Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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Oil reserves may produce 40 mln barrels

By Stelios Bouras - Kathimerini English Edition

Greece’s unexplored oil deposits could cover 30 percent of the country’s annual energy needs over the next 30 years, according to a government document.

In a report prepared by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Ministry, the government says that “despite a lack of continual and complete studies, it is confirmed that the country has gasoline supplies.”

“What is needed is research to locate and determine whether the hydrocarbons can be developed,” the report states.
“It is estimated that the hydrocarbons could cover about a third of Greece’s energy needs in the next 30 years and have an impact on crude oil spending, state revenues and job growth.”

As the country consumes 120 million barrels of oil every year – 99.5 percent of which is imported – the report indicates that hydrocarbon deposits could produce some 40 million barrels per year.

Greece is in the process of putting together a state body that will manage the rights to hydrocarbon exploration and tender them off to gas companies.

A draft bill setting up the state body, to be called the Greek Regulatory Corporation for Hydrocarbons, was put up for public discussion yesterday in a procedure expected to last until the middle of January before heading to lawmakers.

Greece is the only country in the European Union which does not have a national hydrocarbons regulator.

“Greece is a sad example that should be avoided, not only in the EU, but also on a global level,” the report says, adding that the failure to award exploration rights and monitor current production off Kavala, northern Greece, over the last 12 years has robbed the economy of valuable investments.

The only oil and natural gas exploration company operating in Greece, Energean Oil and Gas, is about halfway through its five-year $200 million investment plan and intends to boost production in 2011 to 5,000 barrels per day from 2,000-3,000 barrels currently. [email protected]

Gli sforzi delle Grecia che si tradurranno in grossi investimenti nel settore delle rinnovabili, con il concorso di investitori esteri, non trascurano anche gli idrocarburi tradizionali.



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Greek ship-buyers

Greek shipowners, holders of the world’s second-largest merchant fleet after China, were the biggest buyers of secondhand vessels in the first 11 months of the year, shipbroker Golden Destiny said. Greeks bought 219 ships, with an increase in spending on secondhand vessels of 12 percent from a year earlier to $5.6 billion, the Piraeus-based broker said in an e-mailed report yesterday.

Nearly half of them were so-called bulk ships that carry commodities such as coal, Golden Destiny said. Greeks were also the biggest spenders on new vessels, lifting investment more than fivefold to order 247 for a total $6.6 billion, according to the report.

Next year is likely to be “a challenging year due to the number of vessels that are expected to hit the water, as sustained fleet growth will trouble the supply/demand balance,” Golden Destiny said.


L'importante settore dello shipping.
I dati del Baltex Index però non sono positivi.



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Labor and Social Insurance Minister...

Labor and Social Insurance Minister Louka Katseli said that the government plans to reduce employer pension contributions from next year to help combat tax evasion and remove an obstacle to employment.

The state will cut pension contributions 25 percent in stages by 2013, Katseli told a conference on Monday.

To qualify for the reduction, a company must have no debts outstanding to any of Greece’s social security funds. Brokerage Piraeus Securities welcomed the news yesterday, saying in a note that it is ‘positive news for lower labor costs.’




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Christmas dinner cost 7.1% down

The cost of Christmas dinner will be 7.10 percent cheaper this year compared with the same time last year, according to data released on Tuesday by the price observatory at the regional development and competitiveness ministry.

A ministry announcement said that a Christmas dinner for six people will cost an estimated 137.76 euro on average in 2010, down from 148.29 euro for the same items bought on the same day (December 16) in 2009.

Prices were lower for meats such as turkey (14.75 pct), pork (4.15 pct) and lamb (up 6.75 pct), as well as several kinds of vegetables and seasonal sweets and cakes.


La realtà della recessione, aldilà dai numeri che postiamo quotidianamente.


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The annual debate in Parliament over the 2011 state budget, decisions to open so-called "closed professions" and a new possible downgrading of the Greek economy by an international ratings service mostly dominated the headlines on Wednesday in Athens' newspapers.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Changes in salaries, pension and taxes from Jan. 1, 2011.
AVGHI: "From bad to worse..."
AVRIANI: "Government's decision to extract oil will cover 30 percent of country's needs".
ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "PASOK MPs reject economic policy".
ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Problem with closed professions' bill".
ESTIA: "Garbage during Christmas has become an annual tradition".
ETHNOS: "Ministers' backstabbing, MPs nagging".
IMERISSIA: "Rating firm Fitch warns over new downgrading".
KATHIMERINI: "Redeployment and turbulence in government".
NAFTEMPORIKI: "Pressure for new downgrading intensifies".
NIKI: "Tax storm arrives with new year".
RIZOSPASTIS: "Anti-popular policy of health -- operation of public agencies as private enterprises".
TA NEA: "Sweeping draft law for closed professions".
VRADYNI: "Development via ... gambling".



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Greek Stocks Look For Direction

Athens Stocks move lower on Wednesday after Fitch placed Greece’s ratings on review for a possible downgrade.

In a low turnover session the General Index is poised to test key support levels. Banking Index fell as much as 2.05% earlier while shares of National Bank and Eurobank were down 2.9%

Pegasus Securities states “the possibility of the country being further downgraded to increase equity supply, even if the Athens market has stayed around its 12-year lows for what we consider to be a very extended period”.

“This hyperbole obviously needs news content in order for the market΄s ascending rebound to be assisted by more than just technical grounds”, according to its morning report.

Pegasus expects “volatility to remain during today΄s session, with the Index trading in the region of the 1,435 (2nd support level) - 1,455 (pivot point) units”.

Across the board, the General Index is at 1452.10 units declining by 0.49%. So far the turnover stands at 19.75 million euro. In total 27 shares post gains, 60 decline, while 39 shares remain unchanged.

Banks post losses of 1.35%, shaping at 1304.90 units. Marfin Bank and National Bank remain under pressure, declining by 2.61% and 1.99% respectively. Eurobank, Bank of Cyprus and Piraeus Bank decline by 1.72%, 0.76% and 0.81% respectively while Geniki Bank is the only bank posting gains, up 2.39%.


L'andamento alla Borsa di Atene.


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Grecia, scioperi prima del voto su misure austerity

mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010 12:21

ATENE (Reuters) - I sindacati greci hanno annunciato uno sciopero generale per oggi mentre Atene è stata paralizzata dallo stop di 24 ore dei trasporti, indetto per protesta contro il budget del governo per il 2011.
Il budget, che ha l'obiettivo di arginare la crisi del debito che ha scosso la zona euro, comprende un ulteriore aumento delle tasse e tagli ai salari nelle imprese pubbliche, in particolar modo nei trasporti.
Fitch ha minacciato ieri di tagliare a junk il rating della Grecia il prossimo mese, come del resto hanno già fatto le altre agenzie di rating.
"Anche se la notizia era nell'aria, sarà recepita male dai mercati. C'è una paura diffusa per i possibili tagli", ha commentato Ioanna Telioudi, analista di Hsbc ad Atene.
Le principali sigle sindacali, del settore pubblico e privato, hanno indetto uno sciopero di tre ore ad Atene, dalle 11 alle 14 ora italiana. E' prevista anche una manifestazione di migliaia di persone fuori dal Parlamento.
Il governo ha minacciato di precettare i lavoratori del trasporto pubblico, invocando la legislazione d'emergenza come già fatto ad inizio anno per scongiurare lo sciopero degli autotrasportatori e di altri lavoratori del settore dei trasporti.
"Tutti devono mostrare senso di responsabilità. Lo stato possiede tutti i poteri di cui ha bisogno per proteggere l'interesse pubblico", ha detto il portavoce del governo George Petalotis.
Il governo, oltretutto, ha una maggioranza di 156 seggi su 300 in Parlamento e il budget dovrebbe essere approvato nonostante il crescente malcontento all'interno del partito principale, il Pasok.
"Concedo al governo l'ultima chance", ha detto ieri il parlamentare del Pasok Thomas Robopoulos durante il dibattito in Parlamento.
Da quando è stato siglato il patto di salvataggio Ue/Fmi per la Grecia a maggio, il primo ministro George Papandreou ha espulso quattro deputati per il loro manifesto disaccordo sulle politiche di austerity del governo.


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Diciamo che, a mio parere, -rispetto alla Grecia - l'Irlanda potrebbe scegliere di uscire autonomamente dall'Euro.
In questo caso la struttura economica della Tigre potrebbe permetterselo.
Ad ogni modo,una decisione simile, provocherebbe un terremoto le cui onde telluriche sconquasserebbero tutta la periferia.

Ciao Tommy,

ma una decisione del genere da parte di uno Stato membro dell'eurozona è possibile?

A me risultava che il trattato prevedeva i criteri per l'ingresso nell'euro, ma non c'era nessuna condizione che ne permettesse, in modo autonomo o forzata, l'uscita. :-?

Mi sbaglio?


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Ciao Tommy,

ma una decisione del genere da parte di uno Stato membro dell'eurozona è possibile?

A me risultava che il trattato prevedeva i criteri per l'ingresso nell'euro, ma non c'era nessuna condizione che ne permettesse, in modo autonomo o forzata, l'uscita. :-?

Mi sbaglio?

Non c'è nessuna norma che preveda l'espulsione... ma se uno vuole uscire autonomamente, nessuno può impedirlo.
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