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Hellenic Petroleum workers call 10-day strike

Mon May 2, 2011 7:05am GMT

ATHENS May 2 (Reuters) - Workers at Greece's biggest refiner Hellenic Petroleum (HEPr.AT: Quote) called a 10-day strike over wage increases but a company spokesman said on Monday that Hellenic would ask a court to declare the planned walkout illegal.
"A 10-day strike from May 6... to May 16 was decided," the the company's labour union federation said in a statement.
Company spokesman Evangelos Stranis told Reuters that Hellenic would challenge the decision in court.


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UPDATE 1-Hellenic Petroleum workers to resume strike

Mon May 2, 2011 3:31am EDT

* 10-day strike to start May 6
* Company will ask court to declare strike illegal
* Hellenic Petrol workers demand higher wages
* Strike to affect all of company's three Greek refineries
(Adds strike details, comments)

ATHENS, May 2 (Reuters) - Workers at Greece's biggest refiner Hellenic Petroleum (HEPr.AT) said they will resume a strike suspended last month after they failed to reach a wage deal with management.
The 10-day walkout is planned to begin on May 6 and will affect all of the company's three refineries, which combined represent about two-thirds of total refining production in Greece.
But a company spokesman said on Monday that Hellenic will ask a court to declare the walkout illegal under Greek law.
"The company will take all legal measures to defend its interests as well as the interests of its shareholders and of consumers," spokesman Evangelos Stranis told Reuters.
Hellenic's labour union and management have been holding fruitless wage talks for weeks, which last month led to a brief strike that was suspended. The labour union demands wage increases in line with euro zone inflation.
Management said it was ready to negotiate about the demand, on condition that labour unions also accept linking part of the salary to productivity and extending the working week to 40 hours from 38 hours.
"We will primarily seek to defend the proper interests of workers because the labour union's demands are leading to an impasse and are not realistic," Stranis said.


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ATEbank: Press Release

The Share Capital Increase and the Restructuring Plan Marks the beginning of the new course of ATEbank Group.

ATEbank΄s Annual Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders approved today a share capital increase by € 1,259.5 million through a rights issue.

The strengthening of the Bank΄s capital base, coupled with the on-going implementation of the Restructuring Plan, inaugurate a new phase of development for ATEbank Group.

The share capital increase, which is fully subscribed and has the support of the Greek Government, is expected to restore the Group΄s capital adequacy ratios and enhance it against future risks. Proceeds of the amount of €675 million will be used for the redemption of the preference shares held by the Greek Government, while the remaining amount of €585 million after the rights issue costs will be a net inflow of funds necessary to restore the Group΄s capital adequacy.

As for the Restructuring Plan, its central aim is to safeguard ATEbank΄s long term viability by transforming it into a productive and competitive organization which, having a strong capital base, will offer only financial products and services.

The Restructuring Plan includes measures relating mainly to assets deleveraging, operating expenses reduction, credit policy strengthening, loans-in-arrears control and to organizational and operational improvements.

ATEbank Governor, Mr. Theodoros Pantalakis, stressed that through the share capital increase, "we will remain focused on the successful implementation of the on-going Restructuring Plan so as to bring back the Group to a sound development path, thus, ensuring its viability to the benefit of its shareholders, employees and the Greek economy".




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Greek FinMin: Don΄t Need To Restructure Debt

Greek Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou told French daily Liberation that Greece doesn΄t need to restructure its debt, but it should seek an extension for the repayment of the €110b bailout from international lenders, and renegotiate to cut the yield on the debt, according to Dow Jones.

"We keep thinking that the Greek debt is sustainable," Papakonstantinou said in an interview. "Better extend the timing for the reimbursement of the €110b we΄ve borrowed from our partners and that we lower the interest rate."

Papaκonstantinou told the newspaper that the average yield on Greek debt is 4.7%, and called it "bearable", while he expect the economy to recover in the third quarter and fourth quarters of this year, and that the government is eyeing sustained growth of up to 3%-4%.


Qualche dato in più rispetto alle dichiarazioni del Ministro delle Finanze.


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EFSF Regling: No Country Will Veto Portugal Aid Package - Report

PARIS (Dow Jones) - No country will veto the bailout plan for Portugal, Klaus Regling, the head of the European Financial Stability Facility, tells French daily Les Echos in an interview Monday.
"Unanimity is necessary to make a decision on the aid package for Portugal, as well as to boost the resources of the EFSF. We can imagine a country abstaining, but a veto is impossible," he says.
While no decision has yet been made on the Portuguese bailout package, the International Monetary Fund should contribute up to a third of the total amount, as it did for Ireland, he says, adding that no country has made any bilateral loan offers.
About 10% of the loan will be used to support the country's banks, a figure comparable with the rescue package for Greece, Regling says.
As for Greece, Regling says that the restructuring of the country's debt should only be considered as a measure of last resort, because it would create long-term confidence problems and would affect the continent's banking sector.
"The Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF are persuaded that the plan of budget consolidation can be successful without restructuring the debt," Regling tells the newspaper. "Such an operation, which wouldn't have a direct impact on the EFSF because it didn't lend money to Greece, must be envisaged only as a last resort, because it would not come without problems: in the free market economy, contracts must be fulfilled, or one runs the risk of destabilizing property rights. Also, there would be new costs to support, in particular for European banks."
Regling suggests the Greek government should accelerate privatizations and increase the pace of budget consolidation.
Regarding Spain, Regling says he's convinced the country will be a dam against sovereign debt contagion, rather than the next pawn to fall.
"I don't see a big risk there," he tells Les Echos. "The money that could be necessary to sustain the Spanish banking sector shouldn't exceed 10% of GDP."
Ultima modifica:


New Membro
Greek FinMin: Don΄t Need To Restructure Debt

while he expect the economy to recover in the third quarter and fourth quarters of this year, and that the government is eyeing sustained growth of up to 3%-4%.

ai ai....
Brutte notizie....se EU e WB etc prevedono recessione e questi basano il budgeting su previsioni del genere....col cavolo che i tedeschi gli danno i soldi....
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