Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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Oggi la Borsa di Atene ha chiuso con una drastica correzione.
La mattinata è iniziata bene ma con il passare delle ore è stata prevalente una uscita di posizioni.
L'indice ASE è in netto calo a 1632 punti registrando un -3,46% giornaliero. Volumi molto sostenuti con 180 MLN di scambi.

I nostri spread viaggiano intorno a 810 pb, dopo una discesa pomeridiana interlocutoria che li ha fatti scendere poco sotto gli 808 pb.
Situazione, comunque, molto debole.


New Membro
Tieni conto che certi politici non sanno neppure cos'è un buy-back ...
In particolare, questo, non ho nemmeno idea chi sia.
E' della CDU, come lo è la Merkel o Schaeuble.
Sull'ultimo, però, ci faccio affidamento.

ah...non vorrei fare commenti da arena politica....i politici sono pericolosi proprio perchè prendono decisioni su cose per le quali sono incompetenti.
Guardiamo ai ministri italiani, Tremonti escluso....
Mettiamo che un giorno il trota si sveglia arrabbiato con i greci perchè una gnocca greca non si è concessa a LUI.... questo è capace di convincere suo padre a far andare in default la Grecia!:lol::lol::lol::lol:


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Greece's OTE gets 900 mln euro loan, to repay bond

ATHENS | Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:13am EST

ATHENS Feb 10 (Reuters) - Greece's biggest telecom OTE (OTEr.AT) said on Thursday it has obtained a 900 million euro ($1.23 billion) bank loan, allowing it to roll over debt without tapping parent firm Deutsche Telekom (DTEGn.DE) for funds.

OTE will use 600 million euros of the revolving credit facility to repay a 1.5 billion euro bond expiring on Feb 14, the company said in a statement.

This means OTE will not ask for a further cash injection from Deutsche Telekom (DTEGn.DE), which holds a 30 percent stake in the firm and has already invested about 4 billion euros.

"OTE's continued access to external financing proves that the group can continue to fund itself on a stand-alone basis," OTE's chief executive Michael Tsamaz said in the statement.

OTE, southeast Europe's biggest telecom, secured the funding despite a profit slump in its two biggest markets, Greece and Romania, where government austerity programmes hold sway.

The 900 million-euro revolving credit facility will mature in two years and is extendable to a third. Its coupon was set at an initial margin of 500 basis points above the Euribor.

The bond's global coordinator was EFG Eurobank (EFGr.AT), Greece's second-largest lender. A total 16 banks took part in the syndicated bond loan, including Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Citi and Deutsche Bank, Eurobank said.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -3,4%, male bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene termina una seduta dai volumi scarsi (180,2 mln euro) in ribasso del 3,4% a quota 1632 punti.
I titoli bancari perdono terreno, penalizzati da una pressione tecnica legata al rally positivo che ha caratterizzato l'inizio dell'anno. Il sottoindice bancario cede il 5,1%.
In rosso Eurobank a -9%, Alpha a -6,4%, Piraeus a -4,8%, National a -4,5% e AteBank a -3,8%.


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Athens Exchange Suffers Heavy Losses

Athens Stocks suffered heavy losses on Thursday in a significantly increased turnover compared with the recent corrective sessions.

Banks were under severe pressure, with Proton Bank (-11.46%), Eurobank (-9.03%), Hellenic Postbank (-7.40%) and Alpha Bank (-6.46%) posting the biggest losses of the banking sector, while only one share from the composition of the General Index managed to finish in positive territory (Eurobank Properties by +0.46%).

Market analysts attribute today’s decline partly to consolidation movements due to Greek bond spreads widening and delays of European Union decisions about Greek debt.

However, they note that speculation has fueled increased borrowing of Eurobank and Alpha Bank shares, which resembles to the last sessions before the capital increase of National Bank and Piraeus Bank.

However, banking sources who wish not to be named told Capital.gr that “there is no reason for concern”.

"The correction is logical so that company valuations begin to conform with those implied by bond markets and the banking sector is more sensitive to that than non-financials due to large bond portfolios, among other factors," Natasha Roumantzi, head of analysis at Piraeus Securities, told Dow Jones Newswires.

"Bond spreads are still prohibitively high but bank equities were getting ahead of themselves on hopes of an EU led debt crisis resolution," she added.

Across the board, the General Index retreated by 3.46% at 1632.06%, slightly higher than session’s low. Trading volume amounted to 66.46mn, while the total turnover stood at EUR 180.25mn. A total amount of 138 shares declined, 44 rose and 102 remained unchanged.

Banks fell by 5.19%, at 1426.8 units. Bank of Cyprus and Piraeus Bank retreated by 4.97% and 4.88% respectively, while National Bank, ATEbank and Marfin Popular Bank declined by 4.51%, 3.8% and 1.77 respectively.



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Bce,acquisti bond non tra suoi compiti,rischi inflazione-Wellink

giovedì 10 febbraio 2011 16:03

FRANCOFORTE, 10 febbraio (Reuters) - Stanno emergendo chiaramente rischi al rialzo sui prezzi nella zona euro per effetto del rapido rincaro delle importazioni.
Lo ha detto oggi all'agenzia MNI Nout Wellink, membro del board della Banca centrale europea aggiungendo che, in circostanza normali, comprare bond non rientra fra i compiti della Bce e quindi l'istituto di Francoforte non può andare avanti a farlo.
"Tutto sommato lo scenario base (dell'inflazione in linea con l'obiettivo Bce) è ancora uno scenario ragionevole ma con - a mio avviso - chiari rischi al rialzo che stanno emergendo adesso", ha detto Wellink.
Wellink ha inoltre appoggiato l'ipotesi che il fondo di salvataggio della zona euro possa prendere il posto della Bce nell'acquistare titoli di stato.
Ampliare il mandato dell'European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) per consentire questo "aiuterebbe la Bce", ha detto Wellink.


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EU, IMF delay Greek inspection visit news conference

ATHENS, Feb 10 (Reuters) - The news conference concluding an inspection visit by EU, IMF and ECB officials will take place later than initially planned on Friday, the EU said on Thursday.
Officials said there were no major problems in the talks on Greece's progress on reforms in exchange for a 110 billion euro ($149.8 billion) bailout, but that the inspectors needed more time to finalise documents and conclude meetings.
"The joint press conference on the conclusions of the third review of Greece's economic programme, which was scheduled for tomorrow (Feb. 11) at 1000 a.m. (0800 GMT) is delayed on Friday Feb. 11, to a time to be announced," the EU said in a statement.
The officials are in Athens to monitor the debt-choked country's progress in the fourth quarter of 2010 on the path towards tidying up its finances and opening up the economy to more competitiveness and less red tape.
Greek officials say they have secured the fourth, 15 billion euro tranche of aid and have also set the country a new target of cutting the budget deficit to 3 billion euros in 2015.


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Eurozone crisis

EU must restructure Greek debt now - study

By Sarah Collins | Wednesday 09 February 2011

Greece is now insolvent and its debts should be immediately restructured, a study has claimed. The report, by economists at financial think tank Bruegel, estimates that holders of Greek sovereign debt must accept a 30% haircut under a plan to make the country solvent within 20 years. Any further delays will mean larger haircuts in future or eventual restructuring of the €80 billion in loans pledged by eurozone countries to Greece as part of a €110 billion joint bailout with the International Monetary Fund last May, it warns.

“Greece has become insolvent and [...] further lending without a significant enough debt reduction is not a viable strategy,” it says. “As official creditors - EU partners and the IMF - are gradually substituting private creditors to Greece, postponing the restructuring would imply, to keep the debt ratio at sustainable levels, either a restructuring of official loans, or a significantly higher eventual haircut on private claims,” the study says.

The EU’s leaders agreed last October to impose haircuts on private holders of new sovereign debt issued after 2013, only where the country concerned is insolvent. However, they have ruled out forcing holders of existing debt to share the burden out of fear that the move would cause a run on other eurozone bonds.

But Bruegel says that failing a plan for immediate restructuring, Greece would be forced to maintain an impossibly high budget surplus - between 8.4% and 14.5% of GDP - from 2015 in order to bring its mountain of debt to below EU limits within 20 years. Government debt is set to rise to 150% of annual output, or GDP, this year - around €325 billion - the highest by far in the 27-member bloc and over twice the EU’s limit. Bruegel estimates that as only €52 billion of that debt is held by eurozone banks, any spillover effects from restructuring would be “manageable”.

“Some [banks] would no doubt be in need for recapitalisation but [...] the impact on the public finances of the partner euro area countries would remain limited,” the study says. “Therefore, the fear of domino effect is understandable, but excessive.” The report recommends that the EU’s leaders, meeting for their next summit at the end of March, should hand the €440 billion European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) - currently tapped only once for Ireland - the power to negotiate voluntary debt exchanges with bondholders and buy back bonds purchased by the European Central Bank since last May under its emergency programme, currently valued at €76.5 billion (mostly consisting of Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds). Under the deal, interest rates on Greek and Irish loans should be dropped to 3.5% - from their current levels of 5.2% and 5.8% on average - and loan maturity extended to 30 years, Bruegel says, which would allow Ireland to bring its debt back below the EU’s 60% of GDP limit by 2034.

The report is available at www.europolitics.info > Search = 287912

Per chi vuol studiare un pò ...
Pensavo che il link rimandasse allo studio del pensatoio di Bruegel, invece niente.
Queste informazioni sono sempre quelle dell'altro giorno.
Ultima modifica:


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Cross-check of transferred funds

(ANA-MPA) -- The finance ministry on Thursday announced plans to check the tax statements of individuals transferring sums from Greece to banks abroad against the size of their bank deposits, in order to see the amount of their savings is justified by the annual income they declare.

Information Systems General Secretary Diomedes Spinellis said that the finance ministry was now working with the Union of Greek Banks in order to obtain the details of individuals that withdrew their savings from Greek banks and sent them abroad.

Spinellis said the cross-check did not target those whose with savings that could be justified by their declared income but only people declaring a minimal annual income while having large sums in the bank.

He reported that 30 billion euro were withdrawn from Greek banks and transferred to banks abroad during 2010.

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