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Chinese clout seen in Brazil, Greece, Spain meetings

Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:58am GMT

* Brazil, Greece, Spain ministers in China for trade, investment
* Brazil to push for more balanced trade, less talk on yuan
* Greek minister says China helping itself by buying Greek bonds (Adds byline, bullet points)

By Simon Rabinovitch

BEIJING, April 12 (Reuters) - China's growing global economic footprint was on display on Tuesday, with a Greek minister saying Beijing will help his country overcome its debt crisis and a Brazilian official brandishing a big jet order from Chinese airlines.
A parade of foreign leaders are in China this week to attend a summit of BRICS countries -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- and the Boao business forum on the southern Chinese island of Hainan.
Even before those get underway, a series of important bilateral meetings were set for Tuesday with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Greek Investment Minister Harris Pamboukis all in Beijing.
The visits revealed the divergent paths of nations in the wake of the global financial crisis and China's surge to prominence as a partner and a competitor.
Brazil has been a major beneficiary of China's voracious appetite for commodities, but its manufacturers have grown alarmed at a wave of Chinese imports.
That will likely be on Rousseff's mind when she pushes Beijing to buy more value-added goods from Brazil instead of just soaking up its commodities, whilst gently broaching the subject of an undervalued yuan.

In a deal that looked to be aimed at countering some of those worries among Brazilian manufacturers, Chinese airlines placed orders for 35 jets from Brazilian aircraft maker Embraer SA on Tuesday.
On the other side of the ledger are countries like Spain and Greece, beset by a mountain of debt, who have turned to China as a potential buyer of government bonds.
Those hopes were underscored by Greek Investment Minister Pamboukis in an interview with China's 21st Century Business Herald newspaper, published on Tuesday.
"(China's) purchase of Greek bonds will help our economy overcome the crisis and regain the confidence of the international market," he said, according to a Chinese-language transcript. "It will also help the stability of the euro zone. A stable euro zone will also help the stability of the Chinese economy."
He said Greece would open its transport, tourism, telecommunications and banking sectors to Chinese investors.
But China is no reluctant white knight. With an estimated one quarter of its $2.85 trillion in foreign exchange reserves invested in the euro , China is loath to see the euro zone and its currency fail.
As such, China has repeatedly pledged its support and confidence in Europe's ability to pull through the crisis, going so far as to say it had already bought Greek and Spanish debt and would buy more if need be.
Beijing has never disclosed its holdings or planned purchases.
In October, Premier Wen Jiabao said China had already bought Greek bonds and was preparing to buy more when Athens restarted fundraising.
Media reports in Spain and Portugal that said China was prepared to buy between 4-6 billion euros of debt from each of the European countries were never confirmed by Beijing.


Ragionevolmente positivi: apettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, cedole immutate, scadenze immutate, eventuale coinvolgimento volontario investitori.
Moderatamente positivi: aspettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, con eventuale taglio cedola o allungamento scadenze attuato utilizzando qualche cavillo, senza dichiarare default; coinvolgimento investitori certo anche involontario.
Equidistanti o gruppo di centro: possibili scenari di riduzione del valore nominale del titolo, della cedola, allungamento scadenze, coinvolgimento involontario investitore, fino al default pilotato.

Io, se serve, mi colloco quì: Moderatamente positivi: aspettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, probabile allungamento scadenze, senza dichiarare default.


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Greece must tough it out, says EU President Rompuy

Belgian, due in Athens on Tuesday, urges Greeks to give reforms time


European Council President Herman Van Rompuy says the current discussion about Greece restructuring its debt is “academic” and has urged Athens to continue with “unavoidable” reforms rather than expect to discover “magic solutions” to its debt crisis.
Speaking to Kathimerini ahead of his visit to Athens on Tuesday, when he is scheduled to meet with Prime Minister George Papandreou during a crucial week for the government, the European Union’s figurehead said that the debate over whether Greece should restructure its debt should not distract the government from making necessary changes.
I am aware of the ongoing academic discussion over restructuring public debt, but in the real world there are no magic solutions,” he said. “Greece has only been implementing its program for 10 months and we have to allow time for the reforms to bring results.”
Van Rompuy pointed to the time when he was Belgium’s budget minister and his country managed to reduce its public debt from 130 percent of gross domestic product to 114 between 1995 and 1999 as an example for Greece to follow. The EU president said that Belgium managed to reduce its debt to 84 percent of GDP thanks to even tighter economic management.
“This proves that with decisiveness and time, major financial adjustments are possible,” he said. “The reforms will put the Greek economy in a good condition and will prepare the country to be competitive on the globalized market.”
Van Rompuy described the reforms, which include drastic public sector spending cuts, as “painful but necessary,” but said it was vital the Greek people should not feel angry or alienated.
“If people feel that the burden falls mainly on the shoulders of the usual suspects - families, workers and small businesses - there is a danger of a political backlash,” said the Belgian. “It is vital that we offer people some hope and that we convince them the sacrifices they are making today are necessary for a better tomorrow.”
Van Rompuy’s visit comes at a crucial time for the government as it is due to present finalized plans of its economic policy between 2012 and 2015 and for its privatization program this week.
This will take place against a backdrop of considerable upheaval within the ruling PASOK party. Papandreou is set to chair a meeting of PASOK’s parliamentary group on Wednesday, when he is likely to try and quell any rebellion within the Socialist party and urge MPs to pull together.

ekathimerini.com , Monday April 11, 2011 (22:43)

Parole di sostegno da Van Rompuy, ma la situazione rimane tesa.


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Io, se serve, mi colloco quì: Moderatamente positivi: aspettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, probabile allungamento scadenze, senza dichiarare default.
Buongiorno, lup1051, se vai a leggere l'ultimo aggiornamento, ieri ore 22,10 ti trovi collocato nel gruppo dei moderatamente positivi con il diminutivo lup. Grazie comunque per aver specificato ancora il tuo parere; chiaramente fai parte di quelli che hanno investimenti in grecia...
Rinnovo l'invito a formulare un parere anche ai forumisti che ci leggono ma che non hanno investito o a coloro che hanno disinvestito.


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Greek bond market closing report

The yield spread between the 10-year Greek and German benchmark bonds widened to 942 basis points in the Greek electronic secondary bond market on Monday, from 930 bps on Friday, with the Greek bond yielding 12.9 pct and the German Bund 3.48 pct. Turnover in the market was a low 34 million euros, of which 32 million were sell orders and the remaining 2.0 million euros were buy orders. The 12-month Treasury bill was the most heavily traded security with a turnover of 12 million euros.

In interbank markets, interest rates moved higher. The 12-month rate was 2.01 pct, the six-month rate was 1.61 pct, the three-month 1.31 pct and the one-month rate 1.11 pct.


L'andamento del mercato greco.


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Retailers: Sales boosted during journalists' strike

(ANA-MPA) -- A four-day journalists' strike over the previous weekend was a "breath of fresh air" for retail sales, according to an announcement by the Piraeus Merchants Association on Monday.

The association asserted that the four-day break from the news helped boost consumers' spirits and made them were more willing to splash out on shopping.

The announcement said the strike had given people a "rest" from worry about impending "economic Armageddon" and urged journalists to "continue their valuable work in reporting events but without unnecessary and incomprehensible exaggerations, which unfortunately lead consumers to pessimism and restraint that benefits no one".


L'ignorante vive meglio ... :-o


GGB: Est!, Est?, Est.....
Ragionevolmente positivi: aspettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, cedole immutate, scadenze immutate, eventuale coinvolgimento volontario investitori.
Moderatamente positivi
: aspettativa di avere 100 a scadenza, con eventuale taglio cedola o allungamento scadenze attuato utilizzando qualche cavillo, senza dichiarare default; coinvolgimento investitori certo anche involontario.
Equidistanti o gruppo di centro
: possibili scenari di riduzione del valore nominale del titolo, della cedola, allungamento scadenze, coinvolgimento involontario investitore, fino al default pilotato.
Ragionevolmente negativi
: default, riduzione fino al 70% del valore nominale dei titoli
grazie per il parere, che mi pare vada a formare un nuovo gruppo, quello dei moderatamente negativi.
da un anno traffico sui bond ellenici, ho comprato/venduto varie scadenze, ora sono concentrato sulla 2019 ed un po' di 2018 e 2014
molto sinteticamente:
ragionevolmente positivo :up:
Ultima modifica:

Comandante Gerard

Forumer storico
Buongiorno, lup1051, se vai a leggere l'ultimo aggiornamento, ieri ore 22,10 ti trovi collocato nel gruppo dei moderatamente positivi con il diminutivo lup. Grazie comunque per aver specificato ancora il tuo parere; chiaramente fai parte di quelli che hanno investimenti in grecia...
Rinnovo l'invito a formulare un parere anche ai forumisti che ci leggono ma che non hanno investito o a coloro che hanno disinvestito.

Mi associo ai moderatamente negativi; una ristrutturazione in qualche modo ci sarà, bisogna essere realisti, ma non credo in haircut pesanti.
Tutto sommato mi auguro anch'io una ristrutturazione stile uruguay...
non ho un granché di ggb, sono in perdita ma li ho voluti tenere...si va a vedere!


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Da una decina di minuti lo spread è ritornato nell'abituale trading-range a 944 pb.
La chiusura alta di ieri rimane, probabilmente, un caso episodico.
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