Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Intanto, dopo qualche oretta di contrattazioni, la Borsa di Atene si aggira intorno ai 1622 punti registrando un -0,44.
Rimaniamo - in questo caso - stabili intorno all'area di discesa registrata dopo la non accettazione dell'offerta tra la National e Alpha bank.

I nostri spread spingono invece verso l'allargamento, insieme al resto dei periferici, rimanendo estremamente sofferenti.
Ora siamo intorno a 886 pb.: a metà strada tra i massimi e i minimi del periodo (760/1000 pb. circa).
Aggiorno una piccolo restringimento a 881 pb.
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Greece hopes to build economic ties with China: minister​

English.news.cn 2011-02-24 18:12:36
by Wang Ping

BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- There are good prospects for cooperation between Greece and China, and Greece hopes for stronger trade links between the two countries, according to a visiting Greek minister.
Ioannis Diamantidis, Greek Minister of Maritime Affairs, Island and Fisheries, told Xinhua Wednesday: "Greece and China have established a wide relationship in the financial, commercial and maritime sectors, and there is a good prospect for wider bilateral trade and economical cooperation."
Last October, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Greece, where he and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreous signed agreements on trade and economic cooperation.
"We are materializing the agreements between the Greek Prime Minister and his Chinese counterpart. During my visit in Beijing, we will implement some of the details. Among them, we just received a 5-billion-dollar financing from Chinese banks for the building of Greek vessels in a Chinese shipyard," he said.
The Greek minister said there were a number of sectors for the two countries to enhance cooperation. China could import more high-quality agriculture products, such as olive oil, while Greece could help China in maritime training with its expertise on that.
Tourism is another major field of mutual cooperation, according to the minister. "We also welcome Chinese tourists to see all the beauties and beautiful islands in our country, especially cruise by ships."
He also talked of Chinese maritime freight group Cosco's operation of two terminals at Piraeus Port, Greece's biggest port.
Diamantidis said China's investment in Piraeus Port was conducive to exporting Chinese commodities to the EU, due to the port's geographical location.
As to Greece's debt crisis, the minister said his government had taken effective austerity measures, the financial situation in the country had recovered and investors' confidence had been regained.
He also expreesed his appreciation for China's buying of Greek government bonds last year. "It shows China's confidence in the Greek economy, and that both countries make the right decisions."

(Agenzia Nuova Cina)


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Finland not ready to ease Greek bailout terms indefinitely -PM

Mari Kiviniemi , the Finnish prime minister, said after talks with her Greek opposite number, George Papandreou, in Helsinki on Wednesday that Finland as an EU member state was not prepared to ease Greek bailout lending terms indefinitely.

Kiviniemi flatly rejected talk of extending the loan periods to many decades.

"One cannot extend them indefinitely, the discussion has featured completely wild loan periods that Finland is not prepared to accept," Kiviniemi said.

Kiviniemi went on to underline that any changes in the Greek bailout terms would be part of a broader EU package aimed at stabilising the financial market.

For his part Papandreou assured Greece would pay back the loans with interest.
Last May, EU countries and the International Monetary Fund lent 110 billion euros to Greece, with repayment scheduled to begin within three years.

(Helsinki Times. fi)
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Greek Banks Underperform

Speculation in the banking sector is the main cause of nervousness on Thursday, as the General Index is moving downwards, with losses of up to 0.92%.

Banks clearly underperform, posting losses of up to 2.73%. OPAP’s performance stands out across FTSE20, while PPC and Coca Cola Hellenic follow. Titan, Viohalco and Hellenic Petroleum are also in green.

Pegasus Securities expects a repeat of yesterday’s very volatile session on Thursday, “as hearsay related to a possible domestic banking sector consolidation continues to prevail, retaining investors’ expectations at very high levels”.

Pegasus remains cautious, however, “considering that it would be wiser not to increase our position at current levels, but to remain with a balanced portfolio (cash/equities: 50/50) in order to be best positioned for all possible events”.

Kyprou Securities expects the domestic market to continue outperforming major European indexes “as long as market participants continue expecting any consolidation activity or a potential international co-operation involving the local banking sector”.

“However, major fiscal issues remain unresolved in Greece and important decisions on EU level made in March would affect the ASE’s mid-term course”, according to Kyprou’s morning report.

Across the board, the General Index is 1625.57 units, down 0.25%. Turnover stands at EUR40mn, while a total amount of 35 shares rise, 60 decline and 31 remain unchanged.

Banks are down 1.27%, at 1463.59 units. Bank of Cyprus and National Bank fall by 2.18% and 2.03% respectively, while Eurobank and Marfin Popular Bank decline by 1.22% and 0.93%. Alpha Bank posts small gains of 0.2%



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Greek PM rules out selling islands to cut debt

BERLIN | Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:21am EST

BERLIN (Reuters) - Greece will not sell any of its Mediterranean islands to reduce its debts because they are part of the nation's cultural heritage and important for tourism, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Thursday.

Responding to a lengthy campaign by the popular German tabloid newspaper Bild for Athens to consider selling some of its many islands, Papandreou told the paper in an interview that the Greek islands were not for sale.

"Anything like that is ruled out," Papandreou told Bild, when asked about selling islands. "You've simply got to understand how important these islands are for Greece and Greek history. We've spent enormous sums in defense budgets to secure the islands near the Turkish coast."

Bild, Germany's best-selling paper, has been campaigning for almost a year for Greece to consider selling islands as a way to reduce its debt mountain. Opinion polls show Germans overwhelmingly oppose taxpayers bailing out Greece and other euro zone countries with huge debts.

"The islands are our cultural heritage, and they're also cherished by German tourists. If we were to sell our islands to a few super-rich people, they'd be closed off for everyone after that," Papandreou said.
"We want to develop this unique natural landscape carefully and ecologically -- that will bring far more," he said.

Papandreou said he understood why Germans were unhappy about euro zone rescue packages and thanked Germans for their part in the rescues.

He also pointed out that Greece had received loans, not handouts. "These are loans and we're paying interest on them, they're not gifts," Papandreou said. "And we didn't want the loans so that we would leave everything the way it was -- but rather to win time for necessary changes.

"But I understand some of the annoyance in Germany. I can only say thanks to them."
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