Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (31 lettori)

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La Borsa ha chiuso la settimana con il segno meno. I guadagni degli ultimi giorni hanno consolidato però la posizione poco sopra i 1500 punti.
L'indice ASE segna 1531 punti a - 1,36%. Volumi scarsi di scambio a 77 MLN.

Il recupero dello spread intorno ai 941 pb è durato poco.
Ora siamo ritornati a 946 pb. con un paio di allargamenti a 960 pb., poi rientrati.


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ASE Posts Marginal Profits For Week, Remains Vulnerable To Pressures

Athens Stock Exchange recorded marginal profits for week, as the General Index ended close to session’s low on Friday on a thin turnover of less than €80m.

Despite losses of 1.61% on Friday, banks recorded profits of more than 2% for week.

Weak trading activity and thin turnovers continue to concern market analysts, who note that Athens Exchange seems completely detached from the trends of the European indices.

They expect increased volatility to remain, while the short-term course has not been clarified, as the market failed to rebound decisively after a streak of seven consecutive downward sessions.

Additionally, analyst state that the domestic market remains vulnerable to pressures, particularly to a possible deterioration of foreign market sentiment, in the absence of any significant domestic catalyst, while investors maintain an avoid-risk stance.

The strong midweek upward reaction can be mainly attributed to technical characteristics, as the fundamental features of the market remain ominous, according to Pegasus Securities weekly report.

Pegasus considers Monday’s session to be crucial, as technically the General Index managed to steer clear off the simple 200-days moving average(1,550 units).

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1,531.12, down 1.36%, with intraday losses of 1.63%. Approximately 21.8 million units worth €76.7m were traded on Friday, while a total amount of 58 shares rose, 96 declined and 128 remained unchanged.

Banking index fell by 2.10%, at €1,254.69 units, with all of its shares ending in negative territory. Geniki Bank, ATEbank and Proton Bank retreated by 5.63%, 4.84% and 4.35% respectively, while Bank of Cyprus and Hellenic Postbank declined by 3.88% and 3.20% respectively. Attica Bank and Alpha Bank lost 2.97% and 2.52% respectively, while National Bank, Piraeus Bank, Eurobank and Marfin Popular Bank declined by more than 1.1%.

Across FTSE20, Motor Oil gained 1.54%, while Public Power Corp, Ellaktor and Jumbo rose by 0.67%, 0.32% and 0.20% respectively. Mytilineos remained unchanged, while MIG, OPAP and Hellenic Telecoms fell by 3.75%, 3.72% and 2.52% respectively.



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Grecia, debito con haircut non desiderabile -consigliere premier

venerdì 8 aprile 2011 16:48

WASHINGTON, 8 aprile (Reuters) - Il deficit della Grecia rispetto al Pil è sceso di almeno cinque punti percentuali l'anno scorso e una ristrutturazione del debito che comprenda perdite "haircut" per gli investitori non è né auspicabile né necessaria.
Lo ha detto Lucas Papademos, consulente chiave del Primo Ministro greco George Papandreou ed ex vice presidente della Banca centrale europea, in un forum a Washington.
Papademos ha aggiunto che il rapporto debito/Pil crescerà a oltre il 150% nei prossimi due anni, ma successivamente scenderà, mentre il rapporto deficit/pil a oltre il 10%.
"Gli sviluppi sul fronte del debito peggioreranno prima di migliorare, ma andrà meglio" ha detto presso il Centro di studi strategici e internazionali.
Papademos ha inoltre detto che il premier greco è decisamente impegnato alla realizzazione del programma di aggiustamento economico.
La Grecia - ha aggiunto - dovrà prendere altri provvedimenti quest'anno per ridurre il deficit.


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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude in ribasso dell'1,5%

MILANO (MF-DJ)--La Borsa di Atene chiude le contrattazioni con l'indice Ase in ribasso dell'1,5% a 1531,1 punti.
"Il volume di scambio e' stato molto contenuto, il che dimostra che gli investitori non stanno prendendo nessuna posizione", ha dichiarato un direttore delle vendite di una banca locale.
Titoli generalmente al ribasso con National Bank a -1,7%, Coca-Cola Hellenic in rosso del 0,8% e Opap a -3,7%, a causa delle preoccupazioni sui possibili ritardi da parte del governo nel varare la riforma sul gioco d'azzardo


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UPDATE 2-Greek PM adviser: more cuts needed to tame deficit

Fri Apr 8, 2011 1:22pm EDT

* Papandreou adviser backs completing austerity measures
* Debt restructuring with haircuts undesirable-Papademos
* Greek Debt-to-GDP ratio to keep rising, Papademos says (Adds details on other options for debt restructuring debate)

By David Lawder

WASHINGTON, April 8 (Reuters) - Greece's 2010 budget deficit likely exceeded 10 percent of gross domestic product, prompting the need for further austerity measures to reduce the country's budget gap, an adviser to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Friday.
"I don't know the final figure but I think it will be above 10 (percent of GDP)," said Lucas Papademos, who also is a former vice president of the European Central Bank.
His view agrees with Reuters' exclusive report on Thursday that Greece's deficit was higher than 10 percent of GDP significantly higher than previous estimates.

Greece had earlier forecast the budget gap at 9.4 percent of GDP. Its "troika" of official lenders -- the ECB, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund -- saw it at 9.6 percent.
Papademos told reporters at a Center for Strategic and International Studies forum in Washington that Greece should take additional actions this year to cut its deficit, even if it means a further hit to the economy in the near term.
"I think considering the magnitude of the problem, the additional adjustment required to offset the likely overage on the previous estimate should be done sooner rather than later," he said.


But he ruled out any Greek debt restructuring actions that would impose "haircut" losses on investors, saying these were unnecessary and undesirable. The negative effects on debt markets would likely outweigh any benefits from a reduced debt burden, he said.
Market concern has been growing that fiscal shortfalls and persistent economic weakness will push Greece into a restructuring. The IMF has voiced support for Greece's desire to avoid that and continue servicing its debt.
Papademos said his "first choice" on the subject of debt restructuring was to "do nothing" and fully implement Greece's austerity program, adding that Papandreou was committed to doing so. He said this may reduce activity in the short term, but it will create conditions for longer term growth.
The former ECB official declined to say what may be under consideration to restructure Greece's debt without imposing capital losses on investors, but alluded to the possibility of extending maturities.
"Debt restructuring can entail capital value losses for the holders of government debt." he said. "It can also involve a voluntary agreement to extend the maturity structure of the debt with terms and conditions that effectively do not result in any significant change in the net present value of the security."
Papademos declined to elaborate on how the latter option might be achieved.
The substantial reductions in annual deficits, even if increased, will not be sufficient to rein in Greece's overall public debt accumulation, he added. This will increase its total debt-to-GDP ratio to over 150 percent by the end of 2011 and more by the end of 2012.

However, the ratio can eventually decline if the austerity measures are implemented fully and consistently.
"Although developments on the debt front will get worse before they get better, they will get better," he added.

Il report "esclusivo" della Reuter sullo sforamento di bilancio, i lettori del nostro forum lo conoscevano già dalla lettura precedente del "Kathimerini"...
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Alla prossima Pattayamarathon, per riconoscerci, vestiti cosi':

Ma quella e' una maschera di Halloween, probabilmente indossata da una bargirl.


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Le chiusure di ieri hanno delineato la situazione che si è andata configurando durante la settimana.
Una tenuta sostanziale degli ellenici intorno ai massimi del periodo, un andamento incerto degli irlandesi ed una perdita costante di terreno da parte dei lusitani.
Il clima rimane teso, ma riuscendo a circoscrivere l'incendio si potrà procedere con migliore attenzione.
La scommessa rimane sempre la Spagna: riuscirà ad uscire dalle spirali della speculazione?

Grecia 942 pb. (945)
Irlanda 598 pb. (609)
Portogallo 541 pb. (530)
Spagna 177 pb. (182)
Italia 128 pb. (133)
Belgio 82 pb. (82)


Forumer attivo
Le istituzioni (Bce e i governi del 17 paesi dell'Ue) rassicurano sul futuro stato di salute dell'eurozona. Ma tra investitori ed esperti si moltiplicano le Cassandre. A tal punto che secondo il 59% di un panel di 1.000 investitori, analisti ed esperti interpellati dall'agenzia Bloomberg, proprio nel giorno in cui nella cittadina svizzera di Davos si apre il World economic forum, è convinto che entro il 2016 Grecia e Irlanda andranno in default (nonostante i vari aiuti) e almeno uno dei 17 paesi avrà il benservito dall'Unione europea perché non più in grado di rispettare i paletti di appartenenza.
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