Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (16 lettori)

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Greece To Proceed With Announcements Regarding Privatizations

Greek government is preparing the first package of property exploitation and a more comprehensive privatization program as well, so that the tenders could be started by the summer.

The government aims to proceed with immediate announcements, stating that there is no intension for a sale out. The privatization list, announced in December, will be more specific and extended, while infrastructure and property –mainly Elliniko area- will under study as they will be included in the fast track scheme.

However, there are several points that need to be clarified, especially banks (Agricultural Bank of Greece, Hellenic Postbank, and Loan and Consignment Fund) as there is a relevant commitment in the Memorandum signed by Greece and EU/IMF/ECB.

Troika called for privatizations of EUR50bn by 2015, of which EUR15bn should be implemented in the next two years. Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou provided a more detailed explanation in the parliament about the privatization program on Wednesday.

He said that the EUR50bn program is not included in the Memorandum as it extends 2013 when the reform program ends, while privatization don’t has the same binding effect as the deficit reduction. However, he implied that the amount of EUR50bn could be included as a term in the revised Memorandum.

The Finance Minister admitted that privatizations of EUR50bn consists an “ambitious” target. Greece will have recorded and started the exploitation of its property, even if the target is not finally met.

Papakonstantinou repeated Prime Minister’s commitment that Greece is not selling public land, adding that “we do not sell Elliniko”, but a long-term lease to a strategic investor is promoted.


Questione privatizzazioni ...


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Borsa Atene: Ase a +1,2% in scia a bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene sale dell'1,2% a quota 1.639,5 punti con un modesto volume di scambi pari a 43,6 mln euro, guidato dai bancari.
Atebank guadagna il 10,3%, Hellenic Postbank il 6,4%, Bank Of Attica il 5,7%, Eurobank il 2,5%, Piraeus il 2,4%, National l'1,7%, Alpha l'1,3% e Coca Cola Hellenic l'1,1%.


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Borsa Atene: Ase a +1,2% in scia a bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene sale dell'1,2% a quota 1.639,5 punti con un modesto volume di scambi pari a 43,6 mln euro, guidato dai bancari.
Atebank guadagna il 10,3%, Hellenic Postbank il 6,4%, Bank Of Attica il 5,7%, Eurobank il 2,5%, Piraeus il 2,4%, National l'1,7%, Alpha l'1,3% e Coca Cola Hellenic l'1,1%.
Ad avere un po' di tempo da dedicarci per alternare ingressi e uscite, sulla borsa di Atene ci sarebbe da divertirsi un mondo, fanno dei +10/-10 come fosse niente..


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Privatizations can ease pain for recession-hit Greeks, report says

Greece’s 50-billion-euro privatization program could help bring a stronger return to economic growth, utilise assets suffering from low productivity and benefit Greeks reeling from the recession, according to a report published by Alpha Bank on Thursday.

Critics of the recently announced plan, scheduled to run to 2015, argue that it will result in the country's assets being dumped onto the market at low recession-hit prices, prompting a government rethink on the scheme, according to sources.

Alpha Bank said the sell-off program could help boost sentiment, contribute to a rebound in different industries and lead to stronger economic growth next year, while also reducing the budget deficit and debt levels.

"Given the situation Greece is currently in, these developments could be a blessing and relief for the people that are suffering from the tough austerity measures,» it said.

Finance Minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou described the 50-billion-euro target as «being realistic» but has yet to detail how the money will be raised.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday February 17, 2011 (14:42)


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INTERVIEW-UPDATE 1-Greece delays Crete airport tender to June

* Greece sets June 7 deadline for Kasteli airport-minister
* 1-bln eur project is the first Greece tender in 16 months
* Motorway projects worth 650 ml euro to be awarded in 2012
(Adds comments, details)

By Angeliki Koutantou

ATHENS, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Greece has had to postpone the award of a 1 billion euro tender for a new airport on Crete, the second time it has pushed back a project seen as a test of investor appetite for deals in the recession-hit country.
Kasteli is the first major infrastructure project Greece's Socialist government has tackled since winning power in October 2009.
It is one of a raft of big investment plans the country needs to kickstart growth and exit its debt crisis.
"The interested groups asked us to extend the deadline for the submission of financial offers to June 7," deputy Infrastructure Minister Giannis Magriotis said in an interview.
This is the second delay to the Kasteli tender on technicalities. The initial deadline for opening bids and naming a winner had been set at Oct. 19, 2010, and the second deadline was for early March.
"There have been significant changes (to the tender) to make Kasteli a full-service airport," he said. "We're in the final straight now."
Greece is one of Europe's top tourist destinations and Kasteli will become its second-biggest airport after Athens in terms of foreign traffic. It will replace Crete's outdated Heraklion airport, which is bursting under the strain of handling nearly 2 million tourists a year.
More than 13 domestic and foreign construction firms expressed initial interest, Magriotis said, adding he hoped the airport would be operational by the summer of 2015.
France's Vinci, the world's largest construction and concessions group, has already said it would bid for the project, which is co-financed by the government, the EU and the European Investment Bank (EIB).


Greece also plans to award projects worth about 650 million euros ($879.5 million) next year to extend the Athens ring road and build two undersea road tunnels in other parts of the country, Magriotis said.
The government will also seek investors to develop regional airports.
"During recession one can't immediately expect big results," Magriotis said. "But these investments will help us get out of recession and contribute greatly to growth".
Greece unveiled last week an ambitious 50-billion-euro privatisation plan to help pay down debt.
This included plans to install more toll stations at Egnatia, a new major motorway in Northern Greece, as well as the possible appointment of private operators to manage the road.
"Total revenues from Egnatia will exceed 100 million euros per year," he said.
The government is also renegotiating contracts for all toll roads under construction to address the concerns of austerity-hit road users who refuse to pay tolls.
Magriotis said this added to the problems of Greece's 8.7 billion euro road expansion project, already facing legal wrangles and funding issues.
"If the roads are not built, there will be no highways, no employment, no growth," Magriotis said. "Nobody will benefit if the contracts are cancelled". (Editing by Jane Merriman)
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