Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (8 lettori)

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EURO GOVT-Greece leads rise in peripheral CDS

LONDON | Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:31am EST

LONDON Feb 24 (Reuters) - The cost of insuring Greek and other peripheral euro zone debt against default rose on Thursday, after Greek protests hit sentiment and with markets unsettled by oil-price rises linked to Middle East tension. "It's a high beta credit anyway, but there was a lot unrest in Greece yesterday," said Markit analyst Gavan Nolan.

"When you see the oil price at these levels it usually has quite a big impact on economic growth, which for a country like Greece which is counting on growing its way out recession...that's obviously another negative."

Greek police clashed with protesters on Wednesday as around 100,000 workers, pensioners and students marched to parliament to protest austerity policies.

Five-year credit default swaps (CDS) on Greek government debt rose to 945 basis points, according to data monitor Markit. This means it costs 945,000 euros to protect 10 million euros of exposure to Greek bonds.
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EU must take important decisions

Helsinki (ANA-MPA/N. Lionakis) -- Greek prime minister George Papandreou stressed that it is crucial for Europe to take important decisions, during a joint press conference with his Finnish counterpart Mari Kiviniemi, after talks between the two premiers in Helsinki on Wednesday.

Papandreou also met in Helsinki on Wednesday with EU economic affairs commissioner Oli Rehn, the president of the Finnish parliament and the leader of the Social Democratic Party's parliamentary group.

"It is crucial for Europe to take important decisions,"
Papandreou said on Wednesday in a joint press conference with Kiviniemi, adding that "these decisions we will take will be very crucial and historic for all of Europe, the eurozone and the euro currency."

Papandreou said that important and comprehensive "package decisions" must be taken in March so that stability may return to the markets, while he also underlined the major reforms being made in Greece, while he also assured that "the (EU-IMF support) loan (to Greece) will be repaid, with interest".



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BoG: Larger adjustments needed

Greece will have to make adjustments larger than the ones envisaged in the memorandum signed with the EU and the IMF in order to convince markets of its determination to cut its public debt, Bank of Greece governor George Provopoulos said.

Speaking in Parliament while presenting the central bank's annual report on monetary policy for the period 2010-2011 to a parliamentary commission, the central banker said the return of the country (and of the banking system) to international credit markets was facing hurdles because of the country’s upward dynamism of its public debt, a problem that cannot be resolved with the memorandum or a restructuring of the debt -with the latter being a "catastrophic option".

"We have to bite the bullet, and solve the problem on our own," Provopoulos said and recommended the urgent beginning of an effort to record all public real estate property and its exploitation. He stressed that a government-set goal of raising 50 billion euros was a difficult but feasible target, adding he would raise this figure further. He also recommended focusing on the country’s growth potential, further cutting wage costs but not through horizontal cuts.

Provopoulos said he supported mergers between Greek banks, saying they would present losses this year as the European Central Bank was gradually lifting its liquidity support measures. "It is certain that we will have to look towards attracting foreign capital," the central banker said.


La posizione della Banca Centrale Greca ... già conosciuta.


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I titoli a "breve" non possono essere considerati più "sicuri" rispetto al altri.
Anzi, potrebbero essere quelli più penalizzati visto che hanno quotazioni più alte, determinate dalla duration più corta.
Vedi che anche la BCE non interviene più sulla grecia e lascia stare i corsi.
Non credo ancora che questa che vediamo sia la soluzione definitiva...


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Vedi che anche la BCE non interviene più sulla grecia e lascia stare i corsi.
Non credo ancora che questa che vediamo sia la soluzione definitiva...

La BCE ultimamente è intervenuta sul Portogallo, con pochi spiccioli.
I nostri GGB sono in alto mare alle mercè dei venti ... comunque navigano.
Come dicevo qualche settimana addietro: più i nostri titoli scendono, migliore sarà il risultato finale (per la Grecia) di un eventuale piano Brady.

Credo però che la debolezza di questa ultima settimana sia ascrivibile all'andamento di tutti i periferici, ed essendo il nostro quello più esposto, ne risente di più...


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Grecia, deficit azzerato nel 2015

Lo ha affermato il ministro delle Finanze Papaconstantinou

(ANSA) - ATENE, 24 FEB - 'Ci vorranno tre-quattro anni per portare il deficit sotto il 3% del Pil' ha detto oggi il ministro delle finanze Giorgio Papaconstantinou davanti al parlamento, aggiungendo che 'in tal modo riusciremo ad azzerarlo nel 2015'. Papaconstantinou ha ricordato che il suo governo ha ereditato un deficit del 15,4% e di averlo ridotto gia' del 6%. 'Se fosse stato del 6%' come sosteneva il governo di centrodestra, 'il problema sarebbe gia' risolto'.


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Grecia, deficit azzerato nel 2015

Lo ha affermato il ministro delle Finanze Papaconstantinou

(ANSA) - ATENE, 24 FEB - 'Ci vorranno tre-quattro anni per portare il deficit sotto il 3% del Pil' ha detto oggi il ministro delle finanze Giorgio Papaconstantinou davanti al parlamento, aggiungendo che 'in tal modo riusciremo ad azzerarlo nel 2015'. Papaconstantinou ha ricordato che il suo governo ha ereditato un deficit del 15,4% e di averlo ridotto gia' del 6%. 'Se fosse stato del 6%' come sosteneva il governo di centrodestra, 'il problema sarebbe gia' risolto'.
Se lo dice il Papa.., possiamo crederci
Gaudente, se replichi, sei a rischio scomunica....
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