Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (15 lettori)

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Greece HICP Inflation Eases In January

2/18/2011 5:18 AM ET

(RTTNews) - EU harmonized annual inflation in Greece slowed to 4.9% in January from 5.2% in December, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said Friday. During the same period of last year, EU harmonized inflation was 2.3%.

From December, the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)dropped 1%, reversing a 0.5% rise in December.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages cost advanced 2.2% annually, while clothing and foot wear prices fell 2.6%. The cost of housing grew 9.6% and transportation by 13.8%.

by RTT Staff Writer



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Ieri piccola pausa per i nostri ellenici, il movimento di allargamento si è arrestato dopo nove chiusure consecutive negative.
Anche la Borsa di Atene ha registrato, in controtendenza alle altre piazze, un risultato positivo con un ritorno verso quota 1700.
Potrebbe trattarsi di un rimbalzo tecnico anche se, a questo punto, il tempo potrebbe giocare in nostro favore. Mancano due settimane per cercare di dirimere la questione del debito europeo e trovare le necessarie intese. A questo punto, si dovrà passare ai fatti.

Le intese possono essere trovate, come pure le possibili soluzioni che stanno facendo muffa sui tavoli di discussione.
E' palpabile il possibile terreno di scambio tra presidenza BCE, aiuti EFSF, imposizioni stringenti in termini di politiche economiche.
A questo punto serve una decisione "forte" delle istanze politiche.

Possono svanire queste aspettative?
Non possiamo nasconderci dietro ad un dito: in Irlanda la situazione è tutt'altro dall'essere risolta, in Portogallo la speculazione soffia forte, in Germania verso fine marzo ci sono le importanti elezioni nei lander.
Probabilmente la Merkel potrebbe uscirne sconfitta, come reagirà in vista delle elezioni politiche del prossimo anno?

Nel frattempo gli altri Periferici hanno allargato, oltre alla situazione "Euro", pesa forte il contesto internazionale.
Nello specifico quello arabo.
Forse potremmo trovarci di fronte ad un "'68" arabo, visto che i giovani sono sempre in prima fila, come pure gli strumenti della "rete" adottati.
Però tutta questa successione di "incendi" dalla Tunisia all'Egitto, dall'Algeria alla Libia, per spostarsi ora verso i pozzi del Bahrein sembra un poco diretta: nuove personalità sono già pronte a prenderne il posto (spesso e volentieri è lo stesso entourage)
E' vero che quando le rivoluzioni scoppiano si assiste ad un progressivo incendio "nell'intera prateria", gli esempi non mancano.
Lo scetticismo rimane, insieme al fatto che la situazione potrebbe scivolare di mano al burattinaio.

Grecia 858 pb. (871)
Irlanda 603 pb. (593)
Portogallo 428 pb. (420)
Spagna 218 pb. (210)
Italia 156 pb. (150)
Belgio 103 pb. (100)
Tommy hai ben fotografato la situazione; poichè il mercato compra e vende sui rumors e sulle aspettative, dobbiamo pensare che i listini inizieranno a muoversi prima del vertice atteso a marzo.
Sappiamo che sul tavolo ci sono decisioni importanti da prendere, ma per ora, nessuno da per scontato, che si arrivi ad un accordo.


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Industrial Turnover Index Rose By 7.1% In Dec 2010

HEL.STAT. said on Friday that the Turnover Index in Industry (both domestic and non-domestic market) in December 2010 recorded a rise of 7.1% compared with December 2009.

In December 2009, the annual rate of change of the Turnover Index in Industry was 4.3%. according to the statistics agency.

The average Turnover Index in Industry for the 12-month period from January 2010 to December 2010, as compared to the 12-month period from January 2009 to December 2009, rose by 5.6%.

In December 2009, the corresponding average rate of change of the Turnover Index in Industry was –23.1%.



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New Orders In Industry Fell By 6.5% In Dec 2010

The New Orders Index in Industry (both domestic and non-domestic market) in December 2010 recorded a fall of 6.5% compared with December 2009, according to an announcement.

Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Friday that in December 2009, the annual rate of change of the New Orders in Industry was –3.2%.

The average New Orders Index in Industry for the 12-month period from January 2010 to December 2010, compared with the 12-month period from January 2009 to December 2009, rose by 3.9%. In December 2009, the corresponding average rate of change of the New Orders Index in Industry was –27.7%.



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Draghi, se nuova crisi bilanci a rischio

Necessarie azioni preventive, dopo sarebbe 'troppo tardi'

(ANSA) - PARIGI, 18 FEB - 'Se dovesse verificarsi una nuova crisi finanziaria i bilanci degli Stati si troverebbero sotto un'enorme pressione'. Lo ha detto il governatore della Banca d'Italia e presidente del Financial Stability Board, Mario Draghi. Anche per questo motivo - ha aggiunto - la sorveglianza sulle 'Systemically Important Financial Institutions' va fatta attraverso 'azioni preventive': farlo quando avviene il disastro 'e' troppo tardi'.


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ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Government in chaos".

AVGHI: "Ruling PASOK party showing signs of nervous breakdown due to resounding failure of government's economic policy".

AVRIANI: "How to retire earlier".


ELEFTHEROS: "Heavy cuts in 'heavy and hazardous' work".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Domino effect of collapse, with Papandreou (prime minister) as a simple observer".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Court for 7 tax violations".

ESTIA: "Attica withering away".

ETHNOS: "Flooding through the...semi-enclosed spaces".

IMERISSIA: "Court for tax evasion - Stringent penalties, imprisonment of up to 20 years".

KATHIMERINI: "PASOK in a vortex".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Penalties for tax evasion 'from the very first euro'."

NIKI: "The 'green' (PASOK) mutiny over the lawyers (opening of closed profession)".

PARASKEVI+13 (weekly): "Greece a colony - Troika: Shut up and sell".

RIZOSPASTIS: "Organised disobedience to the plutocracy and the parties that represent it".

TA NEA: "Draconian measures on tax evasion".

VRADYNI: "The categories of workers included in the 'heavy and unhealthy' jobs".



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PM on visit to Samothraki

Prime minister George Papandreou winds up a two-day tour of Thrace prefecture on Friday with visits to villages on the northeastern Aegean island of Samothraki accompanied by a team of ministers.

The first village on the itinerary was the traditional village of Lakoma, known for its stone-built houses, followed by the Women's Agro-Tourism Cooperative in the village of Kamariotissa.

Papandreou spoke with young farmers and stockbreeders, who briefed the premier on the problems they face, while the island mayor, George Hanos, noted the island's rich history dating back to 6,000 B.C. and the need for protecting and showcasing this cultural heritage.

Addressing production and local agencies shortly after his arrival on the island on Thursday, Papandreou assured that Greece will "break the bonds of misery and enter the track of growth and progress.



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Greek Inflation Decelerates as Price of Clothes Drops

By Marcus Bensasson - Feb 18, 2011 12:28 PM GMT+0100 Fri Feb 18 11:28:12 GMT 2011

Greece’s inflation rate, the second- highest in the euro area, fell in January as cheaper clothes and footwear offset the effect of higher alcohol and tobacco taxes.

Consumer prices calculated using European Union methods advanced 4.9 percent from a year earlier, compared with a 5.2 percent increase in December, the Hellenic Statistical Authority said in an e-mailed statement from Athens today. The inflation rate based on Greek methodology was unchanged at 5.2 percent in January, according to figures released on Feb. 10.

The cost of transport was 13.8 percent higher last month from a year earlier, while alcohol and tobacco were 19.2 percent more expensive, according to today’s statement. Clothing prices dropped 2.6 percent.

The government increased the sales tax and excise duty on alcohol and tobacco in its 2011 budget, which came into effect in January. Many retailers have absorbed part of the sales-tax hikes rather than pass them on to consumers, whose purchasing power has been weakened by two years of recession.

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