Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (17 lettori)

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Chissà a cosa è dovuta la sua dipartita...

Comunque meglio così, uno come questo sarebbe stato problematico al posto di trichet

Sono d'accordo con te, meglio non averlo avuto al posto di Trichet.
Credo che la dipartita sia dovuta a problemi con la Merkel: infatti quest'ultima ha messo (metterà) al suo posto un "passacarte".
Weber non è il tipo che si lascia mettere i piedi sopra la testa ... alla presidenza BCE serve una personalità che riassuma l'opinione di tutti.
Personalmente, preferirei un tedesco: ci sono tanti esponenti "papabili", purtroppo non tutti della stessa parte politica della Frau. Quindi difficilmente candidabili...
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Papandreou-Merkel Meet Under No Propitious Circumstances

European Union sources noted on Monday that they remain cautious about the possibility of a positive response to Greece’s requests regarding the extension of repayment period and the lowering of interest rates.

The statements of the finance ministers of Greece and Germany just before Papandreou-Merkel meeting will be indicative of the situation.

German Central Bank stated on Monday its opposition to the purchase of government bonds in lower rates by Eurozone’s current stability facility (EFSF) as a way to reduce Greek debt.

Merkel’s recent defeat in Hamburg has increased the frustration in the Greek side, whether it is a right time for a meeting between the Greek PM and the German Chancellor.

Additionally, European Central Bank sources state the risk of inflation in Eurozone caused by both the U.S. monetary policy and the impact of the unrest in Arab world on fuel prices.

Stabilized upward inflationary trends dispute the overall planning of the competitiveness pact as price stability is considered a cornerstone.

It remains unknown how quickly the ECB will address this problem, while there is a growing interior opposition, which is demonstrated by the stance of German Central Bank.

In any case, the meeting between Papandreou and Merkel will be held under undesirable conditions, leaving no optimism on a positive response. The markets may anticipate that, intensifying pressures on Greece, Portugal and Ireland.


Sentiment condiviso.


Forumer storico
Sono d'accordo con te, meglio non averlo avuto al posto di Trichet.
Credo che la dipartita sia dovuta a problemi con la Merkel: infatti quest'ultima ha messo (metterà) al suo posto un "passacarte".
Weber non è il tipo che si lascia mettere i piedi sopra la testa ... alla presidenza BCE serve una personalità che riassuma l'opinione di tutti.

Guarda ultimamente opterei per bini smaghi


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Greek Restructuring May Be Inevitable, Mirow Tells Sueddeutsche

By Brian Parkin - Feb 22, 2011 10:20 AM GMT+0100

Greece may be unable to sustain efforts to tackle its debt, forcing a restructuring of bond payments, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President Thomas Mirow said in a Sueddeutsche Zeitung interview.

“It’s doubtful that Greece can bear a debt ratio of more than 150 percent for any length of time,” Mirow was cited by the newspaper as saying. “Markets have priced in a restructuring for a long time now.”

Mirow said Greece may be able to manage its debt when its ratio is at 100 percent of gross domestic product.

La Sueddeutsche parla alla pancia dell'elettorato CDU/CSU ...
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PM in Berlin, Helsinki ahead of crucial EU summit

Greek prime minister George Papandreou is holding a series of crucial contacts with European leaders ahead of an extraordinary summit of eurozone leaders on March 11 and an EU summit on March 25 at which the final decisions are due to be taken on the support mechanism for the eurozone.

Papandreou is due to meet on Tuesday with German chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, and on Wednesday with Finnish prime minister Mari Kiviniemi in Helsinki.

Also, the leaders of the European Socialist Party grouping of the European Parliament will hold a summit in Athens on March 4.


Segnatevi le date, indicheranno le tappe da seguire sui nostri GGB ...
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Greek Stocks Under Pressure

Athens Stocks move downwards on Tuesday, following yesterday’s heavy losses, while the market focuses on Alpha-National Bank developments and Bundesbank’s stance against repurchase of government bonds by EFSF. Additionally, unrest in Arab world, especially in Libya, weighs heavily on European markets.

The shares of National Bank and Alpha Bank, which yesterday managed to end in green, are forced to losses of up to 3.68% and 5.37% respectively on Tuesday.

Analysts note that market expectations regarding the proposed deal will determine the course of the two shares, affecting the sentiment for the banking sector.

The latter focuses on the course of Greek bond spreads, which record a widening trend on Tuesday, in the wake of German Central Bank’s yesterday on Monday against repurchase of government bonds by Eurozone’s stability facility.

The domestic market turns its attention on the meetings between the Greek and German leaders in Berlin later today. However, analysts don’t expect Germany to proceed with clear statements and consider the next EU Summit a milestone.

At the same time, intensifying unrest in Libya brings nervousness in international markets, resulting a strong upward trend in oil prices.

Pegasus Securities expects the market to move downwards, driven by crude oil’s strong ascending momentum and foreign markets’ correction trend.

Additionally, it anticipates investors “to continue to demonstrate their disappointment over (non) developments in the domestic banking sector”, as the market’s expectations as to NBG’s friendly takeover bid over Alpha Bank quickly fades away.

Across the board, the General Index is at 1622.32, down 2.75% in a turnover of EUR57.53mn. A total amount of only 12 shares rise, 101 decline and 28 remain unchanged.

Banks fall by 3.04%, at 1460.18 units. Proton, Bank of Cyprus and Geniki Bank decline by 6.82%, 4.19% and 4.13% respectively, while Marfin Popular, Hellenic Postbank and Attica Bank record losses of 3.54%, 3.51% and 3.45%. National Bank and Alpha Bank decline by 3.03% and 1.99% respectively.

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