Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (8 lettori)

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per il prolungamento della restituzione aiuti per quando è prevista la decisione in modo ufficiale?
sono almeno 2 mesi che se ne parla


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per il prolungamento della restituzione aiuti per quando è prevista la decisione in modo ufficiale?
sono almeno 2 mesi che se ne parla

Il prolungamento è una necessità: lo sanno tutti, poi si nascondono dietro ad un dito.
Con ogni probabilità il programma di rimborso sarà esteso come sul modello irlandese, con un piccolo aggravio sul tasso di interesse che sarà portato intorno al 5,5% circa, un mezzo punto. L' estensione temporale credo intorno al 2022, in questo modo la Grecia potrà avere un debito sostenibile e ritornare tranquillamente sui mercati per fare fronte al proprio fabbisogno.
Il FMI ha quasi formalizzato il tutto, manca solo l'assenso della UE.


out of time...
Il prolungamento è una necessità: lo sanno tutti, poi si nascondono dietro ad un dito.
Con ogni probabilità il programma di rimborso sarà esteso come sul modello irlandese, con un piccolo aggravio sul tasso di interesse che sarà portato intorno al 5,5% circa, un mezzo punto. L' estensione temporale credo intorno al 2022, in questo modo la Grecia potrà avere un debito sostenibile e ritornare tranquillamente sui mercati per fare fronte al proprio fabbisogno.
Il FMI ha quasi formalizzato il tutto, manca solo l'assenso della UE.

l'UE fara' la sua parte..:up:

e' inutile adesso mettere un muro sui binari del treno.... la locomotiva e' partita e arrivera' alla stazione..:up:


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tommy parliamoci chiaro sappiamo tutti che i greci entro il 2013 non potranno restituire il prestito i tedeschi e i francesi al momento non vogliono allungare le scadenze perche' pensano che i greci potrebbero tergiversare con le riforme e secondo me fanno bene se vedono che entro il 2013 avranno migliorato i conti pubblici sicuramente faranno allungare la restituzione del prestito se non c'e' miglioramento netto l'unica cosa sara' quella non la voglio nemmeno nominare ciao e buon natale

In linea di massima la motivazione è questa: una pressione sui greci per non deragliare dal programma ed una risposta agli elettorati franco/tedeschi.

Ricordiamoci che in Francia si voterà nel 2012, Sarkozy non è messo bene. Mentre nel 2011 in Germania si voterà in diversi Land: la Merkel potrebbe incassare una serie di sconfitte.


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Grecia oggi paralizzata dagli scioperi

Prosegue la mobilitazione contro il piano di austerity

22 dicembre, 10:24

(ANSA) - ATENE 22 DIC - La Grecia e' di nuovo paralizzata oggi da uno stop di 24 ore dei trasporti pubblici, in guerra contro la riforma del settore, e da uno sciopero generale di tre ore contro il piano di austerity che culminera' in una grande manifestazione ad Atene. Le proteste coincidono con il voto questa sera in parlamento per approvare la Finanziaria 2011 che comprende una manovra piu' grande del previsto per tappare un buco da 6 mld emerso in seguito alla revisione dei bilanci 2009 e 2010 da parte di Eurostat


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Greece Hit By Transit Strike, Walkout Ahead Of Budget Vote

ATHENS (Dow Jones)--Greece's public transport workers walked off the job Wednesday in a 24-hour strike--the third in two weeks--to protest government reforms and just hours before parliament is due to vote on a 2011 austerity budget.

The transport workers' strike, which affected all mass transit around the capital, Athens, led to traffic chaos during the morning rush hour with traffic jams stretching up to 10 kilometers in various parts of the city as residents struggled to get in to work.

They will be joined by other public and private sector workers later Wednesday, with Greece's two major umbrella unions--private sector GSEE and public sector ADEDY--calling for a three-hour work stoppage in the greater Athens area to protest the budget.

"The struggle by the workers, the pensioners and the unemployed against these anti-worker and anti-social measures continues," GSEE said in a statement. "The workers and unions of the country will continue and intensify their action and struggles as long as these unjust and harsh neo-liberal policies continue."

In May, Greece narrowly avoided default with the help of a EUR110 billion bailout from the European Union and International Monetary Fund, in exchange for tough economic reforms while also cutting its budget deficit to below 3% of gross domestic product by 2014.

The 2011 budget, which includes fresh austerity measures, such as further spending cuts and tax rises, aims to narrow the deficit to 7.4% of GDP next year from a projected 9.4% gap in 2010.

Since last week, Greece has been hit by a series of work stoppages and strikes over those austerity measures and other reforms, including a 24-hour nationwide general strike last Wednesday that led to violent street clashes in Athens. Last week, Greece's parliament approved separate legislation to cap salaries and slash bonuses at state-owned enterprises, particularly at loss-making public transport companies.

The work stoppage is expected to affect public services at government offices, local goverment operations, schools and other services.

A protest rally has been scheduled for 1100 GMT in front of parliament, which is expected to vote on the budget at midnight local time (1000 GMT).

The measures have drawn criticism from both opposition political parties as well as from backbenchers among the ruling Socialists. Despite that, the Socialist government, which controls 156 seats in Greece's 300 member parliament, is expected to pass the budget.


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Government on return to drachma

Greek government spokesman George Petalotis ruled out the prospect of early elections or a return to the drachma currency while speaking to the radio station 'Real FM' on Tuesday.

"We are not discussing a return to the drachma, these are scenarios that neither touch nor concern us, not even in the theoretical planning we carry out, because there is no reason for it," he underlined.

Petalotis also emphasised that there was no question of Greece exiting the eurozone or the EU and pointed out that the recent EU summit had taken important decisions to preserve the stability of the euro.

"When we talk of stability, an important part is monetary stability and from there on there is European cohesion and other factors. The EU Summit but also the EU in general, even though there are many viewpoints and trends, I believe can protect this monetary stability today. Therefore, this is the framework we are moving in," he added.


Sempre intorno alla discussione con Grisù.


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PASOK holds fire on closed shops

Under attack from its own deputies, government puts off liberalization bill until after New Year

Still reaping the backlash from its own MPs for adopting increasingly unpopular reforms and with one eye on today’s vote in Parliament on the 2011 national budget, the government yesterday decided to hold back on announcing its plans for the opening up of closed professions.

It was instead agreed during a Cabinet meeting that the liberalization bill would be unveiled at the beginning of next year. The details of how entry into some 150 professions would be made easier and how notaries, lawyers, dentists and others would be prevented from applying minimum charges to their fees were due to be unveiled yesterday. But sources said that PASOK is concerned by the wave of opposition to the structural reforms that has built up over the last few weeks and the government feels it is wiser to allow things to cool down over Christmas and New Year before presenting the bill.

The government has been under pressure from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to open up the closed shops as it is seen as a way of generating greater competition and increasing growth in the Greek economy. The legislation will seek to liberalize these 150 or so professions, starting with lawyers, pharmacists, notaries, accountants, architects, engineers and dentists over the next six months.

PASOK will first seek to get through tonight’s vote on the 2011 budget. Although the government is not thought to be in any danger of losing the vote, the debate over the last few days has proved painful for the ruling party, just as it was last week when Parliament discussed a bill on collective labor contracts and pay at public enterprises.

“It goes without saying that I will vote for the budget,” said PASOK MP and former minister Vasso Papandreou. “But does this mean that it is a reliable budget that will be executed accurately and which will get us out of dead ends? My answer to that is no. Providing support does not mean you have to be silent. I would say that some nos are of greater value to the collective effort than regimented yeses.”

Ektoras Nasiokas was another PASOK deputy who cast doubt on the government’s budget. “The numbers do not add up as the country is in deep recession and there are no policies to confront this situation,” he said.


Il dibattito interno al Pasok e i suoi riflessi sul paese.



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Third rating warning in a month

Fitch says it might lower Greece ranking to junk status after January assessment; euro eases on news

Fitch became the third major credit rating agency to put Greece on review for a possible downgrade this month as the country’s economy moves deeper into recession.

A downgrade by Fitch would push Greece’s ratings into junk territory, from BBB- currently, the lowest investment-grade level.

The news sent the euro lower against the US dollar on renewed concerns about the scope of the European sovereign debt crisis.

In a statement, Fitch said yesterday it was placing Greece’s BBB- long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings on rating watch negative pending the outcome of a rating review. The negative rating watch indicates there is a heightened probability that Greece’s sovereign ratings will be downgraded, it said.

Fitch said the review, expected to be completed during January, “will focus on an assessment of Greece’s fiscal sustainability in the wake of the measures that the authorities have taken this year under the IMF-EU program.”

In May, Greece had to seek a 110-billion-euro bailout from the European Union and International Monetary Fund after financial markets turned against the country and it was no longer able to raise fresh funds at sustainable rates of interest.

Fitch said the review would also take into account “the outlook for the Greek economy and also the political will and capacity of the Greek state to carry [out] the measures required by the IMF-EU program through to a successful conclusion.”

The BBB- rating by Fitch means it is still considered investment grade, but this is the lowest level before it would be regarded as “junk” – a speculative rating.

Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services both warned of potential downgrades for Greece earlier this month, reflecting uncertainty about the country’s ability to reduce its debt to sustainable levels, a substantial projected budget shortfall and the assessment of an EU treaty that would result in a permanent crisis trigger in which the European Stability Mechanism would rank ahead of private creditors in debt restructurings starting in 2013.


Fitch e la Grecia ...

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