Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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La cosa curiosa è che se indicano un fallimento i titoli greci scendono.
Se dicono il contrario, scendono lo stesso :D.

Non so se questa news era stata postata: :cool:
IMF proposes expansion of loan repayment period - press
According to press reports, IMF proposes the loan repayment period from 3 to 8 years, with the interest rate increasing by 0.4 - 0.7pp. In addition, IMF asks for the establishment of special courts solely for long standing tax disputes. Labor Minister Katseli said that a potential extension of the repayment period would be beneficiary for the country, as it will free funds that could be used to boost growth. Note that IMF, EU and ECB officials will be visiting Greece on November 15, in order to assess the progress of the fiscal consolidation program.

Il FMI, contrariamente, a UE/BCE aveva già dato "ufficiosamente" il proprio parere positivo ad un allungamento dei termini del rimborso.
Gli altri sono stati più intransigenti.
Comunque se ne discute ancora, al riparo da orecchie indiscrete.
Greece Says Public Enterprises H1 Wage Bill Drops 8%

Greece’s Finance Ministry said late Monday that the wage bill of of the 52 public enterprises dropped by 8% in the first six months of 2010.

“According to the data available the wage bill of the 52 enterprises declined by 8% in the first semester, or by Euro 53 million. The annual reduction of the payroll expenses is projected to about Euro 220 million, as a result of the wage cuts provided for the public enterprises employees in the Laws 3833/2010 and 3845/2010,” a statement said.

Last month it was announced that the 11 most debt-ridden state-run enterprises generated EUR1.7 billion in losses in 2009.


Several difficulties have surfaced in the merger of the two Greek airlines, Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines. According to European Competition Commissioner Joaquín Almunia, the difficulty with the acceptance of this merger is that the two companies represent a significant percentage of the airline industry in Greece. Merging these two companies will kill any competition in the industry. EU authorities are in discussions and will decide on the future of the merger by January 12, 2011.

(Greek Reporter.gr)
Grecia: possibile dilazione prestito Eu

Tempi per rimborso potrebbero allungarsi a 8 anni, stampa

02 novembre, 13:52

(ANSA) - ROMA, 2 NOV - Alla Grecia potrebbe essere concesso piu' tempo per ripianare i prestiti avuti dai Paesi europei per evitare la bancarotta. Lo scrive il quotidiano greco Ta Nea.

Secondo il giornale i tempi del rimborso potrebbero essere allungati ad otto anni e quindi l'ultima tranche del prestito da 110 miliardi di euro verrebbe pagata da Atene nel 2021 piuttosto che nel 2018.

Anche l'Ansa riporta le indiscrezioni di "Ta Nea".
Come dicevamo prima, bisogna vedere quando sarà sottoscritto l'accordo. Se prima o dopo la riunione UE di dicembre.

14:27 02 NOV 2010

(AGI) Atene - Sono in totale cinque i pacchi bomba diretti ad ambasciate straniere ad Atene scoperti dalla polizia tra ieri e oggi. L'ultimo e' stato fatto brillare alla rappresentanza russa, senza causare feriti. Gli ordigni erano diretti alle ambasciate di Messico, Olanda, Svizzera, Bulgaria e Russia. La polizia sospetta che si tratti dell'opera di estremisti di sinistra. .
Merkel Says Euro-Area Rules to Be Adopted Will Have `More Bite'

By Jonathan Stearns and Tony Czuczka - Nov 2, 2010 1:28 PM GMT+0100 Tue Nov 02 12:28:31 GMT 2010

German Chancellor Angela Merkel stepped up demands for investors to help pay for any future European debt crisis, offering no respite to euro-region countries whose bond yields are soaring.

Measures being drafted by the European Union will result in rules with “more bite” to protect the euro, Merkel said in a speech today in Bruges, Belgium. Along with steps to prevent EU members running up excessive debt, a crisis mechanism enshrined in EU treaties is necessary for the longer term, she said.

“We will set it up in such a way that European taxpayers will no longer be on the hook for possible new mistakes and turmoil on the financial markets,” Merkel said. “Private investors must also make a contribution.”

European officials including Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero are concerned that announcing bond investors will have to shoulder a greater part of any future bailout will spook traders at a time when Ireland and Portugal are struggling to cut their budget deficits.

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet told EU leaders last week he’s concerned that talk of a debt restructuring mechanism from 2013 would hurt the bonds of the euro-region’s so-called periphery nations, according to an EU official familiar with the talks.

Irish bonds fell for a sixth day, sending the 10-year yield to a record, and Greek bonds dropped for a seventh day, the longest losing streak since April.

Debt Market ‘Challenges’

“Germany’s plans for burden-sharing in the event of a euro-zone default and the re-statement of the no-bailout law present challenges to the debt market,” Steve Barrow, head of research for Group-of-10 currencies at Standard Bank Plc, said today in a note. “We suspect that 10-year Greek spread over Germany will scale 1,000 basis points and Ireland 500 basis points, probably before the end of the year.”

The Greek-German yield spread widened 19 basis points to 841 basis points at 10:29 a.m. in London. The yield on Irish 10- year bonds against German bunds, the euro region’s benchmark, gained 12 basis points to 474 basis points, the most since Bloomberg began collecting the data in 1991.

EU leaders agreed last week to establish a permanent debt mechanism to help stem any recurrence of the European debt crisis that forced a 110 billion-euro ($154 billion) bailout for Greece and establishment of a temporary 750 billion-euro fund to backstop the euro.

‘Differing Approaches’

Merkel said on Oct. 29 that she and Trichet had “differing approaches” on the risk the rescue mechanism for indebted euro- area countries means for those government’s bonds.

ECB Executive Board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi said in a speech yesterday that he opposes setting precise rules for debt restructuring.
“It is suggested by some that precise rules and conditions for debt restructuring should be attached to the creation of the new European mechanism, with a view to achieve an orderly restructuring,” Bini Smaghi said. “In my view, this is unnecessary, undesirable and unlikely, to quote a recent staff paper by the International Monetary Fund.”

In her Bruges speech, Merkel said that steps to prevent EU members running up excessive debt include sanctions that are brought in quicker and earlier, as well as closer EU-wide co- ordination on economic policy.

The debt mechanism intended to replace the euro fund when it expires in three years “needs a clear legal basis” in EU treaties, Merkel said. EU leaders agreed on “limited” changes to the treaties to secure stability in the euro area. ‘I’m very happy about that,” she said.

Crisi: rendimenti Grecia a oltre 11%

Volano gli spread dell'Irlanda a 473 punti

(ANSA) - ROMA, 2 NOV - Il rendimento pagato dai titoli di Stato decennali greci e' salito a oltre l'11%, un livello che non si toccava dal 27 settembre. Forte rialzo anche per i premi di rendimento: lo 'spread' decennale greco rispetto al bund tedesco e' a 832 punti base, quello dei titoli irlandesi viaggia invece a 473 punti, ai massimi sempre da fine settembre, quando l'Agenzia del debito del Paese era stata costretta a cancellare due aste di titoli di Stato fissate per ottobre e novembre.

02 Nov 15:21
Mi sa che il prossimo comunicato dei Crucchi......sarà........ che per salvare la Grecia bisogna che questa diventi a tutti gli effetti una provincia TURCA;;;;;;;
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