Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (13 lettori)

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Bce, per paesi con problemi debito tempi duri in vista - Weber
lunedì 21 febbraio 2011 19:26

FRANCOFORTE, 21 febbraio (Reuters) - I paesi della zona euro con problemi di debito devono sfruttare al massimo il momento di respiro acquisito con le misure di aiuto e avverte che la parte più difficile del processo di riforma è ancora da venire.

Lo ha detto Axel Weber, membro del board della Banca centrale europea.

Weber, che all'inizio di questo mese ha detto di voler uscire dalla Bundesbank e ha escluso la sua candidatura alla presidenza della Bce, ha confrontato le misure di austerità prese da paesi come la Grecia, Irlanda, Portogallo e Spagna con una maratona.

"Le misure di stabilizzazione fiscale (di Unione europea e FMI) hanno bisogno di tempo. Tempo che deve essere utilizzato", ha detto Weber in un discorso che sarà dato all'Accademia di Economia e Arti di Dusseldorf.

"Se si paragona il problema a una maratona, i paesi hanno fatto forse i primi 10 o 15 chilometri. Nella mia esperienza di corridore di questo tipo di distanza posso dire che i momenti più dolorosi arrivano in un momento successivo".

Weber ha aggiunto che l'euro è rimasta una moneta stabile e ha detto che la crisi del debito della zona euro è dovuto a un eccesso di spesa da parte dei singoli paesi, piuttosto che un problema di base con la moneta unica.
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Un default sovrano nella zona euro rappresenterebbe una specie di salto nel vuoto e avrebbe conseguenze dannose per l'intera società.
A parlare è ancora il membro del direttivo Bce Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, già protagonista tra venerdì scorso e ieri di una serie di interventi in cui è stato ribadito come la banca centrale sia pronta ad intervenire contro il risveglio dell'inflazione nella zona euro.

"I paesi dell'area euro non si possono permettere un default sovrano senza soffrire conseguenze quali un'ampia crisi delle proprie strutture finanziarie, economiche e sociali" si legge nel testo di un discorso che Bini Smaghi pronuncia in queste ore a Hong Kong nel corso di un seminario organizzato da Goldman Sachs.

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Grecia: domani sciopero dei trasporti

Fermi aerei, navi e treni, anche black out informativo

(ANSA) - ATENE, 22 FEB - I collegamenti aerei nazionali e internazionali subiranno cancellazioni e ritardi domani in Grecia per una sospensione dal lavoro di quattro ore (12.00-16.00) dei controllori di volo,mentre si fermeranno per 24 ore i traghetti per le isole e ci saranno interruzioni nei trasporti ferroviari, nel quadro del Nuovo sciopero generale contro l'austerity. Vi sara' inoltre un black out informativo dopo l'adesione dei media alla protesta nazionale. Lo sciopero e' stato convocato da tutti i sindacati.


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What kind of steersman qualifies as ECB president?

16:04, February 22, 2011

Business uncertainty still surrounds the withdrawal of the European Central Bank (ECB) candidate Axel Weber, the president of the German Central Bank. And the race of succeeding the ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet is heating up.

There has not yet been a central bank president from Germany even though the country is the biggest financial contributor to the Euro zone. One name frequently mentioned was that of Erkki Liikanen, the governor of the Bank of Finland, but Finland has said Liikanen is not a candidate however.

Italian Central bank governor Mario Draghi may be the favorite to head the ECB after Germany's Axel Weber drew his name from consideration for the soon-to-be CEB president. Despite his high reputation as a moderate hawk, Draghi will have to work very hard to win over Germany.

Then, who will emerge to take the post of this essential duty when the haze of the European debt crisis is still looming over, and the outside world is full of questions and anticipation on the issue.

Following a week of speculation about his future, German Central Bank President Axel Weber has resigned, effective at the end of speculation, without a candidate for the presidency of the European Central Bank.

The ECB, considered to be a prop or support to stability in Europe, is the central bank to manage supranational currency, and its responsibility of vital importance is to maintain the fiscal stability. On the issue of coping with a sovereign debt crisis, its bond purchase programs, whose objective was to address the multi-functioning of security markets and to restore an appropriate monetary policy, has given rise to a lot of questions and controversies.

Last May, ECB decided to purchase government security bonds as part of an endeavor to coordinate a 750 billion Euro rescue mechanism, but met with an opposition from Axel Weber and a few others who deemed the "risks were too big" and that could possibly intensify the euro zone bloating and harm the independence of ECB. And Weber's manner resulted in a heated debate among the Eurozone core-member nations, such as Italy and France, and led to the dissatisfaction of Greece, Ireland and other nations mired deep in debt-ridding crisis.

The "blow out" of Axel Weber is deemed as a forceful attack on German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as she has desperately looked to a supporter like Axel Weber, who have taken financial conservative approach but with strong monetary measures. For Chancellor Merkel, Wiber's withdrawal leaves her without a most ideal candidate as the ECB presidency.

Therefore, the outsiders are concerned about who will be the next leader of ECB and they are actually pay close attention to the policy trend changes in coping with the crisis. At present, the Italian Central Bank president Mario Delargy; the chief of executive officer (CEO) of the "European Financial Stability Facility, Clause Regling; and Ewald Nowotny, the Austrian Central Bank Governor, have all entered the name list of candidates to vie for the next ECB head.

On analysing the ECB presidential candidate, two advantageous factions, namely the "nationality" faction" and the qualification or service record faction.

Those from the "nationality" faction holds that the incumbent ECB vice-president Vtowl Kangstan was the former Portuguese Central Bank president, and it implies that the next ECB president will come from a northern country, so as to enable the northern Eurozone and southern Europe to stay in balance with either key post of the ECB president or vice-president. So, the Italian Bank President Delargy, once assigned to the world bank with much rich experience, has however been constrained with a little possibility for top ECB post due to geographic consideration, while Germany is the largest national economy in Europe, and so a German citizen is entitled to the top ECB post.

The "service record" faction maintains that a successor to Jean-Claude Trichet as head of the ECB should be selected among 23 members of he ECB Governing Council and needs to have rich experience to guarantee the independence of the ECB. In the meanwhile, the ability to reach consensus and to communicate it clearly is essential, so as to ensure that all policy information of ECB can be available on markets.

To take into account varied conjectures and surmises, the French economic minister indicated that the next ECB President should be selected based only on ground of merits and their resolve to battle inflation rather than the qualification of one's "nationality".

Either politics game or Geobalance should not become the factors affecting unity and cooperation and an effort to cope with financial crisis in Europe, which has yet to free itself from its sovereign debt crisis.

By People's Daily Online and its author is PD reporter Wu Lejun

Cosa ne pensano i cinesi...
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Bond euro, apertura in rialzo su tensioni Libia, focus su aste

martedì 22 febbraio 2011 08:45

LONDRA, 22 febbraio (Reuters) - Ancora in rialzo in apertura
di seduta i futures Bund, sostenuti dalla corsa agli asset
sicuri cui hanno dato il via i disordini e l'escalation di
violenza in Libia.

"La situazione in Medioriente non migliora e sembra mettere
in ombra tutto il resto" nota un trader. "Questo è l'elemento
pricipale d'attenzione per adesso, specialmente se si considera
quanto velocemente le tensioni si stanno diffondendo in tutto il

Sul fronte dell'offerta oggi si guarderà alle aste spagnole
a breve, tra 2,5 e 3,5 miliardi di euro a tre e sei mesi.

Finora la Spagna ha resistito bene alla nuova fase di
turbolenza sui mercati e i rendimenti in asta sono previsti
sostanzialmente stabili. Ma una qualche sorpresa negativa
potrebbe riportare in alto il livello di guardia sul debito

"Ieri la periferia ha subito un po' di debolezza, ma solo
marginale, e oggi potrebbe esserci qualche difficoltà in più del
solito a vedere, ma non credo che per ora sarà uno dei mover
principali del mercato" nota ancora il trader.
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Greece may miss out on 8 bln euros from shutdowns

The Greek government could miss out on revenues of nearly eight billion euros if an expected 120,000 businesses shut down this year due to the deepening recession, a leading traders group said on Monday.

The National Confederation of Greek Commerce (ESEE) said study results showed that Greece may earn 7.88 billion euros less in 2011 due to lower tax revenues, social security contributions, local council tax payments and revenues paid to state power company PPC.

“This figure increases if we take into account other financial costs and social consequences,” it said in a statement, referring to slumping consumer and business sentiment, a hike in jobless numbers and rising crime rates.

ESEE sees a net 120,000 businesses as throwing in the towel this year, taking into account a recent forecast from the General Confederation of Greek Small Businesses and Traders (GSEVEE) and estimates for new start ups.

In a bid to cushion the impact from slumping consumption, ESEE said that it will launch campaign promoting local products.

“We know that we can’t become Switzerland or Singapore but we won’t allow the country to become a Tunisia or Egypt,” ESEE Vassilis Korkidis told reporters.

Commenting on broader market conditions. Korkidis that business aged between three to five years are most at risk of shutting down, adding that foreign retailers operating locally have resorted to agressive means in a bid to boost their market share.

ESEE has said its members will not be open for business on Wednesday, as part of a ‘symbolic protest’ against government policy aimed at getting the economy through the recession, currently in its third year.

Korkidis accused government ministries of co-ordinating poorly, adding that this can be seen in the way that decisions are being made.

ekathimerini.com , Monday February 21, 2011 (16:09)
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Greece prepares to evacuate citizens from Libya

Some 300 Greeks thought to be living and working in troubled country

Greece has put together an evacuation plan for Greeks living in Libya and is trying to arrange for airplanes to land at four airports to pick people up, Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Dollis has told Skai TV.

Dollis said that there are about 300 Greeks living and working in Libya and that the government is making an effort to contact as many of them as possible through its embassies or the companies that employ them.

The evacuation plan follows several days of protests in various Libyan cities against the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who has been in power since 1969.

It is estimated that more than 200 people have been killed since public protests against Gaddafi began, as clashes between demonstrators and security forces spread throughout the country, including in the capital Tripoli
The United Nations Security Council is to meet in closed session on Tuesday to discuss Libya.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made the announcement, after speaking to Col Gaddafi on Monday.

"I urged him that the human rights and freedom of assembly and freedom of speech must be fully protected,» said Ban.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday February 22, 2011 (09:36)

Come per l'Italia, anche la Grecia ha un buon partner commerciale nella Libia.
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Apertura in pesante ribasso ad Atene con l'indice ASE a 1627 punti, con - 2,45%.
Spread in allargamento a 876 pb., sulla scia dei periferici.
In primo piano, la questione libica. Segue poi il resto ...
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China's annual parliament session in world spotlight, says Greek MP​

2011-02-22 16:40:49

ATHENS, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Greece is following very closely the economic and political developments in China, as whatever happens in the world's second largest economy concerns the rest of the world, a Greek parliamentarian said.
Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, an MP from Greece's main opposition New Democracy party, made the remarks when commenting on the upcoming annual sessions of China's National People's Congress (NPC).
"I think that any major decision that the National People's Congress makes will have an impact on the whole world, especially regarding issues of environmental protection, of climate change and of course issues of financial development," she told Xinhua in a recent interview.
Citing the centuries-old strong ties between Greece and China and the close bilateral cooperation in recent years, Avgerinopoulou said the Greeks are following closely and with respect what the Chinese people do.
"I believe that this common respect was one of the reasons why when Greece entered this major financial crisis, the Chinese government offered support to Greece to overcome the financial crisis," she added.
She said she looks forward to visiting China for the first time in September when she will attend a global conference in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian and meet with Chinese lawmakers.
An expert in international and environmental law and a co-founder of the European Institute of Law, Science and Technology, Avgerinopoulou pays special attention to environmental protection.
"I look forward to exploring ways to advance environmental cooperation between the two countries and between the EU and China. I think that the whole world is watching what China is going to decide regarding its policies over climate change," said the Greek lawmaker.
Avgerinopoulou also voiced the hope that the two countries will build closer connections on issues of education and science and technology.
"Together we could become a very competitive team. We are going to build this team," she said.
She hoped more Chinese citizens will visit Greece and explore better ways of bilateral cooperation.

(agenzia Nuova Cina)


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Bce, per paesi con problemi debito tempi duri in vista - Weber
lunedì 21 febbraio 2011 19:26

FRANCOFORTE, 21 febbraio (Reuters) - I paesi della zona euro con problemi di debito devono sfruttare al massimo il momento di respiro acquisito con le misure di aiuto e avverte che la parte più difficile del processo di riforma è ancora da venire.

Lo ha detto Axel Weber, membro del board della Banca centrale europea.

Weber, che all'inizio di questo mese ha detto di voler uscire dalla Bundesbank e ha escluso la sua candidatura alla presidenza della Bce, ha confrontato le misure di austerità prese da paesi come la Grecia, Irlanda, Portogallo e Spagna con una maratona.

"Le misure di stabilizzazione fiscale (di Unione europea e FMI) hanno bisogno di tempo. Tempo che deve essere utilizzato", ha detto Weber in un discorso che sarà dato all'Accademia di Economia e Arti di Dusseldorf.

"Se si paragona il problema a una maratona, i paesi hanno fatto forse i primi 10 o 15 chilometri. Nella mia esperienza di corridore di questo tipo di distanza posso dire che i momenti più dolorosi arrivano in un momento successivo".

Weber ha aggiunto che l'euro è rimasta una moneta stabile e ha detto che la crisi del debito della zona euro è dovuto a un eccesso di spesa da parte dei singoli paesi, piuttosto che un problema di base con la moneta unica.

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