Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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il Fankazzista
Certo che con un aumento dei tassi d'interesse, le banche che hanno accumulato titoli di stato a basso rendimento ma sicuri avranno certamente delle perdite ingenti perdite. Magari in quel dato periodo potrebbero spostare più capitali verso titoli ad alto rendimento.

La partita è aperta, la Grecia stà facendo il possibile e di questo bisogna darne atto. Un default non conviene a nessuno. Secondo me allungheranno il rimborso alla troika e nel frattempo riusciranno a ridurre come da programma il rapporto deficit/pil. Nel frattempo agli europei conviene tenere l'euro basso per favorire le esportazioni.....sempre secondo me....
:up: concordo


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Irlanda, Oggi consiglio dei ministri straordinario su austerity
di Apcom
Dublino, 21 nov. (Apcom) - Il governo irlandese ha convocato un consiglio dei ministri straordinario per oggi, al fine di approvare un nuovo piano di rigore al centro dei negoziati con l'Unione Europea e il Fondo Monetario Internazionale riguardo a un aiuto internazionale di diverse decine di miliardi di euro. Il consiglio dei ministro avrà "probabilmente" luogo nel pomeriggio, ha precisato un portavoce del primo ministro irlandese Brian Cowen.
La riunione sarà consacrata alla finalizzazione di nuove misure di austerità che il governo sta mettendo a punto da settimane, ha aggiunto, e non al piano di aiuti internazionali attualmente negoziato a Dublino. "Ma le due cose sono collegate" ha precisato.


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Greece needs to go through a period of deflation to return to competitiveness -Economist

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&cf=all&as_qdr=d&as_drrb=q&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&cf=all&as_qdr=d&as_drrb=q&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...hl=it&q=greece&cf=all&as_qdr=d&as_drrb=q&tt=0 CNBC - 20.11.2010

Greece needs to go through a period of deflation to return to competitiveness and ensure sustainable growth, John Sfakianakis, group chief economist at Banque Saudi Fransi, told CNBC Friday. Greece's lack of competitiveness is a major issue that is not being addressed and it, coupled with the burgeoning debt, could stall the country's return to growth considerably, Sfakianakis said. "Right now in Athens coffee is going for 4 euros, so you cannot have a competitive economy when you are charging everybody an arm and a leg. Deflationary economics have to set in, in order for Greece to become competitive," he said.


Nei precedenti post le riflessioni integrali di Sfakianakis.


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On Sunday, November 21st, Dora Bakoyannis is launching a new political party. The announcement will be attended by at least 3,000 people at the Badminton stadium. Dora Bakoyannis comes from a political family.
She is the daughter of veteran Greek politician Constantine Mitsotakis, former Prime Minister of Greece and former leader of country’s main centre-right political party New Democracy (ND).
She started her carrier as manager of her father’s political office. In the following years she was elected as member in the Greek Parliament and served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Culture.
She was the first female mayor of Athens.
Yet on May, 7 2010 Dora Bakoyannis was expelled from ND after defying the party line and voting in favor of the government’s austerity bill in parliament.

Next Sunday in the presentation of her new political party, she plans to announce the party’s name and emblem which will reflect the main purpose and orientation of the new party.
According to authoritative sources, the party’s declaration will address everyone, regardless of their former political beliefs.
It will also make clear that the new party will have a European-friendly orientation and will use reforms to help the country recover from the current crisis.
Bakoyannis’s party is expected to bring fresh people to the political arena of Greece and change the two-party system.

(Greek Reporter.gr)

Sommovimenti nel quadro politico ellenico.
Questa volta a destra.


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Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou had brief meetings on Friday at the sidelines of a NATO Summit with U.S. President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Abdullah Gul. According to sources, the discussion with Gul was held during the debate on the issue of NATO relations with the European Union, when the Turkish leader reiterated his country’s position on the Cyprus Republic’s participation in international organisations and specifically in NATO’s plans.

The same sources said the Greek premier responded that the alliance was not the right forum for resolving the protracted Cyprus problem. He asked all those able to assist in finding a a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem, in the framework of UN resolutions and the acquis communautaire.

Concerning his meeting with Merkel, sources said that Papandreou briefed her on a Greek proposal for a different financial support mechanism. The two leaders agreed to examine the issue through specially appointed officials of the two governments. The meeting was termed by the Greek premier as constructive.

Addressing the Alliance’s Summit earlier, Papandreou said that NATO’s new strategic concept was to give a new direction in tackling problems, which will be solved through synergies of more countries.
(source: ana-mpa)

(Greek Reporter.gr)


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Papandreou hails results of NATO summit

LISBON (ANA-MPA - V. Mourtis) Addressing Greek reporters covering the NATO summit on Saturday, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou emphasised the importance of the two-day meeting of NATO leaders in Lisbon, both for the Greek side and more generally.

Papandreou noted that NATO's new Strategic Concept was attempting to change the structure and orientation of the Alliance through the admission that the problems today were different from those of the Cold War era. For this reason, the Alliance was seeking to create a new basis for relations between its member-states but also its relations with other partners, such as Russia and international organisations.

The Greek premier said that the two-day summit had not led to any unpleasant surprises but had a positive outcome in terms of Greece's particular interests and sensitivities. Concerning Turkey's stance, he pointed out that Greece's neighbour had signed the final communique without presenting any objections.

Papandreou especially highlighted the start of cooperation between NATO and Russia, saying it was a very important step after the Cold War, noting that the anti-missile shield in which Russia is now also a participant signifies cooperation and not enmity.

Concerning Afghanistan, Papandreou noted that the discussion carried out aimed at stability and the withdrawal of foreign powers from Afghanistan.

Greece's Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos, on his part, referred to the changes in NATO's command structure in order to make the Alliance more flexible and to avoid creating artificial or 'technical' problems, including in Greek-Turkish relations. He said that talks were due to begin on NATO entities, such as headquarters, bases etc.

Economic issues and the European financial support mechanism were also discussed by leaders attending the NATO summit, with particular significance for Greece. Sources said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had not been swayed from her views concerning the financing of such a mechanism but was open to holding bilateral talks on Greece's proposals but also the views of other EU member-state leaders on this issue.

During a meeting with Papandreou on Friday, Merkel had agreed that the issue should be discussed between their aides, initially, while not ruling out a convergence between the positions of the two sides before the EU summit in December. The Greek proposal is also starting to gain some support among other countries.

Apart from Papandreou and Venizelos, the NATO summit was also attended by Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas and government spokesman George Petalotis.

Papandreou departed from Lisbon late on Saturday afternoon to return to Athens.



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Grecia: Dora Bakoyannis fonda partito di centro

ATENE - Dora Bakoyannis, ex ministra degli esteri espulsa dal partito di centrodestra di Costas Karamanlis per aver appoggiato il ricorso al prestito Ue-Fmi, ha annunciato oggi ufficialmente la formazione di un nuovo partito liberale di centro favorevole al dialogo con tutte le forze politiche.

Bakoyannis, 56 anni, figlia dell'ex premier Costantino Mitsotakis, ha spiegato che il nuovo partito, Alleanza Democratica, il cui emblema su sfondo blu e arancione è un albero di olivo, è favorevole a riforme amministrative ed economiche liberali, senza rinunciare al welfare di stampo europeo.

Bakoyannis ha difeso la sua decisione di sostenere in parlamento il memorandum di accordo firmato dal premier socialista Giorgio Papandreou, che ha provocato misure di rigore senza precedenti, per ottenere il prestito di 110 miliardi Ue-Fmi e che ha comportato la sua espulsione dal partito Nuova Democrazia. L'ex ministra ha spiegato che sebbene non sia d'accordo con molte delle misure e dei termini previsti dal Memorandum, "il dilemma era approvazione del meccanismo di appoggio o immediata bancarotta".

Bakoyannis ha informato che il congresso costitutivo del nuovo partito si terrà a marzo e che l'8 dicembre compirà una visita in Turchia.



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Troika press conference Monday

The heads of the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) 'troika' team of inspectors will hold a press conference on Monday morning following the completion of their week-long visit to Athens and talks with the Greek government and authorities.

The troika team, headed by European Commission Deputy Director General for economic and financial affairs Servaas Deroose, IMF European Department deputy director Poul Thomsen and ECB division chief Klaus Masuch, were in Athens for their regular progress report on the Greek economy for the disbursement of a 9 billion euros third tranche of the 110 billion euros EU-IMF support loan to Greece.



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Ruling on Memorandum

(ANA-MPA) -- A Council of State (CoS) plenum will convene on Tuesday to hear civil suits brought by trade unions against wage cuts and austerity measures imposed this year by the government.

The civil suits challenge the memorandum, signed with the EU-ECB-IMF "troika", as being unconstitutional, illegal and in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The two CoS legal rapporteurs assigned to study the civil lawsuits are expected to recommend their rejection on the grounds that the memorandum (Law No. 3845/2010) is constitutional and in compliance with European and international legislation.

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