Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (11 lettori)

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Ieri altra giornata pesante sul fronte spread, per i soli ellenici.
Gli interventi BCE latitano e gli effetti sono ben visibili a tutti: ormai sono un paio di settimane che gli interventi del "rottamatore" mancano.
Nessun rumors di rilievo per giustificare tale andamento, solo un'ipotesi di buy-back potrebbe giustificare la lenta deriva, "accompagnata" di fatto dall'Istituto di Francoforte.
Il resto dei Periferici si muove in laterale.
Non ci resta che contare i giorni che ci mancano dai principali summit europei.

Grecia 871 pb. (843)
Irlanda 593 pb. (595)
Portogallo 420 pb. (417)
Spagna 210 pb. (214)
Italia 150 pb. (152)
Belgio 100 pb. (100)

è possibile che questo mancato intervento della BCE sia concordato/pianificato in vista del buy-back? il mancato supporto della BCE lascia il prezzo in balìa dei mercati, il che lispinge al ribasso. Il piano di buy-back ne godrebbe alla grande....


Umile contadino
è possibile che questo mancato intervento della BCE sia concordato/pianificato in vista del buy-back? il mancato supporto della BCE lascia il prezzo in balìa dei mercati, il che lispinge al ribasso. Il piano di buy-back ne godrebbe alla grande....
Il buy-back ormai molto gettonato verrà fatto il tender offer o sul libero mercato?


Forumer storico
In prima mattinata sembra confermarsi una battuta d'arresto nel movimento di allargamento dello spread. Vedremo se sarà solo una reazione tecnica o se ci avviamo in lateralizzazione. Ora siamo intorno a 870 pb.

La Borsa di Atene intanto è passata in verde, l'indice ASE segna 1635 punti con un + 1,01. Volumi di scambio medio/bassi.


Forumer storico
Il buy-back ormai molto gettonato verrà fatto il tender offer o sul libero mercato?

Le modalità non le sappiamo :lol:.
Credo in un buy-back con i titoli già in pancia alla BCE: questo è certo.
Per il retail più verosimile un concambio con titoli EFSF.
Ma sono tutte ipotesi, se fosse già tutto chiaro e delineato i nostri titoli non sarebbero certo a questi livelli.


Umile contadino
Le modalità non le sappiamo :lol:.
Credo in un buy-back con i titoli già in pancia alla BCE: questo è certo.
Per il retail più verosimile un concambio con titoli EFSF.
Ma sono tutte ipotesi, se fosse già tutto chiaro e delineato i nostri titoli non sarebbero certo a questi livelli.
Quel che è certo è che io, da inesperto quale sono, il mio ggb 2024 lo cederò solo a prezzo di carico (97) oppure lo terrò fino a scadenza, ormai arrivati fino a questo punto...


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Bank Lending From ECB Skyrockets

By Geoffrey T. Smith

FRANKFURT—Use of the European Central Bank's emergency marginal-lending facility skyrocketed Wednesday, hitting its highest level in over 19 months, the ECB said Thursday.
The ECB said banks borrowed €15.801 billion ($21.44 billion) from the facility, which charges a punitive rate of 1.75%. The last time it was that high was just before the ECB's first, and largest, injection of 12-month money into the market in June 2009.
The ECB declined to give any explanation for the high figure, which generally reflects acute, if mostly short-lived, liquidity problems at one or more banks.
Use of the facility had been minimal at the start of the year, but had risen to around a daily average of over €700 million in the past week.
Use of the 0.25% deposit facility, where banks have tended to hoard liquidity, stayed at a level which is low by recent standards, at €14.723 billion, down €3.20 billion from Tuesday.
The rise in the use of marginal lending by the ECB is all the more surprising as there were no generalized signs of stress in the money market Wednesday. The benchmark overnight rate for euros, Eonia, eased to 0.7% from 0.749% on Tuesday, its lowest fixing in more than a week.
Equally, in Germany, the largest national money market in the euro zone, overnight money was quoted in a broad range around 0.525% early Thursday.
Despite the ongoing problems of some large German banks, overnight rates tend to be lower in Germany than in the euro zone's periphery, where stress in the banking system has been more widespread in the last year, and where banks have consequently been more dependent on the ECB for their liquidity needs.
The banking systems of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland account for over 60% of ECB lending, despite accounting for less than 20% of euro-zone economic output.



Forumer storico
ASE Moves Upwards, Helped By Banks

ASE΄s General Index moves towards 1640 on Thursday, with gains of up to 1.4%, as the banks top FTSE20’s profits.

Turnover is average, while analysts note that investors maintain a wait-and-see stance, as the markets looks for direction ahead of European developments in the debt crisis front and the privatizations program as well.

Pegasus Securities expects volatility to remain ASE’s main characteristic, as the market “currently trades on focal levels, both on fundamental (privatizations, significant structural changes etc) and technical (closing on the 200-days exponential moving average for the 4th consecutive session) terms.”

Pegasus expects the General Index to open on slightly higher grounds, “possibly towards today΄s 1st resistance levels (and yesterday΄s highs) of the 1,630 units”.

Marfin Analysis forecasts a session of similar characteristic, “while any interest, at least for the moment, should be directed to stocks, in which State’s participation is significant.”

Across the board, the General Index is at 1635.48, up 1.02%, in a turnover of EUR 33mn. A total amount of 71 shares rise, 28 decline and 36 remain unchanged.

Banks rise by 1.53%, currently at 1425.81 units. ATE Bank and Hellenic Postbank stand out, posting gains of 5.19% and 4.13% respectively, while Eurobank and Piraeus Bank rise by 2.36% and 1.92% respectively. National Bank gains 1.79%, while Alpha Bank and Bank of Cyprus rise by 1.14% and 0.63% respectively.



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Arrivals Decreased By 2.6%, Nights Spent By 2.1%

Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Thursday that, during January - September 2010, the nights spent at hotels, similar establishments and tourist campsites are decreased by 2.1% and the arrivals by 2.6%, as compared to the same period of 2009.

This decrease is due to the residents and mostly to hotels and similar establishments (by 7.9% in arrivals and 10.6% in nights spent), says the statistics agency.

For January - September 2010, the average tourism nights spent per person is 4.2 nights (and more specifically, 5.4 nights by non-residents and 2.6 by Greek residents).

The total occupancy of the bed places that where in operation at the hotels and similar establishments (excluding tourist campsites) during January - September 2010 was 55.3%, while during January - September 2009 it was 54.8%, according to HEL. STAT.



Forumer storico
Greece Sold EUR90mn Additional T-Bills

Greek Public Debt Management Agency announced on Thursday that it has accepted EUR90mn additional non-competitive bids, of the T-Bill auction of February 15, 2011.

Price was EUR99.036 while settlement date is February 18, 2011, according to a PDMA announcement.


Nonostante il balzo successivo degli spread ...
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