in line with those in Germany.”
“But it is necessary that confidence returns.
And it won’t return if there are no tangible results from the various economic and budgetary plans. The markets are waiting so see good results.
For example in Greece the first indications are good – according to the evaluations made by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF its all positive.But it must be a sustained effort over a period of two or three years,” said Van Rompuy.
For more on Van Rompuy’s apparent optimism about the bloc’s financial cohesion you can catch the interview in full on Euronews this evening.

Cambi: l'euro e' in calo

Moneta unica vale 1,3807 dollari e 112,88 yen

(ANSA) - ROMA, 27 OTT - Euro in ribasso su dollaro e yen. La moneta unica, nei primi scambi sui mercati valutari europei, passa di mano a 1,3807 dollari (1,3912 dollari la quotazione Bce di ieri) ed a 112,88 yen (113,11 la Bce di ieri).

Nel quadro macro ellenico, ci sta anche questa.

In a statement issued by New Democracy spokesman Panos Panagiotopoulos after PM Papandreou’s interview appearance, he lashed out on the Greek premier’s statements. Panagiotopoulos claimed: ” this was an attempt to pass his panic over voters. ”

The ND oppositional party refferred to political blackmail from the government and called on the Greek premier to change his policies. ”We’re working for stability, security and the growth of our country. We’re interested above all, in getting Greece through this crisis without harm. The prime minister is obliged to work for this and not to blackmail voters. However, Mr. Papandreou should not be mistaken, ND is ready for any possibility,” added Panagiotopoulos.

Finally Panagiotopoulos referred to the upcoming municipal and regional elections on Nov. 7th and the second round on Nov. 14th. He underlined that even voters who have not made up their mind after the prime minister’s interview have decided what is best for the country.

(Greek Reporter.gr)

On October 28th, Greece, Cyprus and other Greek communities worldwide will be celebrating what is known as Greek OXI day. Every year Greeks have celebrated this event since 1940 when the day was founded. OXI day is a Greek national holiday in Greece.

The national holiday was established in 1940 when the Italian Ambassador asked the Greek Prime Minister to have Italian soldiers based in Greece. Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas refused the Italian’s request, much to the Ambassadors surprise. The Greek army went on to fight the Italians out of Greece. Even though they had little ammunition and very few bullets the Greek defeated the invaders.

Message of the SAE USA Region Coordinator, Theodore Spyropoulos for the October 28th Anniversary

The 28th of October is a landmark in the historical course of the Greek nation, as the generation of 1940, leadership and people, struggled for the prime ideal of freedom, proving the strength of willpower.

In a time of constant changes and great challenges both for our birthplace and the global society, we have a duty to learn from the selflessness and sacrifice of the heroes of 1940, and to realize the need to serve the common interest.

The situation in which the Greek and global society are currently in is a reflection of the acts of all their citizens. When the entire society malfunctions then every member of it is affected.

The act of placing the common good over individuality is a core value in Greek ideology and history. A history which has proven that we the Greeks, can exceed ourselves when our values and dignity are at stake.

Today more than ever, we need to prove our love for our birthplace with actions, seeking unity and a sense of solidarity, so as to emerge stronger from the crisis.

Celebrating our national anniversaries with formality is not enough. We have a duty to consciously honor the actions of our heroes who sacrificed their individuality for the common good, by taking action which will contribute to the creation of a better future for our children.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the 28th of October 1940, let us bestow through this historical memory, the virtues, the humanitarian values and inexhaustible forces of Hellenism to the younger generation.

And we the older generation, let us draw optimism, self-confidence and faith in our powers, overcoming the adversities we are faced with, regardless of how great they may seem.

(Greek Reporter.gr)
Rumours On Piraeus Capital Raise Hit The Market

Piraeus Bank may proceed to a capital increase of EUR500 mil, according to sources, with the management even exploring the possibility of a convertible bond.

The same persons said that the bank may proceed to a reverse split and in this case the decrease of the stock’s nominal value must be approved.

It is noted that in July, the Greek lender offered EUR701 mil. for the state’s stakes in ATEBank and Hellenic Bank, only to withdraw its offer in the beginning of October citing delays in the procedure.


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Athens Exchange Names Lazaridis As New CEO

Hellenic Exchanges said Tuesday that the Board of Directors tapped Socrates Lazaridis for the post of Chief Executive Officer of HELEX and Chairman of Athens Exchange, to replace Spyros Capralos.

In addition, Mr. Socrates Lazarids also assumes the position of Chief Executive Officer in the subsidiary company "Athens Exchange Clearing House."

“The election of the new member will be put to shareholders for approval at the next General Meeting of the company,” the announcement said.

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