Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (12 lettori)

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Utente Senior
scusate ma a maggio scorso la Grecia non aveva soldi per rimborsare un bond in scadenza e le casse erano vuote, quindi in principio se non fosse stata aiutata faceva default


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scusate ma a maggio scorso la Grecia non aveva soldi per rimborsare un bond in scadenza e le casse erano vuote, quindi in principio se non fosse stata aiutata faceva default

E' un pò più complicato ... diciamo che le Aste non sono mai andate deserte, anzi bid/cover elevatissimi.
Solo una continua pressione verso un rialzo dei rendimenti che non sappiamo dove avrebbero portato. L'intervento FMI/UE/BCE è stato conseguente.
Le casse erano vuote.


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Greek bank deposits fall 0.6 pct m/m in Oct- cenbank

ATHENS | Wed Dec 1, 2010 10:25am EST

ATHENS Dec 1 (Reuters) - Greek business and household bank deposits in October resumed their downward trend in October, falling 0.6 percent from the previous month, central bank data showed on Wednesday.
The Bank of Greece data showed deposits at 211.5 billion euros ($276.9 billion) from 212.8 billion euros at end-September. Since the start of the year, deposits in this category are down by 26.5 billion euros or 11 percent.
Shrinking deposits have added to the strains of Greek banks, which have become reliant on ECB funding for their liquidity needs as access to wholesale funding remains shut.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +3,8%, guidano i bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La Borsa di Atene termina con l'indice Ase a +3,8% a 1.474,3 punti. Guidano il rialzo i titoli bancari con il sotto-indice di riferimento a +7,7%.
"Gli investitori sembrano essersi resi conto dell'eccesso di vendite nel comparto bancario greco dopo avere reagito in ritardo al flusso di notizie favorevole e ai conti trimestrali leggermente al di sopra delle attese", commenta Anthony Christofidis, head of research di Ate Securities.
Eurobank guadagna l'11,4%, Alpha il 9,6%, Piraeus il 9% e National l'8,7%, Mig cresce dell'8,2%.


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Athens Stocks Soar

The Greek Market moved sharply higher in the first session of December, posting the biggest percentage increase in the last six months.

Analysts say that there were positive signs already from yesterday, while the big boost by European markets also helped ASE’s upwards move, as tomorrow the ECB, following its regular meeting, is expected to announce measures to tackle the Eurozone’s debt crisis.

They note that while the Greek market has one more reason to react, since it is considered to have been oversold, adding that despite the increased risks, it offers investment opportunities. This is evident in the 9M earnings released by domestic listed companies, which without being impressive, they showed signs of resilience.

At the same time, the European sovereign periphery comes again in the spotlight, and it is estimated that if the ECB acts, banks could benefit.

They also say that December traditionally turns out to be a good month for the stock market.

Across the board, the General Index soared 3.85% at 1,474.35, on a total turnover of 119.59 mil. euro.

Financials skyrocketed 7.71%.

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