Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (23 lettori)

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Listed companies report losses

Greek-listed enterprises reported losses totaling 570 million euros in the January-September period this year, Pegasus Securities said on Wednesday. In an analysis of nine-month results, Pegasus said companies' results showed some improvement in the third quarter of 2010 although it stressed that this development should lead to any enthusiasm or great expectations for the year.

In a report, Pegasus Securities said a decline in losses to 570 million euros in the nine-month period, from losses totaling 1.37 billion euros in the first half of the year, was a small success since banks have contributed losses as a sector so far this year. The final figure of losses reflected mainly higher losses reported by MIG (1.38 billion euros), Atlantic (107 million euros), banks' losses (553 million euros) and losses suffered by several sectors such as transport, publications, holdings and constructions.

The balance between loss-making and profitable enterprises was in favour of loss-making companies with a ratio of 55:45.

After tax and minorities earnings of 261 listed enterprises fell 111.3 pct in the nine-month period, while turnover rose 3.9 pct to 58.438 billion euros and operating earnings fell 14.8 pct in the period.

The number of loss-making enterprises that turned into profitable were unchanged, while the number of companies moving the other way around recorded a small improvement.

Mytilineos, Metka, Frigoglass, S&B, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling, Titan, Piraeus Port, Bank of Cyprus, Elval and Karelias managed to raise their profits in the January-September period, while small-size enterprises such as Mathios, Mermeren, Karatzis, Inform Lycos, Karamolegos, Eurodrip, Loulis, Kathimerini, Iktinos, Infoquest, Kyriakidis, Thrace Plastics, MLS Informatics, Voyatzoglou and Kepenos Mills, also raised their profits.

On the other hand, listed enterprises such as Emporiki Bank, Geniki Bank, ATEbank, MIG, Nutriart, Intracom, Petzetakis, Atlantic, Edrasi, Desmos and the whole sectors of transport and media recorded higher losses.

Banks managed to report improved results in the third quarter of the year, with the rate of provisions slowing to 35 pct from 37 pct in the first half, totaling 5.17 billion euros. Interest income slowed to 7.78 pct, while commission income was a negative 5.95 pct. Operating costs in the sector grew slower at 0.23 pct.



out of time...
Medvedev visit in 2011

Prime minister George Papandreou met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday on the sidelines of an OSCE summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The two leaders discussed the Greek economy, with Medvedev praising the progress that has been made.

The two sides also stressed their desire for enhancing cooperation in the fields of the economy, energy and defense issues and in bilateral relations.

The talks also encompassed NATO-Russia relations, with both sides calling the outcome of the recent NATO summit in Lisbon as "positive".

It was further announced that Medvedev will pay a state visit to Greece in 2011.


Speriamo non si presenti a mani vuote ...

....portera' un mazzo di fiori..:)..
sperando non siano crisantemi:lol:


il Fankazzista
Euro: un paese risultera' insolvente
Il ministro dell'Economia tedesco Rainer Bruederle ha ammesso che un paese membro della zona euro potrebbe "in linea di principio" diventare insolvente. Non specificato chi sara' a saltare, ma si intuisce che il riferimento e' a Grecia o Irlanda. E l'Italia...
ma vaffa.............


Forumer storico
Euro: un paese risultera' insolvente
Il ministro dell'Economia tedesco Rainer Bruederle ha ammesso che un paese membro della zona euro potrebbe "in linea di principio" diventare insolvente. Non specificato chi sara' a saltare, ma si intuisce che il riferimento e' a Grecia o Irlanda. E l'Italia...
ma vaffa.............

Questo è un'altro che parla troppo.
Lo sapete, per me, il "verbo" è solo Schauble ...


Forumer storico
ciao fmaoro piano con gli entusiasmi e' come quando esci con 1 donna bellissima e pensi e' fatta e li ti sbagli per me e' fatta.................. dopo che mi faccio la doccia non so' se mi sono spiegato tommy io e' come te' e' un anno che aspetto


out of time...
Euro: un paese risultera' insolvente
Il ministro dell'Economia tedesco Rainer Bruederle ha ammesso che un paese membro della zona euro potrebbe "in linea di principio" diventare insolvente. Non specificato chi sara' a saltare, ma si intuisce che il riferimento e' a Grecia o Irlanda. E l'Italia...
ma vaffa.............

ma che diavolo significa "in linea di principio" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e il bello e' che lascia anche il mistero....irlanda o grecia???
che im.becilli
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