Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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The state of the Greek and European economies and Greece's draft 2011 state budget were the main front-page items in Athens' Sunday newspapers.

AVGHI: "Memorandum...with crutches - Prime minister to hold meetings with 'old and new' party leaders, seeking officials willing to back the budget and prospective new harsh measures".

AVRIANI: "We're heading full-speed to bankruptcy in February, markets predict".

CHORA: "Human sacrifices on the Troika's altar".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Burning quarter for Greece and the euro".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "10 reasons for someone not to live in Greece".

EPOCHI: "Dark Europe".

ETHNOS: "Kallikratis (public administration reform plan) recipe everywhere - In hospitals, universities and Tax Bureau offices".

KATHIMERINI: "The economy amidst the Symplegades (Clashing or Cyanean) Rocks".

LOGOS: "Budget from...the past - Places Greece on threshold of artificial bankruptcy".

NIKI: "Ultra-luxury cars which have been put in hock (at vehicle pawn shop), for a handful of euros

PARON: "They're turning us back 30 years...Tears and poverty".

PROTO THEMA: "They're also eyeing the retirement superannuity".

REALNEWS: "Merkel 'cutting' the euro in two!".

RIZOSPASTIS: "Front of counter-attack everywhere, for development that benefits the people".

TO ARTHRO: "Eurozone with 'dual' euro".

TO VIMA: "Sudden death for thousands of public sector agencies".

VRADYNI: "Drastic salary cuts - Labor relations turned topsy-turvy".



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La Grèce pourrait croître dès 2012.

L’OCDE table sur une hausse de son PIB de 0,5 % en 2012 après il est vrai trois années de contraction au cours desquelles le PIB hellénique aura abandonné près de 9 %. Les experts du Château de la Muette posent comme hypo-thèse que le programme établi avec la Commission européenne, la BCE et le FMI sera appliqué, stabilisant le niveau de la dette publique, ce qui stimulera la compétitivité. Le déficit public reviendrait alors à 6,5 % du PIB en 2012 contre 13,7 % en 2009 et le déficit de la balance courante se replierait à 5,9 % contre 11,4 % au prix d’un taux de chômage qui dépassera la barre de 15 % !


Estratto da un settimanale francese "Investir" di ieri 20-11. In generale mi sembra che i francesi siano più ottimisti e meno catasfrofisti dei nostri media, risultando più concreti nelle notizie. La maggior parte attualmente è indirizzata all'Irlanda e Portogallo. Sembra che la stessa Francia non sia immune da qualche ipotetico problema "bancario" ma verrebbe ben dopo altri soggetti. Per adesso nessuno ventila effetti domino o altro. Fanno netta distinzione tra comunicati politici e quelli reali e la Merkel è poco citata... o meglio così sembrerebbe.


Triplo Panico: comprare
Irlanda chiama Europa

(AGI) Francoforte - La Banca Centrale Europea ha "accolto con favore la richiesta" irlandese di aiuto da parte del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, dell'Ue e dei membri dell'area Euro. Lo rende noto Eurotower in una nota in cui sottolinea di condividere "con l'Ue, con i ministri dell'Ecofin e con l'Eurogruppo sul fatto che fornire gli aiuti e' essenziale per difendere la stabilita'" ma questi "saranno condizionati dall'adozione" da parte di Dublino "di determinate politiche economiche, sulla base del programma che le autorita' irlandesi hanno concordato con la Commissione, il Fmi e la Bce" .

Adesso le cose sono più chiare: l'Irlanda ha dovuto cedere parte della sua sovranità finanziaria alla Commissione UE; probabilmente le condizioni saranno più morbide di quelle imposte alla Grecia, e già concordate sottobanco.
Vediamo adesso l'impatto sui mercati, speriamo positivo, specialmente per le quotazioni dei titoli della Patria dei greci, oltre che di quella degli irlandesi.
Buonanotte, Giuseppe


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56% of Greeks fear state bankruptcy

22. November 2010. | 08:21
Source: BNR

The Greeks are worried about the state of their country’s economy and 56 per cent of them have said they fear Greece may go bankrupt. This has emerged from a survey carried out by Public Issue polling agency.

The Greeks are worried about the state of their country’s economy and 56 per cent of them have said they fear Greece may go bankrupt. This has emerged from a survey carried out by Public Issue polling agency.
Taking the question what Greece should do with its public debts, 46 per cent of the polled have strongly recommended a renegotiation of the debts with the creditors so that at least a fraction of it is redeemed.
23 per cent of the polled insist on continuation of the austerity measures part of the memorandum signed by Greece and granting it 110 bln euro worth of financial aid that has to be redeemed by 2013.
14 per cent of the polled have said Greece should stop repaying its debts.



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Greece will not sell T-bills in December due to a lack of investor interest in the holiday season

Lefteris Papadimas - 22.11.2010

Greece will not hold its regular monthly T-bill auctions in December due to a lack of investor interest in the holiday season, the Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA) said on Friday.
"In line with its policy of monthly T-bill sales, the PDMA will proceed to its next auction in 2011," PDMA chief Petros Christodoulou told Reuters.
"As already known, the PDMA had announced it would avoid T-bill auctions in August and December due to the holiday season," he added.
Shut out of bond markets in the wake of its debt crisis, Greece switched to monthly auctions of short-term debt in September. Borrowing costs declined for two months but rose again in November on euro zone periphery concerns.




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Portugal Five-Year Sovereign CDS 5 Bps Wider At 410/435 - Trader

LONDON (Dow Jones)--The cost of insuring Portuguese sovereign debt using credit default swaps rose early Monday, while the cost for other peripheral euro-zone sovereigns fell after Ireland asked for financial aid.
Portugal's five-year credit default swaps rose five basis points to 410/435 basis points, according to one trader, while Ireland's fell 20 basis points to 470/495, Spain's dropped six basis points to 254/261, and Greece's were down five basis points at 940/960.
CDS are derivatives that function like a default insurance contract for debt. If a borrower defaults, the protection seller compensates the buyer. Buyers may be protecting investments, or making bearish bets against borrowers.
A basis point rise or fall in a five-year contract indicates a $1,000 increase or decrease in the annual cost of insuring $10 million of debt.


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Greece May ‘Shut Down’ on Cash Shortage, High Frequency Says

November 22, 2010, 3:24 AM EST

By Lukanyo Mnyanda
Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Parts of Greece’s government may be forced to “shut down” as early as next week if the country isn’t able to cover a revenue shortfall after its European Union partners delayed its next tranche of aid money, High Frequency Economics Ltd. said.
“With a big tax revenue shortfall, cash requirements are surely greater than the 6.5 billion euros ($8.95 billion) Athens was meant to receive next week,” Carl B. Weinberg, chief economist at Valhalla, New York-based High Frequency wrote in a note to clients today.
“Unless the government gets funds soon after Nov. 30, it will run out of cash,” Weinberg said. “If so, the government will have to shut down, at least in part.”
Greek government bonds declined for a second day, with the 10-year yield increasing three basis points to 11.78 percent as of 7:44 a.m. in London.
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