Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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  • Published 14:51 10.02.11
  • Latest update 14:51 10.02.11
Greece vows to help Israel gain access to European markets

Papandreou tells visiting U.S. Jewish leaders that such a move would be vital for both Israel's economy and strategic security.

Greece's prime minister on Thursday promised visiting Jewish American leaders that Athens would help Israel forge closer ties with the European Union, particularly through gaining access to European markets.

"We see the (European) market expanding to the Mediterranean and certainly we would like to integrate Israel into this European market," said Prime Minister George Papandreou. "I think this is vital for Israel's economy but also for its strategic security."

Greece and Israel - anxious to build regional alliances with Egypt in turmoil and following a public spat with Turkey - have launched a series of negotiations in recent months for potential cooperation deals.

Papandreou said Greece was seeking cooperation in tourism, agriculture, defense and hi-tech innovation, and said the two countries would hold a joint cabinet meeting in Israel in April.

Officials in Israel and Greece say also the two countries are holding preliminary talks on potential energy deals involving newly-discovered Israeli offshore natural gas deposits.

On Thursday, Papandreou's ministers of foreign affairs, investment, public order, tourism and defense held meetings with a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations but their presentations at a downtown Athens hotel were closed to the media.

Greece has traditionally close ties with the Palestinians and Arab countries and only established diplomatic ties with the Jewish State in 1990.



New Membro
I massimi di ottobre , se e' per quello , non li ha raggiunto nessun' bond senior prezzato allora . Il mercato da ottobre ad ora , sui 6 / 10 anni ha perso una media dal 4% al 7% .... in generale . :rolleyes: ( da quello che posso vedere io ....). ps. questo sarebbe da aggiungere alle attuali quotazioni se si volesse fare un raffronto ad ottobre.

hai ragione.
Allora diciamo che adesso siamo ai livelli dei massimi di agosto per le lunghe e sotto per le corte....


New Membro
ormai abbiamo capito quanto si può perdere al massimo quindi il gioco vale la candela
guardate la 2040 non perde più per me quello è la perdita massima

comunque, per quanto ne possa dire gaudente, questo ragionamento ha un senso.
Di quanto potrebbe essere il taglio al max? Diciamo un 50% nella peggiore delle ipotesi?
Sui lunghi il danno non sarebbe ingestibile.....

Piuttosto mi farebbe piacere sentire le vostre ipotesi riguardo a quello che potrebbe succedere alla 2025 FRN, soprattutto in relazione al rateo "inflazione".


Forumer storico
Greece promises Israel closer ties with EU

Published: 02.10.11, 15:02 / Israel News

Greece's prime minister on Thursday promised to help Israel forge closer ties with the European Union, as part of a drive to promote investment in the crisis-hit country.

Speaking to Jewish American leaders visiting Athens, George Papandreou said: "We see the (European) market expanding to the Mediterranean and certainly we would like to integrate Israel into this European market," he said. "I think this is vital for Israel's economy but also for its strategic security.
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