Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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EU/IMF Conclusion Of Greece Inspection Delayed Until Tuesday

The EU, IMF and ECB mission, dubbed Troika, will conclude an inspection visit to Greece with a news conference on Tuesday, the IMF said on Sunday.

The news conference was originally planned for Monday.

"Due to continuing discussions over the weekend to clarify some technical issues, the press conference at the conclusion of the second review of Greece΄s economic programme is rescheduled for Tuesday at 10 a.m," the IMF said in a statement.

Disagreements inside the government concerning labor and public enterprises as well as the change of plans due to the extraordinary Eurogroup teleconference on Ireland are said to have led to the rescheduling.

The EU/IMF mission has to give a positive assessment for Greece so that the debt laden country will receive the next trance of an 110 bil. euro bailout package agreed upon last May.



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Wrangling over reform terms
Troika, Katseli said to be at odds; ND leader rules out cooperation with gov’t due to memorandum

As concerns mount about the ability of the debt-ridden government to execute an ambitious budget for 2011, sources revealed over the weekend that the country’s international creditors have clashed with a top Cabinet minister over proposed changes to work contracts and the streamlining of loss-making public companies.

Meanwhile, in an interview with Kathimerini, the leader of the main opposition New Democracy, Antonis Samaras, ruled out cooperating with ruling PASOK, noting that as long as Greece remains bound by the terms of an international rescue package, there are no prospects for collaboration. “There is no remit for cooperation with those who have accepted the impasse of the memorandum,” Samaras told Kathimerini, referring to the agreement between Greece and the so-called troika – the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – for the release of 110 billion euros in loans in exchange for a raft of austerity measures.

According to sources at the Finance Ministry, members of the troika are at loggerheads with Labor Minister Louka Katseli over possible changes to labor contracts and job cuts at public utilities and other state-backed companies.

The same sources told Kathimerini that Prime Minister George Papandreou telephoned Katseli and asked her to stick to the terms of the agreement thrashed out with the troika.

However, sources close to Katseli denied the existence of a rift. “The stance of the premier and his Cabinet members is one and the same,” one source said.

But some economic analysts criticized Katseli after she made comments in To Vima newspaper suggesting that the troika had prescribed “the wrong medicine” for Greece’s economic ills. Panayiotis Gennimatas, honorary vice president of the European Investment Bank, told Skai that he believed Katseli’s statements had made her position untenable.




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Advantages of issuing bonds under Greek law are there for the taking
New taxes on existing coupons and haircut on new gov’t paper may lead to speculators’ nightmare

By Dimitris Kontogiannis - Kathimerini English Edition

European statistics agency Eurostat’s sharp upward revisions of the country’s deficit and debt figures have made debt dynamics more challenging and reduced Greece’s chances of accessing the international bond markets in 2011 or 2012.

With the newly unveiled 2011 budget deficit target seen as difficult to attain in a weak economy, the government will have to go back and review its strategy and perhaps take advantage of the fact that Greek bonds have been issued under local law.

As expected, the classification of 13 public corporations and organizations along with changes in the surpluses of social security funds, the recording of off-market swaps and an increase in accounts payables lifted the 2009 deficit to 15.4 percent of gross domestic product and helped push the estimated deficit to 9.4 percent of GDP in 2010.

This necessitated austerity measures of more than 14 billion euros to cut the 2011 budget deficit to 17 billion euros from an estimated 22 billion this year, contributing to the decline of economic activity for a third year in a row. Coupled with consumer confidence being at an all-time low and weak public and private investment activity, the economy is now expected to shrink by 3.2 percent in 2011, making it more likely that unemployment will peak around 15 percent in 2012 instead of 2011.

Even more important from private investors’ point of view, the public debt-to-GDP ratio was revised to about 128 percent in 2009 and is projected to rise to 159 percent in 2012. This definitely hurts sentiment and makes it more difficult for Greece to issue bonds in 2011 and even 2012. It must be noted that the country should have received 38 billion euros from the European Union - International Monetary Fund mechanism in 2010 but this will not be the case since part of the third tranche, equal to 9.0 billion euros in total, is expected to be disbursed in December and part of it – 6.5 billion euros from the eurozone – in early January 2011.

The delay in the disbursement of the third tranche is widely seen as a message to Athens to comply with the terms of the memorandum signed between Greece and eurozone members and the IMF last May.

Assuming the Greece complies, it is due to get 40 billion euros in 2011 and 24 billion euros in 2012 before the program winds down with 8 billion euros in 2013. By all accounts, the 2012 funding from the mechanism is not enough to fully cover the county’s borrowing needs that same year. Although market conditions at the time and Greece’s fiscal progress will play a role in convincing foreign bondholders to buy its new debt at reasonable yields, the high public debt-to-GDP ratio makes it less likely.

However, to have a more accurate picture of the country’s debt dynamics, one should also take into account a few more factors. First, Greece’s GDP is likely to be revised upward at some point in 2011. The GDP was revised by 9.6 percent back in 2006 and is likely to be revised by a similar percentage this time around. Assuming this is the case, the debt-to-GDP ratio is likely to fall by about 10 percentage points.

Second, 10 billion euros in debt has been earmarked for the Financial Stability Fund, which has been set up to as a backstop facility for Greek banks. If no bank uses the facility or taps into it and repays it by 2015, this amount will not count as part of the country’s public debt. It should be noted that 10 billion euros is equivalent to 5.5 percent of GDP.

Thirdly, a good portion of the additional debt stemming from Eurostat’s revisions is owned by local banks, reducing the country’s reliance on foreign investors.
Although the above adjustments make the debt-to-GDP ratio look less appalling, it is still very high. Moreover, given the country’s high borrowing needs of 70 billion euros or more a year in 2014 and 2015, it still makes debt dynamics look challenging.

Some may disagree, considering it a sign of weakness, but the truth of the matter is that an extension of the repayment of debt owed to EU/IMF would smooth out the country’s refinancing needs over coming years. Still, Greece will have to seriously consider whether it should exploit the advantage of having most of its bonds owned by private investors issued under Greek law.

Of course, it is better to enter into such discussions with your creditors when you run a primary budget surplus because you are in a better negotiating position. After all, you are able to more than cover your expenditures without including interest payments with your revenues. However, if you think you are unable to attain such an outcome in the foreseeable future, you may have to revert to the Greek law and take advantage of it.

What we mean is very simple and seems to be the speculators’ nightmare on the credit-default swaps market. One buys these credit derivatives, called CDS, on sovereign debt either to bet for or against a country’s default or hedge one’s position against losses in case it defaults.

Greece can, under local law, decide to heavily tax the coupons of existing bonds, making them less attractive to their holders in exchange for offering new bonds at a smaller nominal value, known as a haircut, which will be stipulated to be tax-free. Of course, this would require some cost-benefit analysis, especially with respect to its impact on the banking sector, but it could be done.

The government should think very hard about taking advantage of having issued bonds in the past under Greek law to obtain a sizable haircut from existing private bondholders if it thinks a primary budget surplus is not feasible in 2011-2012.


Da leggere.
Introduce nella discussione intorno all'haircut variabili legate ad obbligazioni emesse con "diritto greco".
Oltre alla solita "furbata" sull'avanzo primario...

A questo punto sarebbe interessante capire quali sono le obbligazioni emesse secondo "diritto greco" ...



Forumer storico
Nel caso esposto sopra non c'è nessun "specialista" sul forum in grado di spiegarci quali sono le obbligazioni di "diritto greco"?

L'unica differenza che possiamo notare, noi investitori italiani, è la differenza tra i titoli GGB (quotati su tutti i mercati europei) rispetto ai due titoli IT (i due ellenici, il "19 5%" e il "ciofecone") quotati solo sul Mot.


il Fankazzista
certo con tutte le news positive irlanda, elezioni speravo in un rimbalzo
c'è da chiedersi se venivano brutte notizie che succedeva


Forumer storico
certo con tutte le news positive irlanda, elezioni speravo in un rimbalzo
c'è da chiedersi se venivano brutte notizie che succedeva

Non saprei se sono proprio positive le news irlandesi.
Direi che in massima parte sono scontate (a parte la cifra che verrà messa in campo).
Il governo che ha accettato gli aiuti si regge su un paio di voti di maggioranza con l'opposizione che chiede le dimissioni, seguito dalla stampa e dall'opinione pubblica ...
Insomma ci troviamo in una situazione politica molto incerta... l'opposto della Grecia.
Con un voto a dicembre che potrebbe far cadere l'attuale governo irish.


Nuovo forumer
Non saprei se sono proprio positive le news irlandesi.
Direi che in massima parte sono scontate (a parte la cifra che verrà messa in campo).
Il governo che ha accettato gli aiuti si regge su un paio di voti di maggioranza con l'opposizione che chiede le dimissioni, seguito dalla stampa e dall'opinione pubblica ...
Insomma ci troviamo in una situazione politica molto incerta... l'opposto della Grecia.
Con un voto a dicembre che potrebbe far cadere l'attuale governo.
Beh, non so cosa vi aspettavate voi, ma un + 1,7% su decennale come inizio settimana non mi sembra male.


Forumer storico

On Friday night, IMF junior executives attempted an “onslaught” against… the night club where a famous Greek folk singer, Notis Sfakianakis sings!
Shortly after midnight, a group of three or four well-dressed men, entered the club and looked for a table. Why did they visit such a place? Maybe, they wanted to have a taste of entertainment made in Greece. On the other hand, most likely, they intended ascertain at first hand how Greek people correspond to expenditure restraints, taxes and high levels of unemployment.​
As it seems, the IMF “agents” were rather discrete. They watched the Greeks enjoying themselves but they neither ordered nor thrown flowers on the stage, as Greeks traditionally do, to express their admiration to the artist on stage and mostly to have fun. Surprisingly enough, they left at 2am, in other words, at the time that the rest of the “audience” was dancing on tables (another Greek “tradition”) and was having the time of its life!

(Greek Reporter.gr)
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