Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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Bank Levy Better to Share Burden, Greek Minister Says

By Linda Yueh and Jeff Black - Nov 19, 2010 4:40 PM GMT+0100 Fri Nov 19 15:40:16 GMT 2010

Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said placing levies on banks would be a better way for them to share the risk of sovereign default than forcing bond investors to accept losses.

“I understand the concept of burden-sharing, but I think there are different ways of getting there,” he said today in an interview with Bloomberg TV in Frankfurt. “One way of burden- sharing would be to put more emphasis on things like bank levies or a financial activity or transaction tax.”

A debate over whether bondholders should have to assume losses when lenders fail was ratcheted up in Seoul last week, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel said creditors should bear more of the cost of bailing out banks and nations. Today, she said Germany and the Netherlands are working together to draft a permanent crisis-resolution mechanism, as the Dutch government backed her demand to make private investors shoulder more risk.

Government officials in Ireland, Portugal and Greece have criticized Merkel’s stance, saying it’s unhelpful as they struggle to slash debt levels. European Union leaders will meet next month to discuss the mechanism for indebted euro-area countries to come into effect from 2013.

Some of the proposals that have been made are of a nature that would produce more deficits, so would not be helpful at the end of the day,” Papaconstantinou said.

‘Confident’ on Budget

Greece, which had its shortfall for 2009 revised to a euro- area record of 15.4 percent of gross domestic product this week, will meet pledges it made in May to the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to secure a 110 billion-euro ($150 billion) bailout, Papaconstantinou said. EU and IMF officials are in Athens this week, to assess progress in the plan to bring the shortfall to less than 3 percent in 2014.

Papaconstantinou said he’s “confident” the government will reduce its shortfall by 2 percentage points next year to 7.4 percent of GDP. The target was included in Greece’s final budget plan, released yesterday.

He ruled out a debt restructuring, saying that’s different than a possible extension of repayments of the EU-IMF loans. Greece’s gross borrowing needs will rise to 70.8 billion euros in 2014 as repayments to the EU and the fund increase, IMF documents show. The first repayment is due in 2013.

“The exact repayment schedule can at some point be discussed,” Papaconstantinou said. “What we are absolutely clear about is that we are under no circumstances talking about any kind of debt restructuring. That would be bad for the economy and would also send the wrong signal to the entire euro zone.


Anche qui il Ministro delle Finanze Papaconstantinou ribadisce la sua tesi contraria a qualunque tipo di haircut propendendo per il solo allungamento temporale dei rimborsi alla troika.
Come sappiamo il FMI si è reso disponibile mentre Frau Merkel non vuol sentirne parlare.
Spetterà dunque al Fondo di Emergenza intervenire a fine 2013, con tutte quelle complicanze di cui stiamo discutendo.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -0,7%, bassi volumi di scambio

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase di Atene termina una seduta caratterizzata da bassi volumi in calo dello 0,7% a 1492,67 punti in .
Sui titoli blue chip pesano leggere prese di profitto e gli investitori si mantengono cauti. "Il sentiment dei mercati internazionali e' negativo e dati i solidi guadagni di ieri le large cap di Atene sono soggette a leggere prese di profitto", afferma un analista. "L'incertezza sull'Irlanda mantiene cauti gli investitori e spiega i bassi volumi di scambio", aggiunge.
In territorio negativo Eurobank a -3,5%, Hellenic Postbank a -1,7%, Opap a -1,5% e Ppc a -0,7%.


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Irish, Greek, Portugal Bonds to Keep Falling, Citigroup Says

November 19, 2010, 11:09 AM EST

By Lukanyo Mnyanda
Nov. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Irish, Greek and Portuguese bonds have further to fall as investors price in higher risks of the European sovereign-debt crisis worsening, according to Citigroup Inc.
“Ireland, Portugal and Greece have underperformed significantly, but we do not think by anywhere near far enough yet,” Mark Schofield, head of interest-rate strategy at Citigroup in London, said on a conference call today. “There’s a long way further to go if the situation deteriorates.”
Irish bonds rose for a third day, pushing the yield on the 10-year security down by three basis points to 8.28 percent at 3:20 p.m. in London. The yield is set for its first weekly drop since Oct. 15 and has more than doubled since March. The Portuguese 10-year yield fell four basis points to 6.88 percent while that in Greece fell one basis point to 11.71 percent.


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mago gambamerlo

Xx Phuket xX
Uhm , dalle ns parti si dice che e' come volere la moglie briaca a la botte piena .... La Germania si fa forte di un popolo disciplinato e non credo che si aspettassero che Grecia - Spagna - P.Gallo - Italia diventassero tedeschi. Tutti avevano capito che il futuro mondiale e' dettato dai Poteri Forti e che la Germania da sola non lo sarebbe stato. Hanno fatto da spettatori passivi e nel 2008 non e' che fossero tutt' acqua e rose visto che l' euro a 1.50 cominciava a pesare anche per loro .
Hanno cavalcato l' euro debole e gratuitamente si sono rilanciati il loro export in barba alla "Crisi Med".
Ora , se vuoi sta cavolo d' Europa , impegnati x il suo futuro e caccia la grana , sapendo che nelle grandi associazioni ce' sempre il piu' forte et il piu' debole ed e' responsabilita' futura del piu' forte far' crescere il piu' debole . ( Se no gl' USA che dovrebbero fare con la California ?)

L'accordo implicito che ha determinato la nascita della moneta comune era quello per cui, per un decennio e più, la Germania avrebbe avuto bisogno di una valuta non troppo forte per poter con maggiore facilità integrare nel contesto nazionale la ex DDR, mentre in questo frangente le economie periferiche avrebbero dovuto attuare un percorso di miglioramento dei cd. "sistema paese" che portasse ad una convergenza accettabile con i tedeschi (e quindi: meno corruzione nella PA, PA funzionante e non eccessivamente burocratizzata, riduzione dei livelli di evasione fiscale, stabilizzazione dei deficit e debiti pubblici, maggiore competitività internazionale dei sistemi produttivi ecc. ecc.)

Il decennio è più che trascorso, e se la Germania ha fatto grandi passi in avanti nella assimilazione della ex DDR, ci si chiede se altrettanto si possa dire della parte dei compiti a casa che toccava fare agli altri... ;)


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The 2011 State Budget and the 14.3 billion euros fiscal adjustment, and speculation of lay-offs in Public Utilities and Organisations (DEKO), dominated the headlines on Friday in Athens' dailies ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Prime Minister George Papandreou preannounced new sacrifices".
AVGHI: "State Budget of 'Controlled bankruptcy'."
AVRIANI: "Half the state hospitals will shut down".
ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "High cost of living and destitution".
ELETHEROS TYPOS: "Who will pay for the damage?".
ESTIA: "State Budget up in the air".
ETHNOS: "Regulation/breather on the acquisition of first home".
IMERISSIA: "Huge cutbacks everywhere".
KATHIMERINI: "Possibility of layoffs in DEKO remains open".
LOGOS: "Troika's Budget".
NAFTEMPORIKI: "Harsh measures and 6.3 billion euros in new taxes".
NIKI: "768,000 civil servants' daily life changes".
RIZOSPASTIS: "State Budget wildly looting the people".
TA NEA: "Where the government will find 14.3 billion euros".
TO VIMA: "Budget of necessity and ....whoever can bear it".
VRADYNI: "Government devastates market and employees".



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Ruling on memorandum legality

(ANA-MPA) -- A Council of State (CoS) plenum will convene on Tuesday to hear civil suits brought by trade unions against wage cuts and austerity measures imposed this year by the government.

The civil suits challenge the memorandum, signed with the EU-ECB-IMF "troika", as being unconstitutional, illegal and in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The two CoS legal rapporteurs assigned to study the civil lawsuits are expected to recommend their rejection on the grounds that the memorandum (Law No. 3845/2010) is constitutional and in compliance with European and international legislation.

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