Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (5 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Comunque, perlomeno a parole, il governo greco non arretra di un millimetro....vedremo poi i fatti....:rolleyes:

Aldilà di tutto, il 2010 si è chiusto con lo scostamento di 1% sul PIL, dovuto al pesante clima di recessione cresciuto oltre le stime.
Ma guardiamo cosa si è fatto ...

Al momento, mi risulta estremamente difficile analizzare come si chiuderà il 2011: conosciamo la forte ripresa dell'export, seguita da una ripresa del settore industriale ma sappiamo anche che i disoccupati crescono... Penso che la stagione estiva ci riserverà piacevoli sorprese. Inoltre con l'avvio delle privatizzazioni conto su un ritorno degli investimenti esteri.
Come dicevo prima è prematuro tirare ora conclusioni, non mi nascondo le terribili difficoltà ma rimango positivo.
Nel brevissimo periodo non vedo tutto questo allarmismo, troppe le vicende sul tavolo da risolvere a livello europeo e nessuna urgenza alle porte ...
La Grecia rimane ben coperta.


Forumer storico
Stavo proprio pensando alle spese militari della Grecia....non so dove gli avevo letti e nemmeno se attuali ma ricordo un report che stimava attorno ai 14 miliardi di $ le spese militari annue che si riferivano al 4% del pil....25 milioni di risparmio mi sembrano pochi di questi tempi, meglio poco che niente ma credo che nella situazione in cui si trova la Grecia le spese militari si dovrebbero tagliare con un grosso macete!!

Le spese militari sono correlate alla diatriba Grecia/Turchia, alla questione di Cipro.
Un rasserenamento dei rapporti passa attraverso un risparmio delle spese.
La UE dovrebbe maggiormente farsi carico di questa questione.
E' caduto il muro di Berlino ma non quello a Nicosia.


Forumer storico
Deficit Of Trade Balance Dropped By 14.8%

The total value of imports-arrivals, excluding oil products, in February 2011 amounted to 2644.0 million euros (3597.8 million dollars) in comparison with 3102.4 million euros (4233.0 million dollars) in February 2010, recording a drop of 14.8%, according to provisional data, said the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

The total value of exports-dispatches, excluding oil products, in February 2011 amounted to 1180.9 million euros (1616.6 million dollars) in comparison with 1019.8 million euros (1399.8 million dollars) in February 2010, recording an increase of 15.8%.

The deficit of the trade balance, excluding oil products, in February 2011 amounted to 1463.1 million euros (1981.2 million dollars) in comparison with 2082.6 million euros (2833.1 million dollars) in February 2010 recording a drop of 29.7%.

The total value of imports-arrivals, excluding oil products, for the 2-month period from January to February 2011 amounted to 5118.0 million euros (6892.9 million dollars) in comparison with 6162.6 million euros (8587.3 million dollars) for the corresponding period of 2010, recording a drop of 17.0%.

The total value of exports-dispatches, excluding oil products, for the 2-month period from January to February 2011 amounted to 2336.5 million euros (3165.1 million dollars) in comparison with 1944.0 million euros (2722.6 million dollars) for the corresponding period of 2010, recording an increase of 20.2%.

The deficit of the Trade Balance, excluding oil products, for the 2-month period from January to February 2011 amounted to 2781.5 million euros (3727.8 million dollars) in comparison with 4218.6 million euros (5864.7 million dollars) for the corresponding period of the year 2010, recording a drop of 34.1%.


Il dato è, molto probabilmente, condizionato dalla spirale recessiva.
Ma i fatti sono questi: il deficit della bilancia commerciale è in calo.


Forumer storico
ASE Posts Small Losses, Turnover Stays Very Low

The trading activity in the Athens Stock Exchange remained weak on Tuesday, after a four-day break of the trading.

With the turnover below €42m, the General Index recorded marginal losses in the wake of the revision of 2010 state deficit and amid rise of Greek bond spreads and CDS.

The announcement of Greece’s 2010 deficit could set the tone for this week, said Marfin Analysis in its morning report, adding that “better visibility vis-à-vis government’s medium term fiscal and privatisation plans could gradually improve sentiment if targets and the way to reach them are considered achievable.”

Analysts note that the trading activity is expected to rise gradually in the coming period, however they estimate that the weakness in the Greek board will hardly change until the details of the new fiscal medium-term package are revealed, showing concrete evidence regarding the fate of Greek debt.

They also state that the domestic market continues to move differentiated by the course of international markets and a possible strengthening of turnover would probably trigger volatility.

Across the board, the General Index ended at 1,425.57 units, down 0.40%, after sign alternations into a narrow margin of 16 units or 1.11%. Approximately 11.41units worth €41.81m were traded on Tuesday, while a total amount of 58 shares declined, 62 rose and 162 remained unchanged.

Banks ended at 1,060.24 units, down 0.60%. Only Eurobank, Geniki Bank and Bank of Cyprus ended in green, posting small profits of 0.88%, 0.79% and 0.43% respectively. On the other hand, ATEBank fell by 2.13%, while Piraeus Bank, Proton Bank and National Bank declined by 1.80%, 1.75% and 1.30% respectively.



Umile contadino
Le spese militari sono correlate alla diatriba Grecia/Turchia, alla questione di Cipro.
Un rasserenamento dei rapporti passa attraverso un risparmio delle spese.
La UE dovrebbe maggiormente farsi carico di questa questione.
E' caduto il muro di Berlino ma non quello a Nicosia.
Infatti vedi che tutto è collegato e i nodi vengono al pettine....questa annosa situazione doveva già essere stata risolta con gli accordi per far entrare la Turchia in Europa ma anche qui siamo ancora nel limbo....troppa lentezza, troppa lentezza!!!


Utente Senior
Nonostante il continuo crollo verticale,nessuno Bce o Fmi ,dice una parola concreta,ma l'euro si apprezza fino a quasi 1,47.Vorrei sapere, qual'è la percentuale di bond,nei portafogli delle banche.

banche europee 30 mrd eur
insurance 15 mrd eur
fondi pensioni / non euro / privati 120 mrd eur

Questo secondo UBS
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -0,4% in seduta poco mossa

MILANO (MF-DJ)--Dopo la pausa per le festivita' pasquali la borsa di Atene ha vissuto una giornata transitoria caratterizzata da un basso volume di scambi e ha concluso la seduta con l'indice Ase in calo dello 0,4% a 1425,57 punti.
In ribasso la maggior parte dei titoli principali con National Bank e Opap che hanno registrato flessioni rispettivamente dell'1,3% e dell'1,4%.


Forumer storico
Rehn: Debt restructuring only temporary relief

Updated: 17:19, Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Olli Rehn - Loan guarantees averted Lehman-like crisis

Debt restructuring for Ireland would only give temporary relief and would not help to permanently balance the budget, EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn has reportedly said.
Finnish media reported Mr Rehn as having said that extending loan guarantees to debt-ridden European nations is the best way to avoid a meltdown of euro zone financial stability.
Speaking at an event organised by Finnish pro-EU organisation Euroklubi, Mr Rehn said that the guarantees were the best way to avoid a financial meltdown like the crisis sparked by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the United States.
'If we can avoid another crisis like the Lehman situation with financial guarantees, as we have succeeded in doing so far, then the risks associated with loan and guarantee decisions have been in Finland's best interests,' he said.
Finland's position on whether to extend guarantees to Portugal remains unclear since a party hostile to the bailout plans, the True Finns, rose to become the third largest in 17 April elections, and the government has not decided yet on whether to approve the rescue package.
Mr Rehn also said that debt restructuring for Greece, Ireland, or Portugal would only give temporary relief but would not help these countries permanently balance their budgets.


Le garanzie sul prestito sarebbero un'ottimo argomento.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Van Rompuy: Greek debt sustainable

The opinion that Greece's public debt is sustainable and should not be restructured was repeated by European Council President Herman van Rompuy in an interview published by the Belgian newspaper "De Standaard" on Tuesday.

According to the former Belgian premier, a restructuring of Greek debt was not inevitable and he criticised "impatient" economic pundits for rushing to predict the country's failure and not giving enough time for measures to kick in, noting that Belgium had been given seven years to tame a deficit of 7.5 percent in the 90s and Sweden eight years to tackle its own deficit problems in the late 80s and early 90s.

He voiced the opinion that Greece's debt would be "tolerable" if the country were given enough time to deal with it and stressed that Greeks were not letting things take their course but were pushing through major reforms that included a 50 billion euro privatisation plan that he described as "gigantic" for such a small country.

According to Van Rompuy, the benefits of restructuring would not offset its disadvantages while he said the severity and rapid pace of the reforms was unavoidable, despite the blow to consumer sentiment, in order to restore the blow to market confidence inflicted by revelations that Greek statistics had been 'doctored'.

He also pointed out that the loans to Greece were not a case of European solidarity, stressing that they were not gifts and that tax-payers would actually gain as a result, since the interest on the loans to Greece was higher than the interest they paid on loans to create the European financial support fund.



Forumer storico
EU Commission: Upward revision of Greek deficit due to changed Eurostat rules

Amadeu Altafaj, the spokesman for European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Olli Rehn, on Tuesday said that the upward revision of Greece's deficit for 2010 was the result of a change in Eurostat's rules for calculating member-state public deficit figures.

Pointing to similar upward revisions for several eurozone countries, Altafaj also noted that for the first time after many years Eurostat had last November and then again on Tuesday confirmed the figures given by the Greek statistical authority.

Asked how the increase in the public deficit figure would affect Greece's fiscal policy for 2011, Altafaj said that this would be addressed in the spring economic forecasts released by the European Commission in May.

He underlined the Commission's absolute confidence in the Greek government's determination to implement the "ambitious" and "balanced" economic programme presented on April 15, in which the Greek government pledged spending cuts amounting to three billion euro during 2011 and 26 billion euro by 2015, combined with a 50 billion euro privatisation programme.

The spokesman was fairly optimistic concerning the impact of the programme and said that the social cost for Greece would have been much greater if the measures had not been taken.

Altafaj noted that the programme had already had an immediate positive impact on a social level, such as by reducing prices for medication, and was expected to increase the competitiveness of the Greek economy in the medium term, with the latest Eurostat figures pointing to a gradual levelling-off in the Greek recession.

Finally, he denied any plans by Rehn to visit Athens in the coming weeks.

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